I was born in Randolph, Rich County, Utah on the 14th Nov. 1888 to Thomas and Elizabeth Corless Wilson in their first home. It was a two roomed Log House. Jane Scwartz was the midwife who took care of mother. I was their fourth child. There were two sisters and one brother older, and two brothers and two sisters younger, making a family of eight. We lived on a farm and learned to work and take responsibility early in our lives. We were a happy family and enjoyed our home and parents. I had a happy childhood and spent much time in the out of doors; learned to love the mountains, fields, streams, trees, grass and flowers. I loved the sunsets, and the moon and stars, in fact, I loved the world in all of its settings, and the birds and wild animals, but I didn’t love the flies, mosquitoes or bugs.
We lived by my grandparents, the parents of my mother, and I loved and enjoyed them so much. They were both pioneers and we enjoyed hearing of their travels from their homeland in England to the Great Salt Lake Valley; and of their trials and persecutions and the things they went through for the gospel. Their testimonies of the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ and that Joseph Smith was indeed a true prophet helped to instill faith in me as a very young child. I was taught to pray and to pay my tithing when I was real young. The Sabbath day was, to us, the outstanding day of the week because there was very little work done on the Sabbath in our home. We, as children, all went to Primary on Saturday with Mother; and food was prepared on Saturday so that we didn’t have to stop and cook, only reheat. Our clothing was all made ready and our shoes all polished and we all had our Saturday night bath. Father said the horses needed to rest and all that was done on the place was just the necessary things, such as milking the cows, feeding the pigs and chickens. Sunday was a day of rest, and we went to Sunday School and Sacrament Meeting. We loved the Sabbath day, as we not only went to church, but we had a chance to see our relatives and friends after church, which was then held at 2:00 P.M. We always had company come home with us, and we always got to visit more with our parents.
I attended the elementary school; I started when I was almost seven. It was a crowded two-room school house which stood on the corner of Main Street and Canyon Road. Samuel R. South and Clara Nebeker were the teachers. The next year, the two story red brick school house was built, but wasn’t ready when school started, so we went to the court house and school was held in the court room upstairs. This court house was built in 1888, and was a two story building. It stood on the corner of the lot where the new court house now stands.
Malcome McKinnon taught all the children until the school house was completed, then Miss Clara Nebeker of Laketown taught us younger children. We had slates to write on with slate pencils, and we read from a large chart. I’ll never forget those slate pencils, they were very thin, about 6 to 8 inches long with a paper bound around them. John Wm. Norris, son of Walter and Rose Norris, sat behind me and kept pulling my curls of yellow hair. I turned around and hit him over the head and broke my slate pencil, and how I cried. He tittered and laughed. We had no high school, so when we were finished with the eighth grade, we were out of school unless our parents could afford to send us away to school; so I went to the eighth grade three times. There were five girls; Linda Snowball, Louie Nebeker, Lizzie McKinnon, Blanche Spencer and myself, that took an examination given by the County Superintendent in May, 1904 and we passed, so we graduated. They held County Graduation Exercises at Randolph.
There was a banquet for all the county graduates at the Tyson Hotel, and a program in the afternoon held in the Spencer Brothers’ Hall (The top floor of their store). There was also a dance in the evening for everybody. This was the first Graduation Exercises held in Rich County. Our school had graduates in the year 1903 with Hyrum J. Norris Jr. as teacher and I was also in this school, but didn’t take the examination; so I went another year and Mr. Layfette Reese was our teacher and George N. Weston County Superintendent. We girls all had white dresses. I couldn’t go away to school as Mother was ill and both of my sisters were going to the A.C. in Logan. So, I stayed home, helped Mother and took a correspondence course from the B.Y.C. at Provo, Utah. How I wanted to go to college, but never got the chance. In November of 1907, I went to Logan, Utah and took a dress-making course at the Kestor Dress-Making School and worked for my board and room at Aunt Hannah South’s. I learned to sew, and that was a big help to me throughout my life. I think every girl should learn to make her own clothing. So, my schooling wasn’t much, but I have tried to keep on learning.
I was married to Hyrum J. Norris Jr. of Randolph. He had been one of my teachers in grade school. We were married on the 20th of August, 1908 in the Salt Lake Temple by President John R. Winder. We were planning on getting married later in the year as Hyrum had been made 2nd Counselor to Bishop John C. Gray and they thought he should be married. But Hyrum got a card from his cousin, Edward Hoffman of Logan, telling him he was going to the Philippine Islands to teach school for three or four years and wanted Hyrum to come to Salt Lake City to see him off on the 21st of August. He wanted him to bring me along as Ed was a very special friend of mine. I was making my wedding dress, so had to hurry things up. My dress was a white silk mulle trimmed with lace and insertion, with ten yards of cloth in it; it was floor length and very pretty.
