public profile
OTTO "der Erlauchte", son of Graf LIUDOLF & his wife Oda [Billung] (-30 Nov 912, bur Gandersheim Stiftskirche).
m HEDWIG [Hathui], daughter of HEINRICH dux [Babenberg] & his wife Engeltrudis --- ([850/55]-24 Dec 903). Graf Otto & his wife had [seven] children:
1. [daughter ([865/70][175]-). "Wundilgartam Henrici regis de filia neptim" is named in the Chronicle of St Gall, which also names her husband[176]. The commentary in the printed text interprets this as "granddaughter of Heinrich I King of Germany", but this is chronologically impossible assuming that the approximate death date of Wundelgart's husband is correct. If there is any truth in the text, it is more likely that Wundelgart was the niece of King Heinrich by his sister, although this is far from certain considering the broad range of interpretation possible for the word "neptis". However, the chronology is tight even for this interpretation, as shown by the estimated birth date range of this daughter, which must mean that she was one of her parents' older children. Another possibility is that she was illegitimate. The same source in a later passage names "Ekkehardo…diacono et Purchardo puero post abate consobrinis suis"[177]. As Wundelgart was the mother of abbot Burkhard, this gives the essential clue about the name of this daughter's husband, who in the same source is named as the father of the sisters who were mothers of the younger Ekkehard and abbot Burkhard. m as his first wife, EKKEHARD [I], son of ---.]
2. THANKMAR (-before 30 Nov 912). "Thancmarus et Liudolfus", sons of Otto & Hathwiga, died before their father according to the Annalista Saxo, which implies they were older than their brother Heinrich who "ecce fratribus defunctis, tota hereditas in ipsum iam ducem derivatur"[178].
3. LIUDOLF (-before 30 Nov 912). "Thancmarus et Liudolfus", sons of Otto & Hathwiga, died before their father according to the Annalista Saxo, which implies they were older than their brother Heinrich who "ecce fratribus defunctis, tota hereditas in ipsum iam ducem derivatur"[179]. m ---. The name of Liudolf's wife is not known. Liudolf & his wife had one child:
a) EKKEHARD (-killed in battle 25 Sep 936). Widukind names "Ekkardus filius Liudulfi", when recording his death[180]. m ---. The name of Ekkehard's wife is not known. Ekkehard & his wife had [one possible child]:
i) EKKEHARD (-[30 Aug 954] or 4 Sep 954). The descent of Ekkehard from an older brother of Heinrich I King of Germany is proposed by Hlawitschka[181].
- see MEISSEN.]
4. HEINRICH ([876]-Memleben 2 Jul 936, bur Quedlinburg Stiftskirche). Thietmar records that Heinrich was "born of the noble lineage of Otto and Hadwig"[182]. According to the Annalista Saxo, he was son of the unnamed sister of Adalbert [Babenberg], with whom he and his brothers fought against the Konradiner family, his complete parentage being recorded in a later passage[183]. He was elected as HEINRICH I King of Germany at Fritzlar 6 May 919.
5. ODA ([884]-[2 Jul] after 952). Jackman speculates that Oda must have been born in [884], although this appears to be designed to fit with his theory about Oda's supposed third marriage[184]. Regino records the marriage in 897 of "Ottonem comitem…filiam Odam" and King Zwentibold[185]. Regino records that "Gerhard comes" married "Odam uxorem Zuendiboldi regis" after killing her first husband in battle in 900[186]. "Otto…rex" confirmed the donation of property " in loco Dauindre…in pago…Hamalant in comitatu Vuigmanni" to St Moritz at Magdeburg by "nostra amita…Uota" by charter dated 30 Dec 952[187]. Jackman speculates[188] that Graf Eberhard married Oda as her third husband, Oda von Sachsen, for onomastic reasons as the name of Eberhard's supposed daughter (her affiliation also being based only on his own separate onomastic hypothesis) was that of Oda's maternal grandmother. This is an interesting theory but it accumulates one onomastic hypothesis on another and must be considered highly speculative. m firstly ([Worms] [27 Mar/13 Jun] 897) ZWENTIBOLD King of Lotharingia [Carolingian], illegitimate son of Emperor ARNULF King of Germany & his mistress --- ([870/71]-killed in battle 13 Aug 900, bur [S%C3%BCsteren or Echternach]). m secondly (900) Graf GERHARD [Matfride], son of --- (-killed in battle 22 Jun 910). [m thirdly (after Jun 910) EBERHARD Graf im Oberlahngau Pfalzgraf, son of KONRAD Graf in der Wetterau und im Wormsgau [Konradiner] & his wife Glismod --- (-killed in battle near Andernach 23 Oct 939).] http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#OttoErlauchtedied912
6. LIUTGARD [Dodica] (-21 Jan 923). Europäische Stammtafeln[189] names Liutgard as daughter of Otto & his wife, but the primary source which confirms this has not so far been identified. Abbess of Gandersheim 919/923.
7. IRMINBURG (-before 936). Europäische Stammtafeln[190] names Irminburg as daughter of Otto & his wife, and records her marriage, but the primary source which confirms this has not so far been identified. m as his first wife, SIEGFRIED, son of THIETMAR [Ostmark] & his wife --- (-[3 Dec 936/941]).]http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#OttoErlauchtedied912
Mistress (1): ---. The name of Otto's mistress is not known. Graf Otto had one illegitimate daughter by Mistress (1):
8. daughter. 932. Widukind names "sorore regis quæ nupserat Widoni Thuringo…ex concubina nata"[191]. m WIDO, from Thuringia. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#OttoErlauchtedied912
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