Hilduin was the Seigneur of Ramerupt and Count of Montdidier. Also see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilduin_III,_Count_of_Montdidier
HILDUIN [III] de Ramerupt, son of [HILDUIN [II] Seigneur de Ramerupt & his wife ---] (-after 1032). Arbois de Jubainville names Hilduin [II] and adds that "on peut supposer que cet Hilduin était fils" of Hilduin [II], implying that there is no primary source which confirms that they were father and son[611]. Comte [de Montdidier]. Seigneur de Ramerupt. Robert II King of France confirmed the donation of "Manasses comes" to Chartres Notre-Dame by charter dated 4 Feb 1031, signed by "…Manasses comitis, Hilduini comitis fratris eius, filiorum eius Manassis et Hilduini, Burcardo de Montemorenciaco, Evrardi filii Hilduini de Britoglio, Amalrici de Monteforti, Milonis de Caprosa…"[612]. "…Hilduinus comes et Hilduinus filius eius…" subscribed the charter dated 1032 under which "Odo comes palatinus Francorum regis" founded Epernay abbey[613].
m ---. The name of Hilduin's wife is not known. A suggestion about the family connections of Hilduin’s wife is provided by the Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis which names "comes Suessionis et comes de Dommartin et comes de Ronaco et Manasses cui agnomen Calva-asina" as brothers ("fratres") of "Helduino comiti de Ramerut", naming "Rainaldum comitem Suessionis et Iohannem, qui fratri successit in comitatum, et Manassem Suessionensem episcopum et filias" as the children of "supradictus comes Suessionis Guilermus…frater iam dicti Helduini"[614]. It is clear from other sources that Guillaume Comte de Soissons descended from the family of the dukes of Normandy. The only way in which the Genealogiæ could make sense is if "fratres" can be interpreted as including brothers-in-law (an interpretation which has been observed and confirmed as correct in other cases). If that is correct, it is possible that Hilduin’s wife married, as her second husband, Renaud Comte de Soissons, although that hypothesis would seem chronologically difficult unless Hilduin’s widow was Renaud’s second wife. As discussed elsewhere in the present document, it is likely that the wife of Renaud Comte de Soissons was ---, niece of Guy Archbishop of Reims, daughter of ---. This affiliation is suggested by one version of the Gesta Episcoporum Cameracensium (Continuatio) which names “Manasses Remensium archiepiscopus, electi Manassæ avunculus”[615]. The latter refers to Manassès Bishop of Cambrai and later Bishop of Cambrai, who was the grandson of Renaud Comte de Soissons, and the former to Manassès Archbishop of Reims who was the son of Manassès “le Chauve” Vidame de Reims (see above). It appears unlikely that the family connection was through the Normandy family of Renaud’s son-in-law Guillaume “Busac” d’Eu. On the other hand, the connection may have been through the previous generation, asssuming that “avunculus” in the source in question can be interpreted loosely. This hypothesis would also provide an explanation for the introduction of the name Manassès into the family of the comtes de Soissons.
Hilduin [III] & his wife had [three] children:
1010 |
June 22, 1010
1032 |
1045 |
December 6, 1045
Montdidier, Somme , Picardy, France
???? |
Montdidier, Picardie, France
???? |