We left Randolph on August 19, at 5 A.M. on the mail white-topped buggy driven by R. S. McKinnon, and how it was raining. At Woodruff, Wesley K. Walton got on the stage as he was going to Salt Lake City, so we had good company all the way. At Evanston, we got on the train and got to Salt Lake City at 6 P.M. Ed met us at the depot as he had just come from Logan. Brother Walton said that the new Winder Hotel on Main Street was a good place to stay, so we all went there and got rooms. We had to be at the temple early the next morning; Ed walked to the temple gate with us. I had always hoped to be married in the Salt Lake Temple. This was my first trip to Salt Lake City and the first time to see our wonderful temple which I had heard so much about. It was such a thrill to enter into this sacred edifice.
I was alone, as Mother and my sister, Dorothy, hadn’t been to the temple, but the sisters in the temple soon made me feel at ease. There was one other couple married that day. How wonderful it all was, we heard and learned things that would go with us through life. We got out at 2 P.M., and met Ed, then we went out to Saltaire. What a resort! We went swimming in the salt water, had a chicken supper and danced. We then came back to the city and went to the depot to see Ed off, he was a fine young man. The next day we went to Dinwoody’s Furniture Store and picked out our furniture and ordered things for the Furniture Company.
We were taken sightseeing by one of the men at the wholesale store; it was the first ride we had in a car and we were a little uneasy. It was a wonderful thing to know that we were married for time and eternity and to know that our children would be born in the Everlasting Covenant and would be ours through eternity. But, the thing that worried me was that my parents hadn’t been to the temple and that I was not sealed to them; so I made up my mind to work with them and try to get Father to see what the temple work meant in our lives.
My work now was to help make a home. Hyrum had a four room frame house located in the south-east part of town across from the public square. His father’s home was on the south-west part of the same block. We decided to live in the front two rooms the first winter and have the house remodeled the next spring. Hyrum was still County Clerk until the first of the year and had the store work to do also; so I was alone so much of the time. How hard it was to get used to being alone after having lived in a family of ten, and how hard to get in the habit of cooking for two, when I had learned to cook for a large family. We were very happy, and soon had our house made into a lovely little home. We planted trees, grass and flower gardens, and Hyrum always raised a good vegetable garden.
To us were born four children: Elma, Wendell Wilson, LeGrand ( who died when 12 days old), and Gerald H. who was born in the Dee Hospital in Ogden, Utah. The other three children were born in Randolph, and Dr. M.S. Reay was the Dr. who brought them into the world, Sarah Wilbur was the nurse for the first two and Nora Hellstrom took care of us when LeGrand was born. Dr. E. R. Dumke was the dr. that brought Gerald H. Norris. My sister, Jennie, came and stayed and took care of us when Elma and Wilson were born and Mattie Anderson (Johnston) when LeGrand was born. Gerald was born at the Dee hospital in Ogden, Utah. I was in the hospital for 15 days and then had to get an apartment and stayed for two more weeks. Mable Nicholls stayed with me. We came home or to Evanston, Wyo. On the train, it was a pullman going east; as we were getting off at Evanston, we didn’t have to have berths, but were told that we would have to ride in the observation car for the last half of the ride as the berths would have to be made down. The porter gave us pillows to make a bed in the seat for the baby. He caused a lot of comment, some made remarks loud enough for us to hear, “Looks like we are going to have company in this car tonight.” Many people came in to see this new baby, one young lady came twice and said that she had never seen a little baby before and wanted to kiss him, but I told her no , she said that she was soon to be married and was wearing a diamond ring and smoking a cigarette. She was the first woman that I had ever seen smoking. She said that she was from New York. One man came and offered to let us have his berth, thanking him, I told him that we would be getting off at 11 P.M. How it rained all through the mountains. When we had to go to the Observation Car, it wasn’t so pleasant, as some men and women were smoking and the baby commenced to fuss as he had never smelled tobacco smoke before. Mable tried to get him to sleep. One man asked what was wrong and I told him it was the smoke, so they all put their pipes and cigarettes away. One man remarked that he would soon get used to it when he got home to his daddy, I said that his father didn’t smoke. He then asked if we were Mormons, and I told him, yes. I was surprised at the questions that were asked, but I was happy that I was able to answer them as we had a real gospel discussion. That half hour went like lightening. The porter came to help us off and we sure had lots of help. Hyrum and Wilson were there with the car and we were soon at home in Randolph (and no tobacco smoke, thank goodness). A new baby was quite the thing at our house as Elma was almost 18 years old and Wilson 15 years old and both going to High School. I left the hospital tag on his arm so the children could see how they told the babies apart. I think every child and all the young people in the town came to see our new baby (Gerald H.). He was the first Randolph baby