Immediate Family
About Etienne de Penthièvre, Count of Tréguier
From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen,_Count_of_Tr%C3%A9guier https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89tienne_Ier_de_Penthi%C3%A8vre
Stephen, Count of Tréguier, Lord of Richmond (1058/62- 21 April 1136)was a Breton noble and a younger son of Eudes, Count of Penthièvre and Agnes of Cornwall, sister of Hoel II, Duke of Brittany. In 1093, he succeeded to the title of Count of Tréguier; in 1098, he succeeded his brother Alain Le Noir as Lord of Richmond in Yorkshire, England.
He is sometimes misidentified as "Stephen, Count of Brittany" in the court documents of King Henry I. This may be due to his Breton heritage, or the fact that he owned large estates there, but in fact at the time Brittany was a Duchy ruled by Alan IV, Duke of Brittany.
Stephen was a benefactor of religious houses. In 1110, he and his wife, Hawise, founded the Augustine Abbey of St Croix in Guingamp. On an unknown date, he is recorded as having donated property to Rumbaugh Priory for the souls of his wife and children.
He was the paternal grandfather of Conan IV, Duke of Brittany.
He married Hawise of Guingamp and their children were:
* Geoffrey II "Boterel", Count of Penthièvre, married Hawise de Dol, by whom he had issue.
* Henry, Count of Tréguier, married Mathilde de Vendome, by whom he had issue.
* Alan de Bretagne, 1st Earl of Richmond (died 15 September 1146) married Bertha of Brittany, by whom he had issue, including his heir Conan IV, Duke of Brittany; he had also four illegitimate sons.
* Maud, married Walter de Gand, by whom she had issue.
* Olive, married firstly Henry de Fougères, by whom she had issue; secondly William de St. John
* Theophania (Tiphanie), married Rabel de Tancarville, Chamberlain of Normandy.
* Eléonore, married Alan de Dinan, by whom she had issue.
Stephen was a benefactor of religious houses. In 1110, he and his wife, Hawise founded the Augustine Abbey of St Croix in Guingamp; and on an unknown date, he is recorded as having donated property to Rumbaugh Priory for the souls of his wife and children.[3]
He died on 21 April 1136 and was buried in York.
From fmgMedlands
ETIENNE de Bretagne, son of EUDES de Bretagne Comte de Penthièvre & his wife Orguen [Agn%C3%A8s] de Cornouaïlle ([1058/62]-21 Apr [1135/36], bur York, St Mary or Saint-Brieuc). The Genealogia Comitum Richemundiæ names "Alanum…Rufum…Alanus Niger…Stephanus" as the three sons of "Eudo Comes Britanniæ", stating that Etienne succeeded his brother "in honorem Richemundiæ", dying "Id Apr…1164"[719]. His absence from the charter dated to [1056/60], witnessed by "comes Eudo, uxor eius Orguen et filii eorum Gausfridus, Alanus, Willelmus, Rotbertus, Ricardus…"[720], suggests that he was born after the date of the document or must have been too young to have subscribed it. This hypothesis is also consistent with his death in [1135/36], when he would have been around 75 years old if he had been born towards the end of his father´s life. He succeeded his brother Geoffroy (or Geoffroy's son) [in 1093] as Comte de Penthièvre, and in his other lands in Brittany. He succeeded his brother Alain "the Black" as Lord of Richmond in Yorkshire in 1098. “Stephanus comes Britanniæ” donated property to Rumburgh priory, for the souls of “comitissa Haudewisa…filiorum meorum et filiarum…Galfridi…Alani, Henrici” by undated charter[721].
m HAVISE de Guingamp, daughter of ---. “Stephanus comes Britanniæ” donated property to Rumburgh priory, for the souls of “comitissa Haudewisa…filiorum meorum et filiarum…Galfridi…Alani, Henrici” by undated charter[722]. The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. "Henricus, comitis Stephani filius" donated property to the priory of Saint-Magloire de Léhon, for the souls of "patris…et fratris Stephani…et Alani comitum, matris…mee Hadvise", by charter dated 1148[723].
