Immediate Family
About Hildeprand, duke of Spoleto
Hildeprand was the Duke of Spoleto from 774 to 789.
When Theodicius of Spoleto died fighting at the Siege of Pavia in 774, the Lombards of the Duchy of Spoleto elected Hildeprand their duke and quickly submitted to the Franks. Hildeprand fled to Rome before the Frankish host and did homage to Pope Hadrian I. However, the dispute between Charlemagne and Hadrian as to who had the proper suzerainty over Spoleto was solved in the Frank's favour over the next few years. In January 776, Hildeprandus gloriosus et summus dux ducatus Spoletani made a donation to the Abbey of Farfa dating it to the year of Charles' reign. This form was continued in 777 with language implicitly excluding papal suzerainty.[1]
In 775, Hadrian alleged that Hildeprand had joined a conspiracy of Hrodgaud of Friuli and Arechis II of Benevento, but there is no evidence of Hildeprand's involvement. Hildeprand remained a staunch opponent of the papacy thereafter.
In 779, Hildeprand travelled to Virciniacum, probably near Compiègne, to profess fealty to Charlemagne. He brought with him gifts and left with promises that the king would protect his interests from those of the pope.
In 788, Hildeprand joined Frankish and Lombard troops in resisting a Byzantine invasion. He died the next year and was succeeded by a royal appointee: a Frank, named Winiges.
1. HILDEPRAND (-after 788). He fled to Rome when Charles I King of the Franks invaded Italy in 773. Pope Hadrian I appointed him in 774 as HILDEPRAND Duke of Spoleto, subject to the see of Rome[883]. He fought successfully against imperial troops in Italy. "Carolus…rex Francorum et Langobardorum" confirmed the properties of Farfa monastery by charter dated 9 Jun 776, including property which "Theodicius dux…restituit…et…Hildeprandus dux noster fecit"[884]. The Chronicon Farfense records that "Hildeprandus…dux" donated "gualdum…Tancia…in territorio Reatino" to Farfa[885]. "Ildeprandus…dux ducatus Spoletani" confirmed the possessions of Farfa monastery, in the presence of "…Lupo comes de Firmo…Lupo comes de Esculo…Halo comes…", by charter dated Dec 776[886]. The Chronicon Vulturnense records that "Hildeprandus…Dux Ducatus Spoletino" donated "ecclesiam sancti Donati in territorio Cumino" to Volturno monastery by charter dated May 778[887]. The Annales Laurissenses record that "Hildebrandus dux Spolitanus" submitted to Charles I King of the Franks "in villa…Virciniacum" in 779[888]. A charter dated Jul 781 of "Karolus…rex Francorum atque Langobardorum" relating to Farfa names "Hildeprandus…dux", and is witnessed by "Halo…comes"[889]. “Hildeprand...dux ducatus Spoletini” donated property to Montecassino by charter dated 9 Apr “regnante domino nostro Karolo...rex Francorum atque Langobardorum, anno regni eius in Italia...nono” [782][890]. He was succeeded by the Frank Winichis as dux of Spoleto[891]. https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CENTRAL%20ITALY.htm#_Toc246900380
Om Hildeprand, duke of Spoleto (Norsk)
Hildeprand/Hildebrand hertug av Spoleto fra 774 til 789.
Da Theodicius av Spoleto døde i kamper på beleiringen av Pavia i 774 valgte langobardenes i hertugdømmet Spoleto Hildeprand til deres hertug og presenterte han for frankerne.
Hildeprand flyktet til Romas frankiske verden og gjorde hyllest til pave Hadrian I En krangel mellom Karl den store og Hadrian om hvem som hadde det suverene styret over Spoleto ble løst i frankernes favør for de neste årene.
I 775 påsto Hadrians at Hildeprand hadde blitt med en sammensvergelse av Hrodgaud av Friuli og Arechis II av Benevento, men det er ingen bevis på Hildeprands engasjement. Etterpå ble Hildeprand en sterk motstander av pavedømmet.