to be born in a hospital, now they all go to the hospital for this event. We loved our babies and were very thankful that they all came well and strong. LeGrand was the biggest baby we had, but he got the flu and died when he was 12 days old. He hadn’t even been named. The other three were blessed and given names by their father, Hyrum J. Norris Jr. in Sacrament Meetings in the Randolph Ward. They were taught to pray, and the principles of the gospel, to pay their tithing and offerings while they were small. They were all baptized members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the Randolph Ward. They all attended District school and High School and all graduated from South Rich High School. We tried to make our home a place our children would love, and love to bring their friends. They all learned to play the piano, and Wilson and Gerald played the saxophone. They both played in the school band, and both played on the basketball team. We loved our first home and have many happy memories of things that happened while we lived in that part of town. We built our new home in 1929 on Main Street so that we would be closer to the store and H.J.’s work. It is a nice modern brick house, we moved in November of 1929. It was all completed and Wilson stayed out of school to help get moved; Elma was at Idaho teaching school, and Gerald was 2 ½ years old. We have enjoyed and loved this home. I have worked in the church since I was 14 years old. My first position was a teacher in Religion Class and I taught the 1st Grade children. I loved this office and I taught for 28 years. I was made the Secretary of Primary 18 November, 1906-1914. I was appointed to be Journal Agent and Librarian of Y.W.M.I.A. (12 Sept. 1905) for many years, I also taught the senior class in Mutual for two years. From Oct. 28, 1914 to 26 Jan., 1920 I was Stake Journal Agent, I was Stake BeeKeeper from April 1915 to 20 Jan., 1920. My sister, Dorothy W. McKinnon, was Y.L. Stake President from 26 July, 1914 to 26 Jan., 1920 and she was released and I was put in her place as Y.L.M.I.A. Stake President of the Woodruff Stake. I served here from Jan. 26, 1920 to May, 1940. When I was called to be the Stake Y.L. President, I was 1st Counselor in the Randolph M.I.A. and also Bee Keeper. I was also a Sunday School Teacher, taught the 1st Intermediate Class for 21 years and the Second Intermediate class for 20 years. Stake President Baxter told me that I would have to give up my other positions and I said, “I love my Sunday School class, and would rather teach children than be Stake President of the young ladies,” so he said, “We want you for President and if you think you can do both, all right.” So, I went on teaching my Sunday School Class, and also my Bee Hive Girls. I taught Bee Hives for 38 years. I worked as a Stake Sunday School instructor for the senior class from May, 1940 until 1951. We were released from the Sunday School Stake Board and for one week I never held an office in the church, and I wondered just what I would do with myself, as I had been an officer in some organization since I was 14 years old. I didn’t have to wonder long, as I was called to be a Stake Bee Keeper in Sept. 1951. I loved Bee Hive work very dearly, so this made me very happy. While I was Stake Bee Keeper, we celebrated the 40th Anniversary of Bee Hive work, and each Swarm was supposed to make a quilt and give it to some one who had given a lot of service in Bee Hive work. I was surprised, as I went to M.I.A. one Tuesday night, to be called to the stand and presented with a beautiful quilt made by the Bee Hive class and their leaders (The Guardians of the Trees.) Each girl had made a block and embroidered her symbol on it, and the Swarm symbol and my symbol (The Elm Tree). Sister Sarah Hanney, (my first neighbor after I was Married) quilted it for them. The Bee Keepers were Francis Hanney and Mary Dodds. But, I was surprised at our Stake Swarm Day in May of 1954 at Evanston Stake House, I was presented with a quilt made by the Swarms from every ward and every ward Bee Keeper’s name and all the Bee Hive Girls names were on it. These are priceless to me, I loved the girls and I loved the Bee Hive work. Our Y.W. Stake President was released in April 1956 and we were released with her. I was again called to be Stake Bee Keeper from Sept. 18, 1956 to Jan. 1957. I had to resign as I fell and broke my hip on the 11th Nov. 1956 and had to be in the hospital for two months. I was told that I would never walk again; I was surely lost, and didn’t know what to do with myself. But, I had faith that I would again be able to do something in our church, and when I got so I could get around with the help of a cane, I was called to work in the Randolph Genealogy Organization in July, 1958. I have enjoyed this work. I have been the teacher, as well as doing other things. Since we started, I have made a Book of Remembrance and am hunting up the names of our dead ancestors, and also have written the histories of our parents and grandparents and great-grandparents. I have been to the temple since July 3, 1958, 89 times ( 89 endowments and have done 13 sealings ) up to the date of March 21, 1963. We haven’t been able to go since the 18th of June as they are building a new annex to the temple. We have gone to the Logan Temple a few times. I called a meeting and organized the Corless Family in January, 1963 and we are working on this now. I am grateful for Phebe and Fred Smith my brother and sister-in-law they have made it possible for me to go to the temple, each time they take us in their car and I’m thankful to Esta Wamsley for coming for my suitcase and helping in the temple