Immediate Family
About Isabeau de Montigny en Ostrevent, dame de Montigny en Ostrevent et de Saint-Christophe
Dame de Montigny en Ostrevent et de Saint-Christophe
Née en 1323 - Montigny-en-Ostrevent 59183
Décédée en 1369 - Lallaing 59167
ISABELLE de Montignies Dame de Montignies-Saint-Christophe, daughter of EUSTACHE Seigneur de Montignies-Saint-Christophe & his wife Marie de Haveskercke (-before 4 Jun 1369). Brassart records her parentage as noted here, referring to the quartiers of Jacques de Lalaing (her great-grandson, died 3 Jul 1453, see below) (no source reference: in another book, Brassart records his epitaph at Lalaing Sainte-Aldegonde but does not list the arms displayed on the tomb[474]), although he refers to her paternal grandfather as “seigneur de Montigny en Ostrevant”[475]. In an earlier book, Brassart recorded the wife of Nicolas [III] de Lalaing as “Marie, dame héritière de Montigny-en-Ostrevent, fille de Guillaume, seigneur dudit lieu [who was her paternal grandfather], et de Marie de Haveskercke”[476]. Goethals, presumably following Brassart’s earlier indication, names “Marie dame de Montigny en Ostrevant, fille de Guillaume, seigneur de Montigny, et de Marie de Haveskercke” as wife of Nicolas [III] (no sources cited)[477]. However, Bernier indicates that Nicolas’s wife was heiress of Montignies-Saint-Christophe[478]. This indication is supported by Van Bastelaer, who names her son Oste [II] de Lalaing “Othon II de Lalaing...seigneur de Montignies-St-Christophe” (no source cited for this reference), although he incorrectly names her “Marie” and her father “Guillaume de Montigny”[479]. In addition, her descendant Antoine de Lalaing ([1480]-1540, see below) is named “Seigneur de Montignies-Saint-Christophe”[480]. The primary source which confirms Isabelle’s parentage and family origin has not been identified, although the indications highlighted above suggest that she was a member of the Montignies-Saint-Christophe family not Montigny-en-Ostrevant. A charter dated 21 Dec 1346 records that “Nicollon signeur de Lalaing sen aisnet fil chevalier” sold property with the consent of “...medame Ysabiel dame de Lalaing...espeuse audit monsr. Nicollon...”[481]. “Nicolas sires de Lalaing chevaliers Simons de Lalaing et Ostes de Lalaing si frère escuyer” confirmed the donation made to Flines by “messires de Lalaing leurs pères”, for the souls “dudit monsr. Lalaing le père, de feue madame Ysabiel de Montegui se espeuse et mère des dessus nommés”, by charter dated 4 Jun 1369[482].
Cawley, Charles. “NORTHERN FRANCE-CAMBRAI, DOUAI, VALENCIENNES.” Medieval Lands, Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, 24 Mar. 2022, https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/nfracado.htm#_Toc44147371''
Isabeau de Montigny en Ostrevent, dame de Montigny en Ostrevent et de Saint-Christophe's Timeline
1305 |
Montigny-en-Ostrevent, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie, France
1338 |
1355 |
1369 |
Age 64
Ecaussinnes, Hainaut, Wallonia, Belgium
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