Comte Etienne & his wife had seven children:
1. GEOFFROY "Boterel" [II] de Penthièvre (-1148). “Stephanus comes Britanniæ” donated property to Rumburgh priory, for the souls of “comitissa Haudewisa…filiorum meorum et filiarum…Galfridi…Alani, Henrici” by undated charter[724]. He founded the abbey of Bégard, diocese of Tréguer, Brittany, in 1130[725]. Seigneur de Lamballe. He succeeded his father in [1135/36] as Comte de Penthièvre, but quarrelled with his brother over their father's inheritance. The Gesta Stephani Regis names "Boterellus quidam comes Britanniæ" among the supporters of Empress Matilda in the English civil war[726]. He left England whereupon his earldom reverted to the crown[727]. The Chronicon Britannico records the death in 1148 of "Gaufridus Comes Boterellus"[728]. [729]m HAVISE de Dol, daughter of JEAN [I] de Dol-Combour & his wife --. The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified.
2. ALAIN "le Noir" de Penthièvre (before 1100-in Brittany 15 Sep 1146, bur Bégard Monastery). “Stephanus comes Britanniæ” donated property to Rumburgh priory, for the souls of “comitissa Haudewisa…filiorum meorum et filiarum…Galfridi…Alani, Henrici” by undated charter[732]. The Genealogia Comitum Richemundiæ names "Alanum" as son of "Stefanus frater…Alani", stating that he succeeded his father "in honorem Richemundiæ", dying "in Britannia III Kal Apr…1166" and his burial "apud Begar"[733]. He succeeded his father in [1135/36] as Lord of Richmond in Yorkshire. "Alan comes et indigena of England and count of Brittany" donated property to the abbey of Holy Trinity, Savigny by charter dated to [1137/46], subscribed by "…Hainrico fratre meo…"[734]. He supported King Stephen in the English civil war[735]. Seigneur de Guingamp. The Chronicon Britannico records the death in 1146 of "Alanus Comes in Anglia atque in Britannia"[736]. The Chronicon Kemperlegiensis records the death in 1146 of "Alanus Niger, Conani Ducis gener"[737]. The Chronicon Ruyensis Cœnobii records the death in 1146 of "Alanus Niger Comes"[738]. m ([1137]%29 as her first marriage, BERTHE de Bretagne, daughter of CONAN III Duke of Brittany & his wife Maud, illegitimate daughter of Henry I King of England (-[1162/67). Her first marriage is suggested by the Chronicon Kemperlegiensis which records the death in 1146 of "Alanus Niger, Conani Ducis gener"[739]. The primary source which confirms that it was Conan's daughter Berthe who married Alain has not yet been identified. The Chronicon Britannico Alter records the death in 1148 of "Conanus Dux Britanniæ" and records that he had disinherited "Hoellus…suum…filium" and that he appointed as his successor "Eudone Vicecomite Porhoëtensi" who had married "sororem eius Bertam"[740]. She married secondly (1148 or before) Eudon Vicomte de Porhoët, who was recognised as Duke of Brittany on the death of Conan III in 1148. Mistress (1): ---. The names of Alain's mistress is not known.
3. HENRI de Penthièvre ([1100]-early 1183). “Stephanus comes Britanniæ” donated property to Rumburgh priory, for the souls of “comitissa Haudewisa…filiorum meorum et filiarum…Galfridi…Alani, Henrici” by undated charter[745]. He succeeded his father in [1036] as Comte de Tréguier et de Guingamp. "Alan comes et indigena of England and count of Brittany" donated property to the abbey of Holy Trinity, Savigny by charter dated to [1137/46], subscribed by "…Hainrico fratre meo…"[746].
4. MATHILDE de Penthièvre . A manuscript genealogy of the Gant family records that “Walterus”, son of “Giselbertus de Gaunt”, married “Matildam filiam comitis Stephani Britanniæ”, bringing “Swaldale” as dowry[747]. “Matildis filia consulis Stephani Britanniæ, uxor Walteri de Gaunt” donated property to Bridlington Priory by undated charter[748]. m WALTER de Gand, son of GILBERT de Gand & his wife Alice [Emma] de Montfort-sur-Risle (-1139, bur Bardney Abbey). He became a monk at Bardney.
