Historical records matching Henry III, duke of Limburg
Immediate Family
About Henry III, duke of Limburg
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_III,_Duke_of_Limburg (DE / IT) for Mariage & enfants
Henry III of Limburg , born about 1140 , died in Klosterrath theJune 21, 1221, was Duke of Limbourg and Count of Arlon from 1165 to 1221 . He was son of Henry II , Duke of Limburg, and Mathilde de Saffenberg .
In 1172 , he fights against the Count of Luxembourg Henry the blind , which was allied to the Count of Hainaut Baldwin V . The environs of Arlon were ravaged, and the Duke of Limburg, conquered, had to repair the wrongs he had committed against the Comte de Luxembourg.
In 1183 , he supported the election Fulmar Karden (in) as bishop of Trier , but this election was not accepted by the Emperor Frederick I st Barbarossa , which led to some disturbances in the city. He also had to fight his neveu Henri I st , Duke of Brabant, about the avowry of the abbey of Saint-Trond, Henri de Brabant claiming that the avowery was part of the dowry of his mother Marguerite de Limbourg. An arrangement put an end to the war in 1191, the duke of Limbourg recognized himself vassal of the duke of Brabant and the two dukes collaborated in the internal affairs of the region. During the double imperial election of Philip of Swabia and Otho of Brunswick , he rallied to Otho and fought at Bouvines .
Marriage and children [ change | change the code ] He married Sophie Saarbrücken (1150 † 1221), daughter of Simon I er , count of Saarbrücken, and Mathilde Sponheim . They had as children:
Henry († 1214), lord of Wassenberg; Simon (1178 † 1195), cardinal and bishop of Liège (1193-1195); Waléran III (1180 † 1226), Duke of Limburg and Count of Luxembourg ; Frederick († 1211), lord of Lummen; Gerard († 1225), Earl of Wassenberg; Macharius, cited in 1214; Judith († 1202), married to Goswin of Falkenburg († 1217); Isabelle († 1221), married to Thierry de Heinsberg and Valkenburg (1192 † 1227).
Histoire du Limbourg, tome troisième, 1839
Henry III (c. 1140 – 21 June 1221) was the duke of Limburg and count of Arlon from 1165 to his death. He was the son and successor of Henry II and Matilda of Saffenberg.
In 1172, he fought against the count of Luxembourg, Henry IV the Blind, and the his ally, the count of Hainaut, Baldwin V. The environs of Arlon were devastated and the duke, overcome, had to recompense the count of Luxembourg for the wrongs he had done him. In 1183, he supported the election of Fulmar as archbishop of Trier. This was opposed by the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa.
Henry had to fight his nephew, Henry I of Brabant in connection with the advocacy of the abbey of Sint-Truiden. The Brabantine duke claimed the advocacy as part of his mother's dowry. An arrangement put an end to the war in 1191 and the duke of Limburg became a vassal of the duke of Brabant. The two dukes collaborated in the internal affairs of the region (Belgium).
Henry later supported Otto of Brunswick over Philip of Swabia as German king and imperial claimant. He fought at the Battle of Bouvines in 1214. It was a disaster for Otto.
Henry III (c. 1140 – 21 June 1221) was the duke of Limburg and count of Arlon from 1165 to his death. He was the son and successor of Henry II and Matilda of Saffenberg.
In 1172, he fought against the count of Luxembourg, Henry IV the Blind, and the his ally, the count of Hainaut, Baldwin V. The environs of Arlon were devastated and the duke, overcome, had to recompense the count of Luxembourg for the wrongs he had done him. In 1183, he supported the election of Fulmar as archbishop of Trier. This was opposed by the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa.
Henry had to fight his nephew, Henry I of Brabant in connection with the advocacy of the abbey of Sint-Truiden. The Brabantine duke claimed the advocacy as part of his mother's dowry. An arrangement put an end to the war in 1191 and the duke of Limburg became a vassal of the duke of Brabant. The two dukes collaborated in the internal affairs of the region (Belgium).
Henry later supported Otto of Brunswick over Philip of Swabia as German king and imperial claimant. He fought at the Battle of Bouvines in 1214. It was a disaster for Otto.
Henry III of Limburg
Henry III (c. 1140 – 21 June 1221) was the duke of Limburg and count of Arlon from 1165 to his death. He was the son and successor of Henry II and Matilda of Saffenberg.
In 1172, he fought against the count of Luxembourg, Henry IV the Blind, and the his ally, the count of Hainaut, Baldwin V. The environs of Arlon were devastated and the duke, overcome, had to recompense the count of Luxembourg for the wrongs he had done him. In 1183, he supported the election of Fulmar as archbishop of Trier. This was opposed by the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa.
