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James Veatch (1690 - 1762)

Also Known As: "James Veatch Sen."
Birthplace: Charles County, Province of Maryland
Death: April 20, 1762 (67-76)
Hanover, Anne Arundel County, Province of Maryland
Immediate Family:

Son of Nathan Veatch and Ann Veatch Weaver
Husband of Rachel Veatch
Father of Nathan Veatch; Daniel Veatch; Ninian Veatch; James Veatch, II; John Veatch and 4 others
Brother of Jeane LNU Conn; John Veatch; Elizabeth Veatch Trail and Mary Masters
Half brother of Ann Weaver Davis; Richard Weaver, III; George Weaver and David Weaver

Occupation: Carpenter
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About James Veatch

Not a documented husband of Rachel Beall


Two or more Rachels are often confused but should not be! See also Research Notes below.

  • Rachel ferch Robert, born Wales 1662, married Richard Owings in Wales, around 1683. Immigrated with Owings first to Pennsylvania then to Anne Arundel County, Maryland, then to Baltimore County, Maryland.
  • Rachel Beall, daughter of Ninian Beall, born Calvert County, Maryland, say, 1679. Rachel Beall was still single in 1706; may not have ever married anyone.
  • A Rachel Beale married a Richard Owings on 4 April 1698 in Dorchester County, Maryland. [1] This does not appear to be Rachel Beall, daughter of Ninian, who was still single in 1706, and it does not appear to be Richard Owings, husband of Rachel Roberts, who was already married long before this.
  • Rachel Beall whose name at birth is really unknown, married James Offutt by about 1725. Her year of birth has been estimated variously anywhere between 1693 and 1704. Rachel was dead by about 1742 when Offutt married his second wife