and for others who have helped me. I was also a Gleaner teacher for one year, taught both the Gleaner Girls and the M Men. I bought my first formal dress to go to the Gleaner and M Men banquet. The top of the dress was black velvet, the skirt was black net over pink satin and a bunch of pink rosebuds at the neck. It was very pretty. I received my Honorary Golden Gleaner pin and certificate in May, 1956 at Conference held in Evanston. I have loved and learned very much from my work in the church. The gospel has been my guiding star, it has helped me to overcome failings, to keep me out of temptation, and has taught me to look up and prepare myself for eternity, and to have love in my heart for my fellow man and sympathy for the less fortunate. It has guided me through sorrow and trials and made me thankful for having had the chance to come to earth to prepare myself for the next step in this great Plan of Salvation. I know that Jesus Christ lives and is the son of the Living God, and if we keep His commandments, we will meet Him in the Celestial World. I have met many fine people through my church work, I have met and shook hands with President Heber J. Grant and Sister Grant, I saw President George Albert Smith and Sister Smith, and President David O. McKay and Sister McKay. I saw President Joseph F. Smith, but never met him. I know that these four Presidents of the L.D.S. Church are Prophets of God. I have met many of the Apostles; Rudgar Clawson, President of Twelve stayed at our first home. I met many times Bro. Ballard, Richard R. Lyman, Harold B. Lee, Bro. Romney, Bro. Clark, Bro. Richards and others. Sister Martha Tingey, Ruth May Fox, Lucy G. Cannon, Clarrissa A. Beesley, Rachel G. Taylor and many others. I see Sister Wells in the Temple and she always comes and speaks to me. There are so many others as well as lovely people in our Stake, I am grateful for having worked with them. I have loved the women and men I have worked with and the boys and girls I have taught through the years. I have enjoyed the work, and have had some lovely trips. We always went to June M.I.A. Conference and to the April and October General Conferences when H.J. and I worked in the Ward and Stake; that was our vacation. We went with the Boy Scouts to the Yellowstone National Park; Wilson, Dwain and Arch McKinnon, and Ancion McKinnon, Eileen Christianson and I went with 35 boy scouts. We had a wonderful trip. I went to the Worlds Fair at Chicago on Sept. 6, 1934 ( Century of Progress ) with Elma in Vida Fox Clawson’s Tour Company. The Tabernacle Choir went the same time, we had a wonderful time. In 1939, April 8, H.J., Elma, Gerald and I went in our car to “Pageant of the Pacific” held at Treasure Island at San Francisco, California. We had a very interesting trip. Gerald was 12 years old. Ardith’s Grandma, Annie Corless, died while we were gone. June 18, 1940. Hyrum took his car and Elma and Dorothy McKinnon and I went to the Northwest to attend the marriage of Roy McKinnon and Venda Lee Sweet. Elma took sick and we had to stop at Boise, Idaho and Reays came and brought her home and we went on to Tacoma. We attended the wedding, it was held at the Tacoma Ward Chapel. The next day we went on the honeymoon with Roy and Venda. We went to Canada and Victoria, we took our car on the boat. It was a wonderful trip, one never to be forgotten. My next trip to Tacoma was in June, 1943, went with my sister, Dorothy, we went on the train. It was while World War II was on, and every train was full and so many soldier boys had to stand. I stayed three weeks; we went up to help Roy while Venda was in the hospital with a new baby, she wasn’t born until after I came home. We had a lovely visit, and I brought two little girls back with me on the train to Evanston to stay with their Grandma. Our next trip to Tacoma was on August 24, 1950. Hyrum, Elma and I went in our car and met Aunt Dorothy and Uncle William Hale at Tremonton, Utah. We had a lovely trip, visited Seattle, and went to Canada, Victoria and other places. Roy, Venda and children went with us and we sure saw many interesting places. Before I left Roy’s, I cleared out my handbag and when we came back into the states, I didn’t have a thing to identify me, and they let them all through the gate but me. I laughed and told them they would have to feed me as I didn’t have any money in my purse. He said, “Don’t you have a letter or any names and I thought of my temple recommend and that saved the day. Remember, always have some identification papers, I thought I had Hyrum and he would get me through. When we drove off the boat, we got separated at the docks of Seattle and it took us guessing, to find our way back to Roy’s house at night. This was a very perfect trip. My next trip to Tacoma, was on August 2, 1955 to attend Venda Lee McKinnon’s funeral. Ardith and Elma went with me, we went on the train. It was Ardith’s first trip to Tacoma, it was a very sad trip and there were some interesting things happen. We felt so sorry for Roy and his children to be left without a mother. We also learned how selfish some people can be. (Her folks) On July 31, 1959, Alvin, Ardith, Linda, Kent, Colleen and I went on a trip to Washington to visit with Roy and Edith, his second wife and family. We had a lovely trip and were treated royally. Roy came back with us ( I guess this will be my last trip to Tacoma). We went to the ocean and it was so gray and we saw the waves roll in and cover everything in their way, even to Roy. Ha! Went on a very lovely trip to Cardston, Alberta, Canada in July, 1948, Elma went with me. We went with a company of people from Woodruff Stake, we went by bus and cars. We