==Please respect the following==
See Encyclopedia Titanica (2019) Ernst Adolf Sjöstedt (ref: #569, last updated: 28th December 2019, accessed 18th October 2023 06:58:13 AM)
URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/titanic-victim/ernst-adolf-sj...
Name: Mr Ernst Adolf Sjöstedt
Titanic Victim
Born: Thursday 9th September 1852 in Hjo, Västergötland, Sweden
Age: 59 years 7 months and 6 days (Male)
Nationality: Swedish
Marital Status: Married to Jessie Kathleen Winslow
Last Residence: in Hjo, Västergötland, Sweden
2nd Class Passengers
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 237442, £13 10s
Destination: Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan, United States
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified
1852 |
September 9, 1852
Hjo, Västergötland, Sweden
1893 |
February 6, 1893
1912 |
April 15, 1912
Age 59