Son of William and Ann Bench. His obituary states that his parents and siblings came together.
Robert Wimmer Company (1852) Age at Departure: 14
Traveled with
Ann Longman Bench (Age: 44)
William Bench (Age: 37)
William Bench (Age: 11)
George Edward Bench (Age: 9)
Martha Bench (Age: 5)
Mary Bench (Age: 5)
According to the History of Sanpete and Emery Counties, Utah by W.H. Lever (1898) -
John L. Bench was Assistant Recorder in the Manti Temple, and also kept a small store in Manti selling books, stationery, notions, etc.
During the Walker War in the 1850s, the family was living in Mt. Pleasant, Utah, and John was in the saddle, helping to protect the settlements.
He was also orderly sergeant of Company B, Manti division of the Nauvoo Legion.
In 1869, he was elected Alderman, served one term, was member of city Council, 1889-90; also County Assessor and Collector one year.
He was active in the (LDS) church, serving as assistant superintendent to W.K. Barton, the first Superintendent of Sunday Schools in Manti, and for twelve years was superintendent of the South Ward Sunday School.
He served a mission to England in 1882, returning in the fall of 1884.
1838 |
June 28, 1838
Sheepwash, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom
July 3, 1838
1864 |
October 19, 1864
Manti, Sanpete, UT, United States
1868 |
October 3, 1868
1870 |
February 19, 1870
Manti, Sanpete County, Utah, United States
1872 |
August 16, 1872
1876 |
January 13, 1876