5. TIPHAINE de Penthièvre . The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. m as his first wife, RABEL de Tancarville, son of GUILLAUME de Tancarville & his wife Mathilde d'Arques (-1140). Chamberlain of Normandy[749].
6. GONNOR de Penthièvre . The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. m (1135) OLIVIER [II] de Dinan, son of GEOFFROY [I] de Dinan & his wife Orieldis --- (-[1155/56]).
7. OLIVE of Richmond . The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. m firstly HENRI [I] Seigneur de Fougères, son of RAOUL [I] Seigneur de Fougères & his wife --- (-1154). He became a monk at Savigny in 1150[750]. m secondly as his first wife, GUILLAUME de Saint-Jean [en Normandie].
Étienne Ier
Fonda en 1130, avec sa femme, l'abbaye de Bégard, et 1135 la collégiale de Sainte-Croix de Guingamp. (René COUFFON)
"Étienne est devenu comte de Penthièvre en 1093, recueillant l'héritage de son frère Geoffroy. Il acquiert ensuite le comté de Richemont après le décès de ses deux autres frères, Alain le Noir et Alain le Roux. Il prend possession de Guingamp après son mariage avec Havoise. À la fin de son règne, il doit faire face à la révolte de son fils Geoffroy II Boterel qui récupère le comté de Lamballe dès 1125 et lui succède, à sa mort, en 1138." (B.Yeurc'h)
Founder (1110) Augustinian Abbey of St. Croix at Guincamp,Brittany, France.
Founder Cistercian Abbey of Begard, Brittany, France.
Held Honour of Richmond in England.
STEPHEN, a count of Brittany, youngest son of Eudon,[a]succeeded his eldest brother, Geoffrey Boterel I, or Geoffrey'sson Conan in the Breton lands, and his brother Alan the Black inthe honor of Richmond in England, thus uniting all thepossessions of the family, but he appears to have been out ofpossession of the honor of Richmond for a time during the reignof William II. In March 1101, he was a surety for Henry I forthe observance of an alliance with Robert, Count of Flanders,and on 3 September 1101 at Windsor he witnessed charters of theKing for Herbert, Bishop of Norwich, and for St. Peter's, Bath.On 30 October 1107 he executed at Lamballe a charter for theabbey of SS. Sergius and Bacchus at Angers, and in 1123 atGuingamp one for the abbey of St. Melaine at Rennes. He was abenefactor of the abbey of St. Mary, York, and in the period1125-35 confirmed to that house gifts of churches, tithes andlands in Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire, and Norfolk,which formed part of the honor of Richmond. About the year 1110he and his, wife founded the Augustinian abbey of Ste. Croix atGuingamp, and In 1130 he founded the Cistercian abbey of B‚gard.
He married Hawise, whose parentage is unknown (e). He died 21April, probably in 1135 or I 136. His tomb was in the quire ofSt. Mary's, York. [Complete Peerage X:786-7, (transcribed byDave Utzinger)]
[a] The filiation of Stephen has been a matter of dispute sincethe lives of him and his father cover about 135 years, and thoseof the two and Stephen's youngest son, Count Henry, about 180.The descent, however, is beyond doubt, since in a charter forSt. Edmund's he describes himself as 'Stephanus comes BritanniaeEudonis comitis filius' and refers to his brother Alan the Redand to his sons Geoffrey, Alan and Henry, and this is borne outby other charters, in particular that of Duke Conan. There is noexpress evidence that Stephen was the son of Eudon's wifeOrguen, and he may have been the issue of a second marriage.
(e) She was living in 1135, when, as 'comitissa Hadewisa' shewitnessed her husband's charter for St. Edmunds. In the firstedition of the present work it is stated that she was Countessof Guingamp and that Stephen became Count of Guingamp in herright. For this there seems to be insufficient foundation:Guingamp in the diocese of Treguier would be a part of the landsof Count Eudon.