Henry had to fight his nephew, Henry I of Brabant in connection with the advocacy of the abbey of Sint-Truiden. The Brabantine duke claimed the advocacy as part of his mother's dowry. An arrangement put an end to the war in 1191 and the duke of Limburg became a vassal of the duke of Brabant. The two dukes collaborated in the internal affairs of the region (Belgia).
Henry later supported Otto of Brunswick over Philip of Swabia as German king and imperial claimant. He fought at the Battle of Bouvines in 1214. It was a disaster for Otto.
Markgraaf van Arlon, hertog van Limburg 1170. Voogd van de Augustijner abdij te Rolduc. Was met zijn zonen Walram en Hendrik op kruistocht 1189.
Heinrich III. (Limburg)
Heinrich III. (* um 1140; † 21. Juni 1221 in Klosterrath) war Herzog von Limburg und Graf von Arlon von 1165 bis zu seinem Tod.
- Er war der Sohn von Herzog Heinrich II. und Matilde von Saffenberg.
- 1172 kämpfte er gegen Heinrich IV., Graf von Luxemburg, und dessen Verbündeten Balduin V., Graf von Hennegau, wobei vor allem die Umgebung von Arlon verwüstet wurde. 1183 unterstützte er die Wahl Folmar von Kardens zum Erzbischof von Trier und stellte sich dabei gegen Kaiser Friedrich Barbarossa.
- Heinrich nahm zusammen mit seinem Sohn Walram am Dritten Kreuzzug teil. Sie reisten unabhängig vom Hauptheer Kaiser Barbarossas und schlossen sich im Heiligen Land dem Heer von Richard Löwenherz an.
- Um die Vogtei von Sint-Truiden musste er sich gegen seinen Neffen Heinrich I., Herzog von Brabant, durchsetzen, der das Amt als Teil der Aussteuer seiner Mutter beanspruchte. 1191 wurde der Krieg beendet, wobei der Herzog von Limburg zum Vasallen des Herzogs von Brabant wurde.
- In seinen letzten Lebensjahren unterstützte Herinrich III. Otto von Braunschweig gegen Philipp von Schwaben im Kampf um die deutsche Krone. 1214 nahm er an der Schlacht von Bouvines teil.
- Er heiratete in erster Ehe um 1165 Sophia von Saarbrücken (um 1149; † nach 1215), Tochter von Simon I., Graf von Saarbrücken, und Mathilde von Sponheim.
- Ihre Kinder waren:
- Heinrich IV.(* um 1165; † 1214), erw. 1178, 1178-1215 Herr von Wassenberg
- Walram IV.(* um 1168; † 2. Juli 1226), 1221 Herzog von Limburg, Herr zu Monschau
- Friedrich († IV. 1211/V.1212) Herr von Lummen
- Gerhard II. († 1225), Herr von Wassenberg
- Simon (1178; † 1195), 1193-1195 Elekt von Lüttich, 1195 Kardinal
- Judith († 1202), ∞ Goswin IV. von Valkenburg († 1217) (siehe Herrschaft Heinsberg)
- Macharius, bezeugt 1214
- Isabella († 1221), ∞ Dietrich, Herr von Heinsberg und Valkenburg (1192; † 1227)
- Vor 1189 heiratete er in zweiter Ehe, Adelheid von Henneberg († um 1198), Tochter von Poppo VI., Graf von Henneberg, Burggraf von Würzburg. Diese Ehe blieb kinderlos.
- (2) Walram IV. -10.6./2.7.1226
- (+) Mathilde - nach 1234 oo Wilhelm III. Graf von Jülich - 1218
- (8) Isalda - oo Dietrich von Kleve Graf von Heinsberg - 1228
- (6) Jutta - oo Goswin IV. Graf von Heinsberg zu Valkenburg - um 1217
- (1 but H. IV) Heinrich III. Graf von Wassenberg - nach 11.5.1215
- (5) Simon Kandidat für Lüttich (1193-1196) 1178-2.8.1196
- (4) Gerhard II. Graf von Wassenberg -7.9.1225
- (3) Friedrich Seigneur von Lummen - 1211/12
- (+) Maria - oo Gottfried Graf von Löwen - 1220/26 Macharius (-)
Reference Sources
1) Unknown author, Wallop Family, p. 514; Europaische Stammtafeln by Isenburg, chart 33.
2) Detlev Schwennicke, Europaische Stammtafeln, New Series, Vol. I/2, Tafel 229.
Henry III, duke of Limburg's Timeline
1133 |
Limburg an der Lahn, Landkreis Gießen, Hessen, Germany
1158 |
Limburg, Belgium
1168 |
1175 |
Heinsberg, Heinsberg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
1178 |
1180 |
1182 |
1183 |