Immediate Family
About Frederuna von Ringelheim
([1/18] Apr 907) FREDERUNA, sister of BOVO [II] Bishop of Châlons, daughter of --- (-10 Feb 917, bur Reims, église abbatiale de Saint-Rémi). The charter of "Karolus…rex" dated "907 XIII Kal Mai" refers to "quondam nobili prosapia puellam…Frederunam" who had recently become his wife[341]. The charter of "Karolus…rex" dated "917 VII Kal Aug" refers to "nostra uxor Frideruna…frater eius Bovo Catalannensis Antistes Ecclesiæ"[342]. Nothing definite is known about the origins of Bovo, although Flodoard refers to "Berengario Transrhenensi clerico" as "nepoti Bovonis Catalaunensis quondam episcopi" when recording his appointment as Bishop of Cambrai in 956[343]. McKitterick assumes that Frederuna was of Lotharingian origin[344]. Settipani speculates that Queen Frederuna was probably a close relation of Mathilde, second wife of Heinrich I King of Germany[345]. This could be explained if Mathilde's mother, Reginlind, was Queen Frederuna's sister, as hypothesised in the document REIMS. The charter of "Karolus…rex" dated "918 IV Id Feb" refers to the death of "nostræ…coniugis Friderunæ"[346], and the charter dated "918 II Id Mar" that she had died "IV Id Feb"[347]. The necrology of Reims Saint-Rémi records the death "IV Id Feb" of "Frederuna regina"[348].
Frederona (d. 917) Queen of France. Name variations: Frederuna. Died in 917; sister of Bovo, bishop of Chalons; married Charles III the Simple (879–929), king of France (r. 898–923).
[Four] siblings. They may have been of Danish origin and based in Frisia, if the speculation about the origin of Reginlind, wife of Theoderich, is correct, as she is referred to as "Danorum Fresonumque germine procreatam"
- 1. BOVO [II] (-947). Bishop of Châlons [917]. The charter of "Karolus…rex" dated "917 VII Kal Aug" refers to "nostra uxor Frideruna…frater eius Bovo Catalannensis Antistes Ecclesiæ"[653]. Flodoard records in 931 that “[Rodulfus] rex” captured “Bovonem...Catalaunensem episcopum”, who had deserted to “Heriberto”, and granted “episcopatum ipsius” to “Miloni clerico”[654]. Flodoard records in 932 that “Rodulfus rex” was reconciled with “Bovonem episcopum” and returned “Catalaunense...episcopium” to him[655]. Flodoard records in 947 the death of “Bovo Catalaunensis episcopus” and the election by “sibi Catalaunenses” of “nobilem adolescentem clericum...Gibuinum”[656].
- 2. [REGINLIND (-11 May ----). The wife of Theoderich is named "Reinhildam, Danorum Fresonumque germine procreatam" in the Vita Mathildis Reginæ[657]. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[658], she was Reinhild, daughter of Gotfrid the Dane & his wife Gisela [Carolingian], which is presumably a guess based on this description in the Vita Mathildis. However, the chronology for this hypothesis is not ideal. Regino records the marriage in 882 of "Gisla filia Hlotharii" and "rex Godofridus Nordmannorum"[659]. If this couple's daughter was the mother of Queen Mathilde, the latter's estimated birth date would need to be pushed forward by several years, which makes the chronology for her known descendants tight. Another possibility is that Regenhild was an otherwise unrecorded sister of Bovo Bishop of Chalons. This hypothesis would explain (1) the name Frederuna being transmitted to Reginlind's daughter, and (2) Berenger Bishop of Cambrai, recorded elsewhere as nepos of Queen Frederuna, being described as "…Ottonis imperatoris proxime consanguineus" in the Gesta Episcoporum Cameracensium[660]. If this is correct, the reference to Reginlind being "Danorum Fresonumque germine procreatam" has not been explained. m ([900]%29 THEODERICH, son of --- & his wife Mathilde --- (-8 Feb 917).]