had an ideal trip, we went through the Cardston L.D.S. Temple and we also went through the Idaho Falls Temple, I went through the Idaho Falls Temple twice. We had our picture taken by the temple with President and Sister Wood. I also got to see Aunt Annie K. Corless, I would like to take that trip again. I was sorry that Hyrum couldn’t go, the last trip we took with Hyrum was to the Yellowstone National Park on Sept. 1, 1955. H.J. took his car and Gerald, Inez, Ellen, Janeal, Virginia, Ronald, Bob and Marjean Tate, Linda and Don Kent Norris and I went. Aunt Iva tended Earl at home, as he was a baby. Hyrum drove his car most of the way and we enjoyed every minute of our trip. We saw many bears, elk, deer and buffalo and we went fishing. Ronald was just a small boy and we saw him with a stick chasing a black bear and it ran along ahead of him. We were all scared to death. Linda and I slept in the car ( the bears came.) On July 25, 1961, Esta Wamsley, Alvin, Ardith, Colleen and Linda Ackerman and I went on a trip to Colorado. Alvin and Linda did the driving, we visited Dinosaur National Monument and Vernal, Utah, went through Estes Park, stayed two days at Loveland, Colorado, and visited with Lamar and Helen Waddell. Went to Denver and other places of interest. Had a very lovely time. I have had many short trips with the Bee Hive girls and the Ladies Literary Club and family trips. I love to travel. Wendell and I had always planned to take a trip to the Hawaiian Islands, but I guess his mission will serve for our long planned trip. I have worked as a 4H Club leader in cooking for two years, worked on the Rich County Fair Board for many years, was Republican Chairwoman for years. Served as County President of Daughters of Utah Pioneers for three years and served in Camp Randolph as 2nd vice-captain and historian and am historian at the present time. I belong to the Ladies Literary Club and have held different offices. I have always exhibited things in the County Fair; flowers, vegetables, bottled fruit, pickles, jams and jellies, cakes and cookies and sewing. I have had many blue ribbons, some red and white. I took the Sweepstakes ribbon in August 1961 on a basket of Sweet Peas. I am chairman of the Flower Department at present. We have very good Fairs and Rodeos. I also belong to a Birthday Club of Ladies and we celebrate each Birthday, members as follows: Della McKinnon, Lota H. Kennedy, Bess Rex, Mae McKinnon, Mary Ann Smith, Emma Norris, Phebe N. Smith, Ireta Argyle, Ada Muir, Rosie Kennedy, Lucy Norris, Luella Hellstrom, and Grace Norris. We celebrated Mary Ann Smith’s 96th birthday Feb. 15, 1963. There are nine widows, one of our members died 1962, Estella Lloyd. We have very good times. My parents were very good people and I had the privilege of going to the Logan Temple on June 10, 1914 and seeing them sealed for time and all eternity and my sister, Dorothy, and I and Leah were sealed to them. Alta went, but she was married and hadn’t been through the temple so wasn’t sealed at the time; but through the years, the other four, George, Alta, Janet, and Earl have been sealed to them, but Clyde hasn’t yet been sealed. Father filled two missions after this time; a two year mission to Southern States and a six month mission to California, but he died of a heart attack before he got home from his six month mission. I am very grateful to them for the things they taught me, and the loving care they showered upon me and my brothers and sisters. We were taught to love one another, to be honest, and trustworthy, thrifty and saving; to take care of what we had and be thankful for it. To always be on time, and to keep our word. Father always said, “A penny saved is a penny made, take care of your dimes and the dollars will take care of themselves, and never be afraid to do an honest days work.” I loved my brothers and sisters, their lifemates and their children; and have tried to always make them welcome in our home. I have tried to help each one of them when they had sickness and trouble in their homes and they have helped me and mine. My sister, Dorothy, has been especially near to me and my children as she only had Roy, but she mothered all the families’ children. When I had sickness, I always sent for her and Uncle Don. Leah has seemed more like a daughter as I had to help raise her; she was only five years older than Elma and they grew up together. Uarda is near to me, as when her mother died, she lived with us. Then when mother was alone, she took her, but I had to make her clothing and help care for her, so she seems like our own daughter. We loved her as much as our own children. Her sister, Verlynn, had her back broken in a car accident and was bedfast four or more years. I went and helped care for her and she became very dear to me. She was a wonderful young girl, had a strong testimony of the gospel and died after four or five years of suffering. I have enjoyed my wonderful husband, he has been wonderful to me and my family, and he helped me accomplish the things I have done. We were real companions, both loving and trusting each other; working together in the home and store. I always helped him and worked in the store for him for 25 years. We worked in the church and community together, and he always helped me. We always seemed to see things the same way. It has been wonderful to have a husband that held the priesthood, and he had such great faith, when the children or I were ill, he administered to us and we were made well. He was an outstanding, kind, loving, and understanding father to his children and others. We sent Elma to the University of Utah, and Wilson to the A.C.U. and then on a mission