  • James Veatch was born abt, the year 1690 in Calvert County, Maryland and died on his plantation called "Hanover" in Frederick County, Md. in 1762. Today the ancient plantation "Hanover" sold to James Veatch by John Hepburn would be just west of Gaithersburg in Montgomery County,Md.
  • ( Prince George's County Land Records, Liber I, p.396)......April 3rd, 1723......John Roades....unto..James Veatch....part of the tract of land...called Beall's Pasture originally granted ...1699 unto Col. Ninian Beall..and..Beall conveyed to Nicholas Roades....beginning at a bounded white oak standing by a branch side called the Cattail branch...laid out for 135 acres.....witness: Joseph Belt and Thomas Sprigg 2.....then came Elizabeth Roades wife of John
  • ( Prince George's County Land Records,Liber I,p.474)......At the request of James Veatch the following mark was enrolled, cattles and hoggs viz. A crop and five slitts in the right ear a crop and once bitt in the left ear....
  • (Prince George's County Court Record).......August Court 1724. (pg. 353)....."John Fraser vs. James Veech". ( the case was over a horse John Fraser had borrowed from Michael Ury which was deceptively taken over by "James Vech and a certain James Furch?")
  • ( Prince George's County Land Records,Lber Q,p.664).....June 27,1733.......James Veach for...twenty five pounds sterling....truly paid for by the said Edward Sprigg.....all that parcel of land called part of Beall's Pasture....standing on a branch side called the Cattail branch.....laid out for 135 acres.....signed in the presence of John Beall and Alexander Magruder....then came Rachel the wife of the said James Veach
  • (Prince George's County Court Record)....1734....William Master's vs. James Veatch...2nd writ returned then agreed.."
  • ( Prince George's County Land Records,liber T,p.240).....Between John Hepburn of Prince George's County...Merchant of the one part and James Veach of the County....Carpenter of the other part....John Hepburn in consideration ...of forty shillings sterling money of Great Britain....unto the said James Veach one hundred acres of land being part of a tract of land called Hanover lying and being in Prince George's County.....James Veach shall plant orchard containing one hundred apple trees of winter fruit....planted at at least 30 feet distance....signed in the presence of us David Crauford and Thomas Clagett...
  • (P.G. County Court Record,p.395)...... March Court 1735......... "Edward Spriggg and George Buchanan vs. James Veatch"
  • (Prince George's County Court Record)......... November Court 1735....... "the petition of sundry inhabitants of Potomack near the mouth of the Monocacie most humbly sheweth...a publik road from the rolling road of Seneca immediately... about two miles below the mouth of the Monocacie near John Veatch's..they in duty bound pray..John Hepburn, Thomas Wilson, John Veatch, James Veatch, Henry Cramphin, John Cramphin, John Snow, John Wilcoxen, John Davis Sr., William Norris, Thomas Sprigg, Joseph Belt.."
  • (P.G. County Levy Book "Crows and Squirrell Heads Anno 1739".. "...John Belt 3rd, James Veatch, Benjamin Osbourn,.."
  • (Prince George's County Court Records,p.651).......June Court 1740.........Thomas Prather Jr., Luke Ray, John Huson, John Veatch, James Veatch, Thomas Charlton, John Wilcoxen, Charles Bussey...petitioners having suffered and lived under great disconveniences for want of a Publick Bridge over Sinnequor (Seneca) at Henry Cramtons..."
  • (P.G. Court Record)........ November Court 1741......... "Overseers of the Highways" "From Senecar to to Monocousy.....James Veach"
  • (Frederick County Court Record)........ 1753...... "Charles Hoskinson swears he attended two days to testify for James Veech"
  • (Frederick County Court Record).......November Court 1765....... "John Watson and Michael Ashford Dowden bail of James Veatch at suit of Stephen West"
  • (Frederick County Court Record)...... August Court 1754...... "Thomas Talbut also swears that he attended 2 days to testify for James Veech against James Riggs.." "Osborn Talbot also swears that he attended 7 days to testify for James Veech against James Riggs.." "Charles Hoskinson also swears he attended two days to testify for James Veech against James Riggs..."
  • (Frederick County Estate Bonds)....... 1756... JOHN RAWLINS (deceased)...Administratrix: Anna Sophia Rawlins,...Securities: James Veatch, and Jonathan Markland... Witness: Reverdy Ghislelin, and Mary Ghiselin."
  • (Prince George's County Court Record,p.281)...... March Court 1739..... " James Veatch, Thomas Wilson, John Veatch, Nathan Masters, Thomas Wilson Jr., John Huson, Matt Marklin, Rich Tutstone, ,Henry Tutstone, Richard tutstone, Jacob Fouts, William Jones, William Hall, Solomon Stimpson, prefer to the court...pleased to order a publick ferry to be kept over the Monokacie...
  • (Prince George's County Court Record,p.184)....... March Court 1721......James Veatch vs. James Ford.....
  • Prince George's County Court Record,p.423)...... November Court 1721....." James Veatch of Prince George's County planter personally came into court..stands indebted to the Lord proprietary..on condition that a certain John Kennedy personally appear..and give such evidence as he knoweth against a certain John Goodman..." ....
  • (Prince George's County Court Record,p.475)........November Court 1741........Overseers of the Highways " From Senecar to Monocousy...James Veach...." From Senecar to Sugar Lands...Andrew Cotterell"..."From Monocousy to first mountain...Luke Ray'...
  • (Frederick County, Court Record)...... Overseers of the Highways...." From Seneca Bridge to ye mouth of Monococy and from Charles Hays bridge to John Wilcoxens road... James Veatch (Overseer) and John Jacobs...." From Charles Trails ford to Lower Bennets Creek and to the ford on Seneca above Richard Watts..John Buckston( Overseer) and John Wafford.."
  • (Prince George's County Court Record)....August Court 1732..."Daniel Page, James Reed, Robert Cloyd, and James Veatch in like manner swear that hey attended 4 days as evidence for John Beall Jun. at suit of Thomas Cleland..."
  • (Frederick County Court Session)..... 1756...." bond of Ann Sophia Rawlings executrix of John Rawlings. Sureties: James Veatch and Jonathan Markland. Date: 10 September 1756.'
  • ( Frederick County Court Record)......September Term 1757...... James Veach and Stephen Newton Chiswell...made oath to 2 days attendance each as evidences for Robert Wilson against Samuel Beall...."
  • (Frederick County Court Record,p.133) ......August 1758....James Veach vs. Archibald Beall...Archibald Beall late of Frederick County planter otherwise called Archibald Beall of Frederick County, carpenter if he should be found in the answer unto James Veach of a plea that he render unto him the sum of forty four pounds sterling Money which he owes to him....."
  • (Frederick County Court session) .......1762....." bond of Nathan Veatch administrator of James Veatch. Sureties: Ninian Veatch and Daniel Veatch. Date: 20 April, 1762."
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James Veatch's Timeline

Charles County, Province of Maryland
Bealls Pasture, Prince George's County, Maryland, Colonial America
Bealls Pasture, Prince George's County, Province of Maryland, Colonial America
Bealls Pasture, Prince George's County, Maryland, Colonial America
Bell, Prince George's County, Maryland, Colonial America
Prince George's County, Province of Maryland
Bealls Pasture, Prince George's County, Province of Maryland
Bealls Pasture, Prince George's County, Province of Maryland
Prince George's County, Province of Maryland, Colonial America
Bealls Pasture, Prince Georges, Maryland, USA