Historical records matching Jannetje Jans
Immediate Family
About Jannetje Jans
Not a proven daughter of Jan Everts Bout
Jannetje was born before 1617. Location is seen as Barneweld, Barrevelt, Gelderland, Netherlands. She married "Skipper" Juriaen Andrieszen before the mid-1630's. they had at least four children, baptized approximately 1635-1649. Juriaen died before November 1754 and in that month she married Thomas Lambertson at the Reformed Church, New York City.
Disputed Origins
Jannetje was not the daughter of Jan Evertson Bout and may have even been from Sweden.
It has been suggested that "Jannetje Jans", born 1614 in Holland, was a daughter of Jan Evertsen and Tryntje Symons...given the parents accepted birth dates, this relationship is highly suspicious. The parents would have been about 11 years of age at ther birth. Further, janetje Jans son's first wife Annetje Praa latter married Jan Evertsen.... something strange here.
1. Juriaen Andriessen (abt. 1607 - 1654) married 1635 in New Amsterdam, New Netherland.
- Lijsbet Jeuriaens (abt. 1636 - bef. 1663). Wife of 1) Henricks Grevenraet 2) Samuel Drisius, (or Dries)
- Engeltie Jeuriaens (abt. 1643 - abt. 1712). Wife of Jacobus (d'Water) van de Water.
- Andries Juriaensen Andriessen (bef. 1649 - 1681). Husband of Annetje Pieterse Praa.
2. Thomas Lambertsz VanNaerden, (bef. 1625) married 17 Nov 1654 in RDC New Amsterdam.
- Lysbeth Thomas (1656). Wife of Jacob (Jorrissen)
From https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Thomas-7136
"Jannetje Jans Bout married the father of my Lysbeth Thomas in 1655, and so then Lysbeth Thomas was born as their only child together in 1656."
Juriaen Andriessen and his wife Jannetje Jans (Bout) resided in a house, #4 Pearl Street, built in 1649; said house was located on the corner of State and Pearl Streets in Manhattan, on the site of the present Cheeseborough Building, built in 1899. #4 Pearl Street was bought after his death and mortgaged by his wife and new husband to clear the estate in favor of the child heirs. She had remarried to Tomas Lambensen, of Naerden on November 27, 1654.
These quotations are from Wardell, Early Bergen County Families:
7 Dec 1654 -- Isaack Greveraer [Grevenraet], as husband and guardian of Lysbet Juriaensen, daughter of Skipper Juriaen Andriessen deceased, and Daniel Litschoe as guardian of the son of the aforesaid, request, by pettition, as the said skipper Juryaen Andriessen’s widow is about to marry again, and the two proclamations have been made, that guardians may be appointed by the Court, to proceed according to circumstances for the rights of the children in the father’s estate. The request being just, the Burgomasters and Schepens of this City, select as guardians the said Daniel Litschoe and Jacob Strycker, who are hereby required and authorized, to proceed according to equity and proof of the just claims of the children of the aforesaid Jannetie Jans in the matter of their patrimony and to cause the same to be recorded, and confirmed at the Secretary’s pffice of this City, so that it may be found for all time. Daniel Litschoe and Jacob Strycker being called into Court, and being unprovided with any excuse, the said Litschoe and Strycker accepted the same and promised the Court to act honestly therein.1
18 Dec 1654 -- Jannetje Jans, widow of Skipper Juryaan Andriesen, asknowledges to owe her minor children, Engeltie and Andries Juryaens, 666 Caolus guilders, 30 stivers, 35 pennies, their paternal ingeritance.2
No. 4 Pearl Street
Tomas Lambertsen, of Naerden, married Jannetje Jans, widow of Skipper Juriaen Andriessen, and with her acquired the house which his predecessor had built. The widow's determination to remarry, evidenced by the license of November 27, 1654, alarmed her daughter, Lysbet, the wife of Isaac Greveraet. On the 7th of December, Greveraet and Daniel Litschoe, guardians of the skipper's young son, appealed to the court, as the "widow is about to marry again, and the two proclamations have been made," to have the just claims of the minor children in the matter of their patrimony" recorded, and confirmed at the Secretary's office of this City, so that it may be found for all time." Daniel Litschoe and Jacob Strycker were selected by the court, "and being unprovided with any excuse . . . accepted the same and promised the Court to act honestly therein."-Rec. N. Am., I: 270. On the next court day, the question arose as to "whether the house and lot, furniture etc., should be appraised or sold by auction: or whether the widow shall agree to the purchase of the children's father's property." Isaak Greveraet was also concerned as to whether his wife was to share in the inheritance" in addition and together with the [marriage] outfit." (He and Lysbet had only been married since the spring of 1652.) The burgomasters referred him "to the Custom and written law of the Fatherland."-Ibid., 273.
Finally, on the 18th of December, 1654, the widow was allowed to purchase the house, on condition that it "shall be hypothecated in the Secretary's office of this City, before two Schepens."-Ibid., I: 275. That very day, Jannetje acknowledged that she owed her minor children, Engeltie and Andries, "six hundred and Sixty six Carolus guilders, thirty stivers and five and one-third pence," their paternal inheritance.-Mortgages, 1654- 1660, trans. by O'Callaghan, 1-2. She mortgaged the house as security.-Idemo Greveraet and his wife pressed their claim, too. On May 10, 1655, Lambertsen placed another mort- gage on the house, in favour of Isaac Greveraet, to secure Lysbet her portion, of 352 guilders. -Ibid., 1-2, 4.
Lambertsen was really more interested in his affairs at Breuckelen than in New Amsterdam (Cal. Hist. MSS., Dutch, 247), although he retained this property until July 26,1684.- Liber Deeds, XIII: 53.
- Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy: Jun 9 2019, 23:21:46 UTC
- Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy: Jun 9 2019, 23:30:42 UTC
- Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy: Aug 8 2019, 21:26:09 UTC
- https://family.laurenparlett.com/getperson.php?personID=P914&tree=1
- https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Jans-4
- < 4 Pearl Street, NYC - street view >
Jannetje Jans's Timeline
1614 |
Sweden or, Netherlands
1636 |
New Amsterdam, New Netherland Colony, Colonial America
1645 |
New Amsterdam, New York
1649 |
December 19, 1649
New Amsterdam, New Netherland Colony
1656 |
April 26, 1656
Flatbush, New Netherlands Colony
1658 |
May 26, 1658
New Amsterdam, New Netherland
1682 |
October 25, 1682
Age 68
Brooklyn, Kings, New York Colony, British Colonial America