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Immediate Family
About Gilbert fitz Turold
GILBERT FitzTurold . King Henry I refers to land "in Compton Greenfield which Gilbert fitz Turold held" in a charter dated to [1111 before 2 Apr][795].
- 1. RICHARD FitzTurold (-after 1103). "…Richard fitz Turolf…" witnessed the charter dated to [1103/04] under which King Henry I confirmed property to Saint-Martin de Marmoutier, Tours[785]. m ---. Richard & his wife had one child:
- a) WILLIAM FitzRichard (-after 1136). Lord of Cardinham, Cornwall. "…William fitz Richard…" witnessed the charter dated to [15 Apr 1123] under which King Henry I restored churches in Cornwall and Devon to Exeter Cathedral[786]. The 1130 Pipe Roll records "Wills fil Ric" returning in Devonshire for "uxore Fulbti de Doura cum dote et maritagio suo"[787]. The relationship between William FitzRichard and the family of Fulbert of Dover has not been traced. "…[W]illelmus filius Ri[cardi]" witnessed the charter dated [Apr/21 Nov] 1136 under which King Stephen confirmed churches to Exeter Cathedral[788]. m ---. William & his wife had [three] children:
- i) [ROBERT FitzWilliam (-after 1169). A charter of King Henry III, dated 6 May 1235, records donations to Tywardreth Priory, Cornwall by “Robertus filius Willielmi et Agnes uxor…et Robertus meus filius” dated 1169 which names Robert as "fratre Baldewyno existente priore apud Tiwardrait"[789].] m AGNES, daughter of --- (-after 1169). A charter of King Henry III, dated 6 May 1235, records donations to Tywardreth Priory, Cornwall by “Robertus filius Willielmi et Agnes uxor…et Robertus meus filius” dated 1169 which names Robert as "fratre Baldewyno existente priore apud Tiwardrait"[790]. Robert & his wife had one child:
- (a) ROBERT . A charter of King Henry III, dated 6 May 1235, records donations to Tywardreth Priory, Cornwall by “Robertus filius Willielmi et Agnes uxor…et Robertus meus filius” dated 1169 which names Robert as "fratre Baldewyno existente priore apud Tiwardrait"[791].
- ii) [BALDWIN (-after 1169). Prior of Tywardreth. A charter of King Henry III, dated 6 May 1235, records donations to Tywardreth Priory, Cornwall by “Robertus filius Willielmi et Agnes uxor…et Robertus meus filius” dated 1169 which names Robert as "fratre Baldewyno existente priore apud Tiwardrait"[792].]
- iii) BEATRICE FitzWilliam . The Gesta Stephani Regis records that "Willelmus filius Ricardi…[in] comitatus Cornubiensis" rebelled against King Stephen and married "filiam suam" to "Reinaldo filio regis Henrici", dated to [1140/42][793]. The primary source which confirms her name has not yet been identified. She is called Mabilia in Domesday Descendants[794]. m ([1141]%29 RENAUD [de Dunstanville], illegitimate son of HENRY I King of England & his mistress Sibyl Corbet ([1110/15]-Chertsey, Surrey 1 Jul 1175, bur Reading Abbey). He was created Earl of Cornwall in [Apr 1141] by his half-sister Empress Matilda.
- i) [ROBERT FitzWilliam (-after 1169). A charter of King Henry III, dated 6 May 1235, records donations to Tywardreth Priory, Cornwall by “Robertus filius Willielmi et Agnes uxor…et Robertus meus filius” dated 1169 which names Robert as "fratre Baldewyno existente priore apud Tiwardrait"[789].] m AGNES, daughter of --- (-after 1169). A charter of King Henry III, dated 6 May 1235, records donations to Tywardreth Priory, Cornwall by “Robertus filius Willielmi et Agnes uxor…et Robertus meus filius” dated 1169 which names Robert as "fratre Baldewyno existente priore apud Tiwardrait"[790]. Robert & his wife had one child:
- a) WILLIAM FitzRichard (-after 1136). Lord of Cardinham, Cornwall. "…William fitz Richard…" witnessed the charter dated to [15 Apr 1123] under which King Henry I restored churches in Cornwall and Devon to Exeter Cathedral[786]. The 1130 Pipe Roll records "Wills fil Ric" returning in Devonshire for "uxore Fulbti de Doura cum dote et maritagio suo"[787]. The relationship between William FitzRichard and the family of Fulbert of Dover has not been traced. "…[W]illelmus filius Ri[cardi]" witnessed the charter dated [Apr/21 Nov] 1136 under which King Stephen confirmed churches to Exeter Cathedral[788]. m ---. William & his wife had [three] children:
- 2. GILBERT FitzTurold . King Henry I refers to land "in Compton Greenfield which Gilbert fitz Turold held" in a charter dated to [1111 before 2 Apr][795].
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