Immediate Family
half brother
About Frances Dyker
The 1623 will of Jane Jefferie, widow of Pemburie, Kent, names "my daughter Francis the now wife of John Gouldstone" first among her children. Jane subsequently names several children and grandchildren from her two marriages, the first to Roger Thompson and the second to John Jefferie.[1]
For many years Francis was assumed to be Jane's daughter by John Jefferie, and most accounts of the family omitted Roger Thompson entirely. The wording of the will, however, is more consistent with her being the eldest child and a daughter of Roger Thompson.
Francis married first John Goldstone. The 1637 will of Robert Goldston names her as "Frances my loving mother, now the wife of Thomas Dyker of Tonbridge, taylor."[2] She remarried by 1634, when as Francis Dyker she witnessed her daughter's will.
Francis likely was born, married, died, and was buried in the area of Pemburie and Tonbridge in Kent, but none of her vital records and no will of hers has been found.
"JOHN GOLDSTONE married Frances, dau. of John [sic: Roger Tompson] and Jane Jefferie of Pemburie, Kent County, England; he died and she married Thomas Diker of Tonbridge.
The children of John and Frances Goldstone were :
- 2 Robert, probably never married, as his will does not mention wife or children.
- 3 Roger
- 4 Jane, m. 1st, Benjamin Johnson ; 2d, Thomas Howe.
- 5 Sara, m. Joseph 2 , son of William 1 and Sarah (Diker) Merriam.
- 6 Elizabeth, m. Thomas Dan of Tewdly, England."[1]
- Reference: WikiTree Genealogy - SmartCopy: Jan 16 2017, 23:24:33 UTC cites
- Newhall, Charles Lyman, b. 1834 The record of my ancestry, (Southbridge, 1899., 222p.) page 157-158 archive.Org (citing Will of Robert Goldstone abstracted in the N. E. Hist. and Gene. Reg., Vol. 50, pp. 507-508); Worldcat record
- Reference: WikiTree Genealogy - SmartCopy: Jan 16 2017, 23:24:33 UTC cites
- Waters, Henry F. "Genealogical Gleanings in England." The New England Historical & Genealogical Register 50 (1896): pp. 508-9. Digital image at americanancestors.org (subscription required).
- Waters, Henry F. "Genealogical Gleanings in England." The New England Historical & Genealogical Register 50 (1896): pp. 507-8. Digital image at americanancestors.org (subscription required).
- The Find-a-Grave profile for Frances Dyker contains an excerpt from an unpublished manuscript by John Brooks Threlfall (author of Fifty Great Migration Colonists). Per the memorial manager, "The information for Jane's bio was from the genealogy files of John Threlfall. I happened on Mr. Threlfall back in the 80s, when I first started doing genealogy. At that time, if you contacted him with a question, he would copy his pages and mail them to you."
Frances Dyker's Timeline
1575 |
Pembury, Kent, England
1598 |
Of, Tonbridge, Kent, England
1602 |
Tonbridge, Kent, England, United Kingdom
Tonbridge, Kent, England, United Kingdom
Tudeley, Kent, England
1608 |
Of, Tonbridge, Kent, England
Tonbridge, Kent, England, United Kingdom
1650 |
Age 75
Tonbridge, Kent, England