Historical records matching Humbert II, count of Savoy "the Fat"
Immediate Family
About Humbert II, count of Savoy "the Fat"
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humbert_II,_Count_of_Savoy (23 languages)
Humbert II (Italian: Umberto II), nicknamed the Gat (c. 1065 – 19 October 1103[1]), was Count of Savoy from 1080 until his death in 1103. He was the son of Amadeus II of Savoy.
He was married to Gisela of Burgundy,[1] daughter of William I, Count of Burgundy, and had seven children:
- Amadeus III of Savoy (1095-1148)[1]
- William, Bishop of Liège[1]
- Adelaide, (d. 1154), married to Louis VI of France[1]
- Agnes, nicknamed the Horn (d. 1127), married to Archimbald VI, lord of Bourbon[1]
- Umberto[1]
- Reginald, nicknamed the Tower [1]
- Guy, nicknamed the Huge, abbey of Namur
- http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAVOY.htm#HumbertIIdied1103B
HUMBERT de Savoie, son of AMEDEE II Comte de Savoie & his wife Jeanne [de Genève] ([1072]-Moûtiers 19 Oct 1103, bur Moûtiers). "Umbertus comes, filius quondam Amedei" donated property to the monastery at Pinerolo by charter dated 29 Nov 1098[143]. He succeeded his father in 1080 as HUMBERT II "le Renforcé" Comte de Maurienne et de Savoie, under the regency of his paternal grandmother. On her death in 1091, he lost much of her territories, retaining only the valley of Susa[144]. He was the first of his family to strengthen relations with France, diverting his attention from Italy after the loss of most of the family's Italian possessions. "Ubertus filii qda Amedo" donated property to Santa Maria d´Ivrea by charter dated 14 Sep 1094[145]. "Nantelmus" confirmed the foundation of the priory of Bellevaux en Bauges ["Bell%C3%A6valles%E2%80%A6supra villam Boggarum"], with the support of "Humberto comite", by charter dated to the end-11th century[146]. "Humbertus comes et marchio" donated property to the abbey of Aulps ["in pago Gebennensi in valle…Alpis"], with the consent of "Girardo Alingiensi et Gilione de Rovorea quorum feudem est", by charter dated to [1094], witnessed by "Girardus Alingiensis, Rodulphus de Fulciniaco, Uldricus comes, Anselmus, Willelmus, Amedeus filius eiusdem Girardi"[147]. "Humbertus comes et Girardus de Alingio et Gislo miles a quibus est ille locus" consented to the agreement between the abbey of Molesme and the abbey of Aulps, recorded in a charter dated 1097[148]. "Umbertus comes filius quondam Amedei" donated property to Pinerolo by charter dated 29 Nov 1098[149]. The necrology of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne records the death "XIV Kal Nov" of "Humbertus comes Maur."[150].
m ([1090]%29 as her first husband, GISELE de Bourgogne, daughter of GUILLAUME I Comte Palatin de Bourgogne, Comte de Vienne et de Mâcon & his wife Etiennette --- ([1075]-after 1133). Her parentage is deduced from Suger stating that her daughter Adelaide, wife of Louis VI "le Gros" King of France, was the niece of Pope Calixtus II[151]. This is corroborated by "Guido Viennensis archiepiscopus" (later Pope Calixtus II) addressing a letter to "nepoti suo Amedeo comiti" (Amedée III Comte de Savoie, son of Gisèle by her first marriage) dated [1115][152]. Her date of birth is estimated from her having given birth to five children by her second husband whom she married in [1105], and assuming that she was no more than 17 years old when she gave birth to her first child by her first husband. "Amedeus comes" donated property to Saint-Jean de Maurienne, for the soul of "patris sui Uberti comtis", with the consent of "Gisla matre et fratribus eius Guillelmo atque Umberto", by charter dated 21 Oct 1104[153]. She married secondly ([1105]) Ranieri Marchese di Monferrato. Her second marriage is confirmed by Orderic Vitalis who records the marriage of Guillaume de Normandie and the daughter of Raniero III Marchese di Monferrato, naming both the bride's parents and specifying that the marriage was arranged by the bride's uterine half-sister, Adélaïde de Maurienne Queen of France[154].