to the Western States Mission; and how we both missed them. When Gerald H. graduated from R. Rich High School, he had to go to war; how we worried about him, but was thankful for his safe return; and he came back a good, clean boy. We had the opportunity of going to the Salt Lake Temple with each of them when they were married. Wilson W. was the first, he married Ardith Wamsley and we have loved her very dearly. They had six children, one died when three weeks old, and the other five are living. Elma was married to Claude M. Reay, they haven’t had any children, but Elma has sure tried to help her brothers’ children and we all love her dearly. There couldn’t have been another as wonderful as she to her parents and to everyone. When Gerald H. was married, Elma went with us; he married Inez Davidson and to them were born five lovely children. They have all been wonderful and helpful to us and we loved everyone of them, each in a different way. We loved our children, but we love our grandchildren just as much, and are just as interested in their lives. When Wilson was just a boy, he would say, “When I get married, I am bringing my wife home to live and we are going to have ten children.” I said, “If you want your wife to love me, we had better not live in the same house.” He brought his wife home to live in our basement, and we learned to love each other dearly. They lived here for ten years and had six children. (Harold J. died at three weeks). The others are still living, and they seemed just like my own. Elma and Claude live just a block away, they have the Post Office and Elma brings the mail to me and comes home and helps me with the things I can’t do myself; as washing, house cleaning and other things. She is a very good daughter, and I think we love and understand each other. She hasn’t a family, but has sure tried hard to help Wilson’s and Gerald’s children, and I think her brothers loved her. Gerald H. and Inez built their home in our garden plot east of our home and it is just wonderful to have them that close. Inez has been a real daughter and Gerald a very fine son. They have five children, three girls and two boys. I was told in my patriarchal blessing that my children would grow up around me in the love of the gospel and be found in the favor of the Lord. This has come true; Wilson fulfilled a mission to the Western States and was active in the ward. Elma and he went to college and Elma taught school for many years and has been an active member of our ward and stake. Gerald H., when eighteen years old, was called to serve his country and he never got a mission, only two stake missions and he has been an active ward and stake officer, and they are both active at the present time. They have all three worked in the Rich County Furniture Co. for their father. Wilson went into the Ranch business and was very successful. Gerald stayed with the store work and is now manager and a stock holder. He and his father, H.J. Norris Jr., started the T.V. system in Randolph, and Gerald has stayed with it, and has done a splendid job and has a good TV system. We have had our sorrows and have tried to accept them in the right light and to see the Lord’s hand in all that has come to us. I am thankful for the light of the gospel for it has helped me in my hours of trial. The first death in our family was our baby, LeGrand, taken when he was 12 days old. I didn’t understand death then, as I have learned to as the years have passed. It is just another step in the great Plan of Salvation and sooner or later we will all be called and we should prepare ourselves each day to be ready. I have lived to see my grandparents, my father and mother, my two brothers and wives, and three sisters and husbands, and one niece and one grandchild pass away. And then the tragic death of my son, Wilson, at the age of 39, leaving a wife and 5 children to raise. Then the sudden death of my husband who had been so dear to me and we had lived and enjoyed each other’s companionship so much. But the comforting Spirit of the Lord has come to me, helping me to see the hand of the Lord in it, and assuring me that some day we shall all be united in the spirit world; and what a wonderful reunion that well be if I just live worthy of it. I have had some serious operations and have been operated on and recovered. I have been blessed in many ways. Four months after Hyrum died, I went on a trip to Southern Utah with Claude and Elma and on the 11 November, 1956 I fell and broke my hip. I was taken to the Holy Cross Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah and was in there two months. Then I went to stay at Alvin and Ardith’s home. Alvin Jones and Ardith were married at our home in May, 1956. They treated me royal, Alvin was just as good as my own boy could have been, and of course I felt to home with Ardith and the children. They all tried to help me. What a let down, active in the ward and stake, and working six days a week in the store, and now to just have to be waited on. Little Colleen was only 5 years old and she stayed with me in the daytime and Don Kent came home at noon and gave us our lunch. After school, the place was alive with the children and their friends. Linda and Wendell were going to Jr. High and Kent to the Douglas Grade School. Rosalie went to LDS Business College and Gail Johnson stayed at Ardith’s and attended the University. I received many letters and cards and many people came to see me. Colleen helped me to learn to use the crutches, but I was told by the doctor that I would never walk again. But, I had faith, and thought that in time I would be well again. We had always had Christmas dinner and tree and