Stephen, Count of Tréguier, Lord of Richmond (1058/62- 21 April 1136)was a Breton noble and a younger son of Eudes, Count of Penthièvre and Agnes of Cornwall, sister of Hoel II, Duke of Brittany. In 1093, he succeeded to the title of Count of Tréguier; in 1098, he succeeded his brother Alain Le Noir as Lord of Richmond in Yorkshire, England.
He married Hawise of Guingamp and their children were:
- Geoffrey II "Boterel", Count of Penthièvre, married Hawise de Dol, by whom he had issue.
- Henry, Count of Tréguier, married Mathilde de Vendome, by whom he had issue.
- Alan de Bretagne, 1st Earl of Richmond (died 15 September 1146) married Bertha of Brittany, by whom he had issue, including his heir Conan IV, Duke of Brittany; he had also four illegitimate sons.
- Maud, married Walter de Gand, by whom she had issue.
- Olive, married firstly Henry de Fougères, by whom she had issue; secondly William de St. John
- Tiphanie, married Rabel de Tancarville, Chamberlain of Normandy.
- Eléonore, married Alan de Dinan, by whom she had issue.
Stephen was a benefactor of religious houses. In 1110, he and his wife, Hawise founded the Augustine Abbey of St Croix in Guingamp; and on an unknown date, he is recorded as having donated property to Rumbaugh Priory for the souls of his wife and children.
He died on 21 April 1136 and was buried in York.
SOURCE: http://www.celtic-casimir.com/webtree/4/5889.htm
Born: 1065, IN Penthièvre, Morbihan, Bretagne, France
Died: Before 21 Apr 1136, St. Marys, York, Yorkshire, England
CHILDREN: 1. Maud (Matilda) DE BRETAGNE+
2. Alan III "le Noir" DE BRETAGNE 1st Earl of Richmond+
3. Theophana DE PENTHIÈVRE+
General Notes:
Founder (1110) Augustinian Abbey of St. Croix at Guincamp, Brittany, France. Founder Cistercian Abbey of Begard, Brittany, France. Held Honour of Richmond in England.
STEPHEN, a count of Brittany, youngest son of Eudon,[a] succeeded his eldest brother, Geoffrey Boterel I, or Geoffrey's son Conan in the Breton lands, and his brother Alan the Black in the honor of Richmond in England, thus uniting all the possessions of the family, but he appears to have been out of possession of the honor of Richmond for a time during the reign of William II. In March 1101, he was a surety for Henry I for the observance of an alliance with Robert, Count of Flanders, and on 3 September 1101 at Windsor he witnessed charters of the King for Herbert, Bishop of Norwich, and for St. Peter's, Bath. On 30 October 1107 he executed at Lamballe a charter for the abbey of SS. Sergius and Bacchus at Angers, and in 1123 at Guingamp one for the abbey of St. Melaine at Rennes. He was a benefactor of the abbey of St. Mary, York, and in the period 1125-35 confirmed to that house gifts of churches, tithes and lands in Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire, and Norfolk, which formed part of the honor of Richmond. About the year 1110 he and his, wife founded the Augustinian abbey of Ste. Croix at Guingamp, and In 1130 he founded the Cistercian abbey of Bégard.
He married Hawise, whose parentage is unknown (e). He died 21 April, probably in 1135 or I 136. His tomb was in the quire of St. Mary's, York. [Complete Peerage X:786-7, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
[a] The filiation of Stephen has been a matter of dispute since the lives of him and his father cover about 135 years, and those of the two and Stephen's youngest son, Count Henry, about 180. The descent, however, is beyond doubt, since in a charter for St. Edmund's he describes himself as "Stephanus comes Britanniae Eudonis comitis filius" and refers to his brother Alan the Red and to his sons Geoffrey, Alan and Henry, and this is borne out by other charters, in particular that of Duke Conan. There is no express evidence that Stephen was the son of Eudon's wife Orguen, and he may have been the issue of a second marriage.
