Gisèle Gisle de SAVOIE (geb. de BOURGOGNE IVRÉE) ist geboren worden 1075, zu Guillaume Ier Le Grand Têtehardie de BOURGOGNE und Étiennette de BOURGOGNE (geb. de LONGWY METZ).
Guillaume ist geboren worden 1017.
With her first husband, Humbert II of Savoy, whom she married in 1090, her children included:
Amadeus III of Savoy
William, Bishop of Liège
Adelaide of Maurienne (d. 1154), wife of King Louis VI of France
Agnes, (d. 1127), wife of Arcimboldo VI, lord of Bourbon
Guy, abbot of Namur
By her second marriage to Rainier, Marquess of Montferrat, her children were:
* William V of Montferrat
* Giovanna of Montferrat, wife of William Clito, Count of Flanders
* Matilda, wife of Alberto of Parodi, Margrave of Parodi
* Adelasia, a nun
* Isabella, wife of Guido, Count of Biandrate
The family of Humbert II de SAVOIE and Gisle ou Gisèle de BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE
[127720] SAVOIE (de), Humbert II (Amédée II & Jeanne de GENÈVE [133757]), comte de Maurienne
BOURGOGNE-IVRÉE (de), Gisle ou Gisèle (Guillaume Ier dit Tête Hardie de BOURGOGNE & Étiennette de LONGWY-METZ [133896])
1) Adélaïde, married .. (France) 1115 Louis VI le Gros de FRANCE
2) Amédée III, comte de Savoie, married France ? (France) 1123 Mathilde d'ALBON
Bibliographie : Europaische Stammtafeln; Mémoires (Société généalogique canadienne-française); Histoire de la maison royale de France (Père Anselme)
Gisela of Burgundy was the wife of Count Humbert II, whom she married in 1090, and of Rainier I of Montferrat, whom she married in 1105. With Humbert she had 7 children, including two of our ancestors (Adelaide and Amadeus), each of whom was independently our ancestor. With Rainier she had 4 children.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gisela_of_Burgundy,_Countess_of_Savoy for more information.
Savoie (Savoy) is a region of southeastern France that extends from Lake Geneva to the Isère River and borders on the Italian frontier. Its command of the western Alpine passes into Italy enhances its strategic importance. Savoy was the original domain of the Savoy dynasty, which ruled Italy from 1861 to 1946.
Savoy's early Celtic inhabitants were conquered by the Romans in 121 BC. During the 5th century AD the Burgundians gained control of the region, which passed in 534 to the Frankish kingdom of Burgundy. Savoy came under the suzerainty of the Holy Roman emperor in 1033. Count Humbert I aux Blanches Mains (the Whitehanded), founder of the House of Savoy and a vassal of the German emperor, then controlled much of the region. He settled in Chambéry and began extracting exorbitant tolls from neighboring kings who wanted to march through the pass. By the 14th century, this powerful kingdom included Nice, the Jura, Piedmonte, and Geneva.
The Savoy dukes increasingly favored their Italian lands, particularly since generations of French monarchs had expressed military designs on Savoy, which was largely French-speaking. The dukes transferred their capital to Piedmonte in 1563. France annexed Savoy in 1792, but it was restored to the House of Savoy in 1815. In 1860, however, after a plebiscite, the region was returned to France, and the French acquiesced to the rule of the House of Savoy over a kingdom in north central Italy.
Ivrea is a town and commune of the province of Turin in the Piedmont region of northwestern Italy. Situated on the road leading to the Aosta Valley (part of the medieval Via Francigena), it straddles the Dora Baltea and is regarded as the centre of the Canavese area. Ivrea lies in a basin that, in prehistoric times, formed a great lake.
The town first appears in history as a cavalry station of the army of the Roman Empire, founded in 100 BC and set to guard one of the traditional invasion routes into northern Italy over the Alps. The Latin name of the town was Eporedia.
The Cathedral of Ivrea.
After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, Ivrea became seat of a duchy under the Lombards (6th-8th centuries). Alessandro Manzoni in his Adelchi, names one duke Guinigi of Ivrea, chosen by king Desiderius as defender of Pavia. Under the Franks (9th century), Ivrea was a county capital. In the year 1001, after a period of disputes with bishop Warmund, ruler of the city, Arduin conquered March of Ivrea. Later he became King of Italy and set a dynasty that lasted until the 11th century, when the city switched again to the bishops' suzerainty.
