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About Jenny Loewy
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:
- Loewy, Jenny
- geb. Wreschner
- geboren am 18. Dezember 1893
- in Samter (poln. Szamotuly)/Posen
- wohnhaft in Breslau und
- in Frankfurt a. Main
- ab Frankfurt a. Main
- 19. Oktober 1941, Litzmannstadt (Lodz), Ghetto
Jenny Loewy nee Wreschner was born in Germany in 1893 to Yaakov and Rebecka nee Goldschmid. Prior to WWII she lived in Breslau and Frankfurt Am Main, Germany. During the war she was in Frankfurt, Germany. Jenny perished in Lodz, Poland, at the age of 51.
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Jenny Loewy's Timeline
1893 |
December 18, 1893
Samter | Szamotuły, Großpolen, Prussia now Poland
1917 |
January 19, 1917
1918 |
November 10, 1918
Rawicz, Germany/Poland
1920 |
January 10, 1920
Breslau, Germany
1941 |
October 1941
Age 47
Lodz Ghetto (murdered by Nazis)
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