Comte Humbert II & his wife had [seven] children
- http://www.friesian.com/lorraine.htm#savoy
- http://genealogics.org/getperson.php?personID=I00027291&tree=LEO
1. [S38] John Morby, Dynasties of the World: a chronological and genealogical handbook (Oxford, Oxfordshire, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1989), page 110. Hereinafter cited as Dynasties of the World.
2. [S45] Marcellus Donald R. von Redlich, Pedigrees of Some of the Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants, volume I (1941; reprint, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2002), page 64. Hereinafter cited as Pedigrees of Emperor Charlemagne, I.
3. [S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family: A Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 52. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Family.
from thePeerage.com
Humbert II, surnamed the Fat, was Count of Savoy from 1080 until his death in 1103. He was the son of Amadeus II of Savoy.
He was married to Gisela of Burgundy, daughter of William I, Count of Burgundy, and had 7 children:
Amadeus III of Savoy William, Bishop of Liège Adelaide, (d. 1154), married to Louis VI of France Agnes, (d. 1127), married to Archimbald VI, lord of Bourbon Humbert Reginald Guy, abbey of Namur
Amadeo II, Count of Savoy, b. ca. 1032 in Geneva, Switzerland, d. 26 January 1080
Father: Eudes Savoy, b. ca. 1002 in Geneva, Switzerland, d. 19 January 1057/60
Mother: Adelais Suza, b. 1004 in Geneva, Switzerland
Humbert II, Count of Maurienne and Savoy, b. ca. 1062 in Savoy, France, d. 17 October 1103
Father: Amadeo II, Count of Savoy, b. ca. 1032 in Geneva, Switzerland, d. 26 January 1080
Mother: Joan de Geneva
Spouse: Gisele (Gille) of Burgundy, b. ca. 1068 in Burgundy, France, m. Ranier III, Marqui of Montferrat, aft. 1103, d. 1133
Father: William I "the Great", Count of Burgundy, b. ca. 1035 in Burgundy, France, d. 11 November 1087 in France
Mother: Stephanie de Longwy, b. ca. 1035, d. aft. 1092
Married 1090.
* Amadeo III, Count of Savoy, b. ca. 1092 in Savoy, France, m. Maud (Mathilde) de Vienne, d. 1 April 1148/9
Spouse: Joan de Geneva
* Humbert II, Count of Maurienne and Savoy, b. ca. 1062 in Savoy, France, m. Gisele (Gille) of Burgundy, 1090, d. 17 October 1103
The family of Humbert II de SAVOIE and Gisle ou Gisèle de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE [127720] SAVOIE (de), Humbert II (Amédée II & Jeanne de GENÈVE [133757]), comte de Maurienne
- married about 1090, from Savoie (France, known area) BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (de), Gisle ou Gisèle (Guillaume Ier dit Tête Hardie de BOURGOGNE & Étiennette de LONGWY-METZ [133896]) 1) Adélaïde, married .. (France) 1115 Louis VI le Gros de FRANCE 2) Amédée III, comte de Savoie, married France ? (France) 1123 Mathilde d'ALBON
Bibliographie : Europaische Stammtafeln; Mémoires (Société généalogique canadienne-française); Histoire de la maison royale de France (Père Anselme)
Humbert II, surnamed the Fat (1065, Carignano, Piedmont - 14 October 1103), was Count of Savoy from 1080 until his death in 1103. He was the son of Amadeus II of Savoy. He was married to Gisela of Burgundy, daughter of William I, Count of Burgundy, and had 7 children: Amadeus III of Savoy William, Bishop of Liège Adelaide, (d. 1154), married to Louis VI of France Agnes, (d. 1127), married to Archimbald VI, lord of Bourbon Humbert Reginald Guy, abbey of Namur
Teve varias guerras para defender suas terras dos “lordships”e outros nobres(entre eles Adèle de Savoie, esposa de Louis VI, rei da França) durante nove anos, em 1101 fez uma peregrinação com o Papa em Roma, e quando retornou fundou l'Abbaye d'Aulph dans le Chablais
Humbert II, count of Savoy "the Fat"'s Timeline
1065 |
Carignano, Turin, Piedmont, Italy
1092 |
Saint Jean De Maurienne, Savoie, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
1095 |
Carignano, Turin, Piedmont, Italy
1103 |
October 14, 1103
Age 38
Savoie, Rhone-Alpes, France
Maurienne, Savoie, Rhone-Alpes, France
Age 38
Savoie, Rhone-Alpes, France
???? |
Count of Savoy