The Vexin House as a lineage, appeared at the end of the ix th century, from the Count Raoul I st of Vexin . He died in 1080. The origin of this family is not known, but probably of high lineage, since the mother of the first known member would be a descendant of Louis the Pious .
The first count, Raoul I er is the son of a Heilwis, or Helvide, who remarries in second marriage to the count Roger I er of Laon . This Heilwis is traditionally identified with Heilwis of Frioul, daughter of Eberhard , Marquis of Frioul and of the Carolingian Gisèle . But this identification poses a chronological problem, because born before 850, she would have had at least two children from 895 , which is unlikely.
Another hypothesis has been put forward: Helwis, wife of Roger de Laon, would be the daughter of Hucbald de Gouy and Heilwis de Frioul. Her first husband would be Gautier de Laon , which would explain the appearance of the first name of Gautier among the counts of Vexin.
It is this hypothesis that was used in the reconstruction of this branch of the House of Vexin on Geni. The basis of this reconstruction is onomastics, which is “the study of the history and origin of proper names, especially personal names.” Leading experts Katherine Keats-Rohan and Christian Settipani et. al. have contributed both to this new aspect of genealogical study but also through their studies specifically to this part of “the big tree”. Their work for use in this reconstruction is extracted from https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maison_de_Vexin but refer for details to their original work Onomastique et Parenté dans l'Occident médiéval, Oxford, Linacre College, Unit for Prosopographical Research, coll. « Prosopographica et Genealogica / 3 », 2000, 310 p. (ISBN 1-900934-01-9)
********** From fmgMedlands https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NORTHERN%20ITALY%20900-1100.htm#He...
HEILWIG (-after 895). The Historia Ecclesiæ Cisoniensis records the testament of “Evrardus comes cum coniuge mea Gisla”, which bequeathes property to “filiabus…nostris…Heilvinch…Hattrenheim et Luisinga et Wendesse et unum manum in Engerestheim”[298]. Her first marriage is confirmed by Flodoard´s Historia Remensis Ecclesiæ which names “Hucboldus...sororis...Rodulfi maritus”[299]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Hucbaldus de Hainacq" as "huius [=abbas Rodulfus] sororius"[300]. The marriage appears to be corroborated by a later passage in the same source which records that "comes Rodulfus" (referring to Heilwig's grandson) was "nepos…ex sorore" of Louis IV King of France[301]. It appears chronologically unlikely for any of King Louis's sisters, whose dates of birth can be estimated to [908/17], to have been the mother of Raoul [II] who was killed in battle in 944, presumably when he was already adult. It appears more likely that the family relationship was one generation further back, and that a member of the Unruochingi family, descended from the sister of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks and who originated in the same area in northern France, would provide a good match. Her supposed second marriage is shown in Europäische Stammtafeln[302]. The primary source on which this is based has not been identified and from a chronological point of view it seems unlikely to be correct. Another table in Europäische Stammtafeln only names the wife of Comte Roger as "Helvide" but does not give her origin[303]. "Gisle" donated property to Cysoing for the anniversaries of "Ludovico imperatore patre meo et…Judith imperatrice matre mea et…rege Karolo…germano et…prole mea…Hengeltrude, Hunroc, Berengario, Adelardo, Rodulpho, Hellwich, Gilla, Judith" by charter dated to [874][304].
m [firstly] (before 874) HUCBALD Comte [d'Ostrevent], son of --- (-after 890). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Hucbaldus de Hainacq" as "huius [=abbas Rodulfus] sororius"[305].
[m secondly (after 890) ROGER [I] Comte de Laon, son of --- (-926).]
Henry Project: https://fasg.org/projects/henryproject/data/heilw001.htm
850 |
862 |
865 |
875 |
Ostrevant, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
896 |
Age 46
???? |