- 3. FREDERUNA (-10 Feb 917, bur Reims, église abbatiale de Saint-Rémi). The charter of "Karolus…rex" dated "907 XIII Kal Mai" refers to "quondam nobili prosapia puellam…Frederunam" who had recently become his wife[661]. The charter of "Karolus…rex" dated "917 VII Kal Aug" refers to "nostra uxor Frideruna…frater eius Bovo Catalannensis Antistes Ecclesiæ"[662]. Nothing definite is known about the origins of Bovo, although Flodoard refers to "Berengario Transrhenensi clerico" as "nepoti Bovonis Catalaunensis quondam episcopi" when recording his appointment as Bishop of Cambrai in 956[663]. McKitterick assumes that Frederuna was of Lotharingian origin[664]. Settipani speculates that Queen Frederuna was probably a close relation of Mathilde, second wife of Heinrich I King of Germany[665]. This could be explained if Mathilde's mother, Reginlind, was Frederuna's sister, as hypothesised above. The charter of "Karolus…rex" dated "918 IV Id Feb" refers to the death of "nostræ…coniugis Friderunæ"[666], and the charter dated "918 II Id Mar" that she had died "IV Id Feb"[667]. m ([1/18] Apr 907) as his first wife, CHARLES III "le Simple" King of the West Franks, son of LOUIS II "le Bègue" King of the West Franks & his second wife Adelais (posthumously 17 Sep 879-Péronne 7 Oct 929, bur Péronne, monastère de Saint-Fursy).
- 4. --- . m ---. One child:
- a) BERENGAR (-957, bur Saint-Gereon). Bishop of Cambrai 956. Flodoard records in 956 that, after the death of “Fulbertus Camaracensis episcopus”, “Berengario Transrhenensi clerico...nepoti Bovonis Catalaunensis quondam episcopi” was ordained at Reims by Archbishop Artaud[668]. The Gesta Episcoporum Cameracensium records that "Berengarius…ex nobili parentela Germaniæ ortus…et Ottonis imperatoris proxime consanguineus" succeeded Fulbert as Bishop of Cambrai[669].
Frederuna (or Frederonne) (French: Frédérune or Frérone) (887–917) was the sister of Beuve II, the Bishop of Châlons-sur-Marne,[1] and the first wife of King Charles III of France,[2] whom she married in 907. She bore him only daughters.
Frederuna was very pious, was repudiated by the King, and died in Lorraine. She was succeeded as queen consort by Eadgifu of England, a daughter of Edward the Elder of Mercia.
Family: Charles married first, in May 907, Frederuna. Together they had six daughters:
- Ermentrude
- Frederuna
- Adelaide
- Gisela, wife of Rollo (existence doubtful)
- Rotrude
- Hildegarde
Theodoric of Ringelheim (872-8 Feb 916) Theodoric of Ringelheim Identifies Frederunda as a daughter and goes on back for about 5 generations. However it points to a different Frederunda Von Ringelheim "Amalrada Frederuna Billung von Ambergau"
Neither site addresses the competing Frederunda page.
Über Frederuna von Ringelheim (Deutsch)
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
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Frederuna (* 887; † 10. Februar 917 in Lothringen) war französische Königin und erste Gemahlin von König Karl III.
Frederuna wurde als Tochter des Grafen Dietrich aus dem Haus der Immedinger und Schwester der Mathilde, die mit dem ostfränkischen König Heinrich I. verheiratet war, geboren.
Im Jahre 907 heiratete sie König Karl III. Das Paar hatte sechs Kinder, jedoch keinen männlichen Thronfolger. Die streng religiöse und fromme Frederuna wurde vom König verstoßen und starb 917 in Lothringen; in der Basilika Saint-Remi (Reims) fand sie ihre letzte Ruhestätte. Zwei Jahre später heiratete Karl die englische Prinzessin Edgifa von Wessex.
Nachkommen [Bearbeiten]
* Ermentrude (* 908/916), um 934 bezeugt, ∞ Gottfried, Pfalzgraf von Lothringen, Graf im Jülichgau, † 26. März nach 949 (Matfriede)
* Frederuna (* 908/916)
* Adelheid (* 908/916)
* Gisla (* 908/916)
* Rotrud (* 908/916)
* Hildegard (* 908/916)
Vorgänger Amt Nachfolger
Theoderata von Troyes Königin von Frankreich
907–917 Edgifa von Wessex
Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 15. April 2010 um 14:37 Uhr geändert.
1. Ermentrude Princess of Franks
Born: 0908/0916 - , , , France
2. Frederune Princess of Franks
Born: 0908/0916 - , , , France
3. Adelaide Princess of Franks
Born: 0908/0916 - , , , France
4. Hildegarde Princess of Franks
Born: 0908/0916 - , , , France
5. Rotrude Princess of Franks
Born: 0908/0916 - , , , France
6, Gisla Princess of Franks
Born: 0908/0916 - , , , France
Frederuna von Ringelheim's Timeline
885 |
Goslar, Lower Saxony, Germany
902 |
Orléans, Loiret, Centre-Val de Loire, France
908 |
912 |
917 |
February 10, 917
Age 32
Burg Zörbig, Anhalt-Bitterfeld, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
???? |
Basilique Saint-Remi, Reims, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France