I januar 776, Hildeprandus gloriosus et summus dux ducatus Spoletani ga en donasjon til klosteret Farfa datert fra det året Karl den store styrte. Dette skjemaet ble videreført i 777 men unntatt pavelig overherredømme.
I 779 reiste Hildeprand til Virciniacum, sannsynligvis i nærheten av Compiègne, og bekjenner troskap til Karl den store. Han brakte med seg gaver til kongen og fikk hans beskyttelse mot paven for sine interesser og eiendommer.
I 788 gikk Hildeprand frankiske og Lombard soldater sammen for å motstå en bysantinsk invasjon. Han døde året etter og ble etterfulgt av en kongelig appointee: en Frank, kalt Winiges.
Om Hildeprand, duke of Spoleto (svenska)
Hildeprand was the Duke of Spoleto from 774 to 789.
When Theodicius of Spoleto died fighting at the Siege of Pavia in 774, the Lombards of the Duchy of Spoleto elected Hildeprand their duke and quickly submitted to the Franks. Hildeprand fled to Rome before the Frankish host and did homage to Pope Hadrian I. However, the dispute between Charlemagne and Hadrian as to who had the proper suzerainty over Spoleto was solved in the Frank's favour over the next few years. In January 776, Hildeprandus gloriosus et summus dux ducatus Spoletani made a donation to the Abbey of Farfa dating it to the year of Charles' reign. This form was continued in 777 with language implicitly excluding papal suzerainty.[1]
In 775, Hadrian alleged that Hildeprand had joined a conspiracy of Hrodgaud of Friuli and Arechis II of Benevento, but there is no evidence of Hildeprand's involvement. Hildeprand remained a staunch opponent of the papacy thereafter.
In 779, Hildeprand travelled to Virciniacum, probably near Compiègne, to profess fealty to Charlemagne. He brought with him gifts and left with promises that the king would protect his interests from those of the pope.
In 788, Hildeprand joined Frankish and Lombard troops in resisting a Byzantine invasion. He died the next year and was succeeded by a royal appointee: a Frank, named Winiges.
1. HILDEPRAND (-after 788). He fled to Rome when Charles I King of the Franks invaded Italy in 773. Pope Hadrian I appointed him in 774 as HILDEPRAND Duke of Spoleto, subject to the see of Rome[883]. He fought successfully against imperial troops in Italy. "Carolus…rex Francorum et Langobardorum" confirmed the properties of Farfa monastery by charter dated 9 Jun 776, including property which "Theodicius dux…restituit…et…Hildeprandus dux noster fecit"[884]. The Chronicon Farfense records that "Hildeprandus…dux" donated "gualdum…Tancia…in territorio Reatino" to Farfa[885]. "Ildeprandus…dux ducatus Spoletani" confirmed the possessions of Farfa monastery, in the presence of "…Lupo comes de Firmo…Lupo comes de Esculo…Halo comes…", by charter dated Dec 776[886]. The Chronicon Vulturnense records that "Hildeprandus…Dux Ducatus Spoletino" donated "ecclesiam sancti Donati in territorio Cumino" to Volturno monastery by charter dated May 778[887]. The Annales Laurissenses record that "Hildebrandus dux Spolitanus" submitted to Charles I King of the Franks "in villa…Virciniacum" in 779[888]. A charter dated Jul 781 of "Karolus…rex Francorum atque Langobardorum" relating to Farfa names "Hildeprandus…dux", and is witnessed by "Halo…comes"[889]. “Hildeprand...dux ducatus Spoletini” donated property to Montecassino by charter dated 9 Apr “regnante domino nostro Karolo...rex Francorum atque Langobardorum, anno regni eius in Italia...nono” [782][890]. He was succeeded by the Frank Winichis as dux of Spoleto[891]. https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CENTRAL%20ITALY.htm#_Toc246900380
Hildeprand, duke of Spoleto's Timeline
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Argenburg (?), Preußen (Prussia, now ), North Rhine Westphalia, Germany
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Spoleto, Province of Perugia, Umbria, Italy
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Spoleto, Province of Perugia, Umbria, Italy
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