program at our home for the family. This was the first year for Ardith and the children to be in Salt Lake, but they put me in the car and we came home Christmas morning. Elma and Inez had the dinner all ready and the tree up and decorated, (but how sad not to have Grandpa). We stayed three days and went back. I came home in July and could get around on crutches. Inez let one of the girls come and stay with me and Elma and Inez did the work I couldn’t do. The pins in my hip worked out and in November, 1959 they operated and removed the pins. I stayed with Ardith that winter and Colleen came and went to school at Randolph. Then arthritis set in and now I get around, but have to use a cane. I suffer lots of pain, but try to do my own work. Gerald has always taken care of my furnace and cut the grass and helped me. The girls, Ellen, Janeal and Virginia have taken turns staying with me; they each take a week. Earl and Ronald have helped , they take the ashes out and rake the grass. Everyone has been real good to me. Gerald and Inez take me to Sunday School and Sacrament Meeting. I have tried to be of some use to myself and family. I have had the pleasure of going to the temple with my children when they were married, and now it is the grandchildren. We were all invited to go through the Salt Lake Temple with my oldest granddaughter, Rosalie Norris. She was married to Mark J. Frodsham of Woodruff, Utah on the 16th January, 1959. Gerald, Inez, Elma and Grandma Wamsley and I, also Mark’s parents, Grandma Frazier and brother, Frank and wife and other relatives attended. Alvin Jones took out his endowments at the same time. We went to the early morning session, when we got to the parking lot there was Mark and Rosalie all excited, she had forgotten her wedding dress. We called the house and no answer, so we called Mildred (the neighbor) and she said that she saw Ardith with it and she would soon be down (it’s good to have a mother). We sure had a good laugh. We were real happy to have them married in the House of the Lord and for time and eternity. They were married by Brother C. Perschon. Uncle William Hale came to see them married, he was my sister, Dorothy’s, third husband. Their wedding reception was held at Woodruff, Utah in the ward recreation hall. There was a very large crowd and they are so happy. Then our Linda and Dale H. Ackerman decided to get married. I was down to Salt Lake visiting with them. They were married at her parents’ home on 18th Feb. 1961 by their Bishop Reed Reeves. The weather was bad, so only the relatives that lived close came. Her parents had an open house reception on 4th March, 1961 in the Douglas Ward recreation hall and people came from everywhere, it was a lovely party. But, I hope to see them go to the temple and be sealed for time and eternity. Linda hadn’t finished school so she went to school and graduated, and Dale went on to college. On the 9th June, 1961 I went with the Bells to the Logan Temple to go through with Sharon Weston and Wm. Earl Bell. They were married by President George A. Raymond. I was the only relative on Sharon’s mother’s side as Reta and Sim hadn’t been through the temple. It made me happy to have them invite me. Sharon is my brother, Earl Wilson’s granddaughter. The president of the temple, after marrying them, said to Billie, “You are marrying a very choice spirit, live a good life and receive the blessing of the Lord.” Wendell W. Norris Jr. graduated from East High School, June 1st 1960. He played in the East High Band and they played at the exercises. I attended it, what a thrill to see so many boys and girls graduate. I also attended the graduation exercises when Linda graduated from Junior High School in 1958, and East High in June 1961. Alvin and Ardith took me to the graduation exercises at Barrett Hall when Rosalie graduated from LDS Business College. I was on crutches and Alvin and Jack Powell almost carried me up the steep flight of stairs. The Barrett Hall along with another church building were taken down in 1963 to make room for the new Church Building. Don Kent graduated from Roosevelt Jr. High and was given the honor of “Mr. Basketball”, and he played ball at East High and would rather play ball than eat (basketball, baseball and football). On the 17th Sept. 1961 I became a great-grandmother. Linda gave birth to a baby boy, this making her mother a grandmother. He was my first great-grandchild and Esta’s; and Ardith’s and Mrs. Ackerman’s first grandchild, so he is extra special. He was named David Hiatt Ackerman, blessed by his father, Dale Ackerman, in the 18th Ward, Salt Lake City, Utah. I went down and stayed with Linda for awhile until she was able to be alone. Rosalie and Mark were not blessed with any children, so they adopted a baby girl on the 8th Sept. 1962 (she was born 13 March, 1962 in Salt Lake City). She was a beautiful baby with black, silky hair and brown eyes, so lovely, one wonders how the real mother could part with as precious a spirit. But, how welcome she was made with Mark and Rosalie and their people; how they love her. Esta and I went down to Salt Lake with Gail and Von Satterthwaite to attend the Sacrament Meeting in the 18th Ward on 30 Sept. 1962 when Mark blessed her and gave her the name of Shirlyn Frodsham. I hope we will have many more great-grandchildren. A thrill came to our family when Wendell W. Norris received a call to go on a mission to Southern Australia. Wendell is such a fine boy, we will miss him, but how wonderful to go preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to those in darkness. The call came in January, 1962, he was working in Aurbachs Dept. Store. His testimonial was to be