The following century Ivrea became a free commune, but succumbed in the first decades of the 13th century. In 1238 Emperor Frederick II put it under his domains. Later Ivrea was disputed between the bishops, the marquis of Monferrato and the House of Savoy. In 1356 Ivrea was acquired by Amadeus VI of Savoy. With the exception of the brief French conquest at the end of the 16th century, Ivrea remained under Savoy until 1800: on May 26 of that year Napoleon Bonaparte entered the city along with his victorious troops, establishing control that ended in 1814 after his fall.
Burgundy (French: Bourgogne; German: Burgund) is a region historically situated in modern-day France and Switzerland.
Burgundy was inhabited in turn by Celts, Romans (Gallo-Romans), and in the 4th century assigned by Romans to the Burgundians, a Germanic people, who settled there and established their own kingdom. This Burgundian kingdom was conquered in the 6th century by the Franks who continued the kingdom of Burgundy under their own rule.
Later, the region was divided between the Duchy of Burgundy (west of Burgundy) and the County of Burgundy (east of Burgundy). The Duchy of Burgundy is the more famous of the two, and the one which reached historical fame. Later, the Duchy of Burgundy became the French province of Burgundy, while the County of Burgundy became the French province of Franche-Comté, literally meaning free county.
The modern-day administrative région of Bourgogne comprises most of the former Duchy of Burgundy.
The Burgundians were one of the Germanic peoples who filled the power vacuum left by the collapse of the western half of the Roman Empire. In A.D. 411, they crossed the Rhine and established a kingdom at Worms. Amidst repeated clashes between the Romans and Huns, the Burgundian kingdom eventually occupied what is today the borderlands between Switzerland, France, and Italy. In 534, the Franks defeated Godomar, the last Burgundian king, and absorbed the territory into their growing empire.
Burgundy's modern existence is rooted in the dissolution of the Frankish Empire. When the dynastic succession was settled in the 880s, there were four Burgundies:
1. the Kingdom of Upper (Transjurane) Burgundy around Lake Geneva,
2. the Kingdom of Lower Burgundy in Provence, and
3. the Duchy of Burgundy west of the Saône
4. the County of Burgundy east of the Saône
The two kingdoms of Upper and Lower Burgundy were reunited in 937 and absorbed into the Holy Roman Empire under Conrad II in 1032, as the Kingdom of Arles. The Duchy of Burgundy was annexed by the French throne in 1477. The County of Burgundy remained loosely associated with the Holy Roman Empire (intermittently independent, whence the name "Franche-Comté"), and finally incorporated into France in 1678, with the Treaties of Nijmegen.
During the Middle Ages, Burgundy was the seat of some of the most important Western churches and monasteries, among them Cluny, Citeaux, and Vézelay.
During the Hundred Years' War, King John II of France gave the duchy to his younger son, rather than leaving it to his successor on the throne. The duchy soon became a major rival to the French throne, because the Dukes of Burgundy succeeded in assembling an empire stretching from Switzerland to the North Sea, mostly by marriage. The Burgundian territories consisted of a number of fiefdoms on both sides of the (then largely symbolic) border between the Kingdom of France and the Holy Roman Empire. Its economic heartland was in the Low Countries, particularly Flanders and Brabant. The court in Dijon outshone the French court by far, both economically and culturally. In Belgium and in the south of the Netherlands, a 'Burgundian lifestyle' still means 'enjoyment of life, good food, and extravagant spectacle'.
In the late 15th and early 16th centuries, Burgundy provided a power base for the rise of the Habsburgs, after Maximilian of Austria had married into the ducal family. In 1477 at the battle of Nancy during the Burgundian Wars the last duke Charles the Bold was killed in battle and Burgundy itself taken back by France. After the death of his daughter Mary her husband Maximilian moved the court first to Mechelen and later to the palace at Coudenberg, Brussels, and from there ruled the remnants of the empire, the Low Countries (Burgundian Netherlands) and Franche-Comté, then still an imperial fief. The latter territory was ceded to France in the Treaty of Nijmegen of 1678.
Gisela of Burgundy was the wife of Count Humbert II, whom she married in 1090, and of Rainier I of Montferrat, whom she married in 1105. With Humbert she had 7 children, including two of our ancestors (Adelaide and Amadeus), each of whom was independently our ancestor. With Rainier she had 4 children.
1070 |
Bourgogne, France
1092 |
Saint Jean De Maurienne, Savoie, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
1095 |
Carignano, Turin, Piedmont, Italy
1100 |
(Normandy) France
1103 |
Maurienne, Savoie, Rhone-Alpes, France
1115 |
Duchy of Monferrato, Italy
Montferrat, Italy
1133 |
Age 63
Chambéry, Savoie, Rhone-Alpes, France