Frederik Calitz

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About Frederik Calitz

Matthias Calitz (Gallitz) a. 1734 as soldaat vanaf Rheinsberg, Duitsland, soldaat by die Kompanjiespos op Rietvalley v. 1735.1737, kneg sedert 1737, burger in 1747 x Paarl 25.2.1742 Petronella VAN EEDEN

b2 Frederik ≈ 23.2.1744 x 30.12.1770 Aletta COETZER xx 24.7.1774 Magdalena Josina PRETORIUS xxx 8.2.1795 Jannetje LABUSCHAGNE (wed. v. Jacobus van Zyl)


Marriage 2:

c1 Aletta Johanna Petronella ≈ 4.4.1773 x G. PRETORIUS

c2 Johanna Jacomina ≈ 7.4.1776 x M. OOSTHUIZEN xx J.F. SMITH

c3 Frederik ≈ c. 1777 x 11.5.1800 Jannetje STRYDOM

c4 Jacobus Johannes x Kaapstad 28.5.1800 Gesina VAN ZYL (wed. v. J. Strydom)

c5 Petronella Elizabeth ≈ 21.10.1781 x A.J.J. BOTES

c6 Matthys Christiaan ≈ 5.10.1783 x Kaapstad 13.11.1803 Geertruyda Anna Magdalena STRYDOM

c7 Magdalena Maria ≈ 16.4.1786 x J.S. STRYDOM xx George 3.12.1815 Johannes APPEL

c8 Johannes Mattheus ≈ 8.2.1788 x Swellendam 6.10.1810 Anna Margaretha Beatrix OLIVIER (Philippus Lodewykdg)

Judi Marais-Meyer register

Frederik CALITZ, b2 son “Nickname Frederick”

  • circa 1744, Robertson, Brede River DC, WC, SA ≈ 23.2.1744 (burger S.vellendam) xxx

x 30.12.1770 Aletta COETZER 1 child: Aletta Johanna Petronella CALITZ b2c1, ≈ 4.4.1773 Swellendam, Kaap SA


xx 24.7.1774 Magdalena Josina PRETORIUS b3c7d3 7 children reported: - Johanna Jacomina CALITZ b2c2 ≈ 7.4.1776 , Swellendam, Kaap SA, x M. OOSTHUIZEN xx J.F. SMITH - Frederik CALITZ b2c3, ≈ c. 1777 Swellendam, Kaap SA x 11.5.1800 Jannetje STRYDOM - Jacobus Johannes CALITZ b2c4 ,Swellendam, Kaap SA *1763 x Kaapstad 28.5.1800 Gesina VAN ZYL (wed. v. J. Strydom) - Petronella Elizabeth CALITZ b2c5 ≈ 21.10.1781 x A.J.J. BOTES - Matthys Christiaan CALITZ b2c6 (≈ 5.10.1783 + 1.3.1860? Lyn)

  • April 7, 1782 , burger Swellendam, Kaap SA, + 01.Nov 1860 Calitzdorp, SA - Magdalena Maria CALITZ, b2c7 ≈ 16.4.1786 x J.S. STRYDOM xx George 3.12.1815 Johannes APPEL - Johannes Mattheus CALITZ b2c8, ≈ 8.2.1788
(sy 6de kind – Philippus Lodewykdg)

xxx 8.2.1795 Jannetje LABUSCHAGNE b2c7 (wed. v. Jacobus van Zyl) Geen kinders aangeteken

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Frederik Calitz's Timeline

December 6, 1743
Robertson, Brede River DC, Western Cape, South Africa
February 23, 1744
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
February 23, 1744
December 29, 1772
Land van Waveren, District Tulbagh, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
April 5, 1776
Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Swellendam, Overberg District Municipality, Western Cape, South Africa
Swellendam, Suid Afrika, Kaap
October 21, 1781
Swellendam, Overberg District Municipality, WC, South Africa