In 1713, James Widney was one of four Commissioners for "a people in Trewgh [Trough], a part of the congregation of Kinaird, in the Prebry [Presbytery] of Monaghan", asking the General Synod of the Presbyterian Church to be erected into a new, separate congregation. The request was granted, and the new congregation, "also known by the name of Glasslough", was officially named Glennan. Source: History of Congregations of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, Rev. W. D. Killen, D.D., Belfast and Edinburgh (1886), p. 153.
James Woodney of Killymurry, County Monaghan. died about 1740, as evidenced by will indices extracted at the website of the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland: Source: http://applications.proni.gov.uk/DCAL_PRONI_ProniNames/ResultDetail....
1680 |
Monaghan, Monaghan, Ireland
1700 |
1740 |
Age 60
Killymurry, Monaghan, Ireland