(e) She was living in 1135, when, as "comitissa Hadewisa" she witnessed her husband's charter for St. Edmunds. In the first edition of the present work it is stated that she was Countess of Guingamp and that Stephen became Count of Guingamp in her right. For this there seems to be insufficient foundation: Guingamp in the diocese of Treguier would be a part of the lands of Count Eudon. 769
1. Alternate Birth; 1046, Bretagne, Rennes, France.
2. Alternate Death; 21 Apr 1136, Bretagne, France. 2113
Marriage Information:
Étienne married Hawise DE GUINGAMPS 769. (Hawise DE GUINGAMPS was born in 1072 in Guingamp, Cotes-du-Nord, Bretagne, France 2111 and died after 1135 in Richmond Castle, North Riding Yorkshire, England 2113,2114.)
Stephen, Count of Tréguier
Stephen of Penthièvre, Count of Tréguier, 3rd Lord of Richmond (1058/62 – 21 April 1136) was a Breton noble and a younger son of Odo, Count of Penthièvre and Agnes of Cornouaille, sister of Hoël II, Duke of Brittany. In 1093, he succeeded to the title of Count of Tréguier; in 1098, he succeeded his brother Alain as Lord of Richmond in Yorkshire, England.
He is sometimes misidentified as "Stephen, Count of Brittany" in the court documents of King Henry I. This may be due to his Breton heritage, or the fact that he owned large estates there, but in fact at the time Brittany was a Duchy ruled by Alan IV, Duke of Brittany.
Stephen was a benefactor of religious houses. In 1110, he and his wife, Hawise, founded the Augustine Abbey of St Croix in Guingamp. On an unknown date, he is recorded as having donated property to Rumbaugh Priory for the souls of his wife and children.
He was the paternal grandfather of Conan IV, Duke of Brittany.
He married Hawise of Blois, also known as Hawise of Guingamp, daughter of Theobald III, Count of Blois and Adele of Valois.[2] Their children were:
1) Geoffrey II "Boterel", Count of Penthièvre, married Hawise de Dol, by whom he had issue. Geoffrey received Stephen's Breton lands and was a supporter of Empress Matilda during The Anarchy. 2) Alan de Bretagne, 1st Earl of Richmond (died 15 September 1146) married Bertha of Brittany, by whom he had issue, including his heir Conan IV, Duke of Brittany. Alan is also known as Alan Niger II; he received Stephen's English lands and supported Stephen, King of England during The Anarchy. 3) Henry, Count of Tréguier, married Mathilde de Vendome, 4) Maud, married Walter de Gaunt, by whom she had issue, including: Gilbert de Gant, Earl of Lincoln Agnes de Gaunt, married William de Mohun of Dunster, 1st Earl of Somerset. 5) Olive, married firstly Henry de Fougères, by whom she had issue; secondly William de St. John. 6) Theophania (Tiphanie), married Rabel de Tancarville, Chamberlain of Normandy, by whom she had issue 7) Eléonore, married Alan de Dinan, by whom she had issue.
Stephen de Penthièvre
BIRTH unknown
Penthievre, Departement du Morbihan, Bretagne, France
DEATH 21 Apr 1136
North Yorkshire, England
Abbey of St Mary (defunct)
York, York Unitary Authority, North Yorkshire, England
MEMORIAL ID 83076066
Family Members
Eudes de Penthièvre
Hawise Guingamp Penthievre
Geoffroy Boterel de Bretagne
Robert Breherval
Ribald of Middleham
Bardolf Fitzforfin Eudes de Penthievre
Alain Rufus de Bretagne
Agnoria Penthievre Dinham
1092 – unknow
Mahaut De Bretagne De Gaunt
Alan de Penthièvre
He died on 21 April 1136 and was buried in the Abbey of St Mary at York.
From Wikipedia: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen,_Count_of_Tr%C3%A9guier
Etienne de Penthièvre, Count of Tréguier's Timeline
1058 |
Penthièvre, Morbihan, Bretagne, France
1092 |
Rennes, Ille-et-Vilaine, Brittany, France
1093 |
Bretangne, France
1094 |
Of, Penthievre, Brittany, France
1095 |
1096 |
Penthievre, Morbihan, Bretagne, France
1100 |
Penthièvre, Morbihan, Bretagne, France
1105 |
Penthievre, Morbihan, Bretagne, France
1110 |