held January 21st, 1962 in Douglas Ward. It had stormed for several days, snowing and drifting, how we hoped it would clear up before Sunday, but it didn’t. Gerald H. was on the program. They took me to Sunday School and everybody said we were foolish to try and go. When I got home, Gerald and Inez were ready, they had me go in for dinner. The news kept telling people to keep off the highway. Esta called and said they had backed out. We wondered just what to do, how I hated to have to miss it, and yet how dangerous to go. We decided to make it a matter of prayer; we all knelt down and I did the praying. I asked the Lord to guide us and let us know just what was best to do. When we were through, a sweet, peaceful feeling filled our souls and we felt sure He would help us to make it. Gerald and Inez and the five children and I got in the car and went. The roads were very bad and slick as glass, we saw some cars go off the road , but we made it in safety and on time. Ardith cried when we got there, tears of joy, and how thankful we were that we went. His farewell testimonial was very nice, a very large crowd and people that we hadn’t seen for years. He went in the Mission Home 22nd January, 1962. We came home that night and I hope we never have to go over such slick roads again. I went back to Salt Lake and stayed until after Wendell left. Grandma Wamsley and I went to the Testimony Meeting held in the Assembly Hall on Sunday Evening with Wendell and his girlfriend. It was booked and lasted 3 hours. It was a real experience to see and hear so many testimonies of these young Sisters and Elders. The fog was so bad that many of the missionaries had to wait as the planes and buses were not leaving on time. Wendell took us in his mother’s car and it was hard to see the way home. How thankful we were to arrive in safety. Wendell and some other missionaries were to leave on Jan. 30 on a large airplane; Ardith, Alvin, Colleen, Rosalie, Mark, Dale and Linda and Charlotte, his girlfriend, and I went to see him off. It was so foggy that we couldn’t see the plane after it was 3 feet off the ground. There were a lot of friends out to see him off. How happy when we learned he had arrived safely, 9,000 miles in 17 hours, and they had 3 stops at different places. He loves his mission. I have attended Jack Powell’s testimonial in 33rd Ward in Salt Lake on 23 June, 1957. He went to the Gulf States Mission, left 26th June by train. Rosalie, Wendell, Colleen and I went to the depot to see him off. I was on crutches and he called from the moving train, “Goodbye, Aunt Grace, I’ll dance with you when I come home.” How the crowd laughed. Jack is my sister, Alta Spencer’s grandson, his mother is my niece, Eva. On January 16, 1963 we went to Salt Lake to attend her second son’s farewell. He was one of the twins, Spencer Redmond, he went to the Canadian Mission. Eva has a fine family and it is sure wonderful of her to send two sons and it looks like she may send more. She works to help send them. Our life hasn’t always been a bed of roses, we have had to struggle and have seen some very hard times, and had to work hard for what we got, but we have been blessed . We have always had a home and something to eat, and clothes to wear, and have been able to pay our debts, tithing, and dues. We always were willing to share with others. I am grateful for my testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel, the Plans of Life and Salvation, and to know without a doubt that Jesus is the Son of the Living God, and the God of this earth. I know that if I keep the commandments and live the gospel plan, do the work he has laid out for me to do here in this life, then I will be permitted to see my maker in eternity. The gospel has been a guide to me, has helped me over rough places, has guided me from temptations, and brought joy to my soul. I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet, and also the other Presidents and apostles of our L.D.S. Church are true prophets, and we should listen to their counsel and teachings and we will be guided in the true path of our Savior. I am grateful for having had both parents and grandparents that accepted the Gospel of Jesus Christ and left their homes and came as pioneers to help settle Utah and the West. I am grateful for having had the opportunity of being married to my husband in the S.L. Temple for time and eternity and that our children were born in the covenant, and that they have all been married in the temple of God. I am happy for having the privilege of working in His church and I have tried to live the commandments and set a good example to my family and those I have taught. I know that the Lord answers our prayers, as mine have been answered many times. I have been healed many times through prayer and saw others healed. I have enjoyed working in the temple for my dead ancestors and hope I can do more. The genealogy work brings a joy and satisfaction to me when I know that I have helped some one that has not been able to help themselves to gain Eternal Salvation. May the Spirit of the Lord always abide with me, and that my testimony may grow stronger. I am thankful for life, that I had the chance to come to this earth and partake of a body. May I always live to be worthy of thy blessings. I am grateful for my family and relatives and friends and every blessing I have received.
1888 |
November 14, 1888
Randolph, Rich, Utah, United States
1927 |
April 20, 1927
Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States
1971 |
October 18, 1971
Age 82
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, United States
October 1971
Age 82
Randolph, Rich County, Utah, United States