Euphemia de Cantilupe

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Euphemia de Cantilupe (1125 - 1153)

Also Known As: "Euphemia de Cantelou"
Birthplace: Of, Essex, England
Death: 1153 (27-28)
Place of Burial: Earls Colne, Essex, England
Immediate Family:

Wife of Aubrey “Sanglier” de Vere, 1st Earl of Oxford

Managed by: Private User
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About Euphemia de Cantilupe

Not the daughter of Walter de Cauntelo

In or before 1152 Oxford married again. His second wife, Euphemia, is said to have been the daughter of William de Cantilupe. King Stephen and his wife, Queen Maud, gave the manor of Ickleton, Cambridgeshire, as part of Euphemia's marriage portion.[16] The marriage was brief; Euphemia was dead by late 1153, leaving no known issue. She was buried at Colne Priory.[17]


  • 16. Cokayne 1945, pp. 202, 205; Crouch 2004.
  • 17. Cokayne 1945, p. 205; Crouch 2004.


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Euphemia de Cantilupe's Timeline

Of, Essex, England
Age 28
Age 28
Colne Priory, Earls Colne, Essex, England