Immediate Family
About Ermengaud, comte de Rouergue
ERMENGAUD, son of [EUDES Comte de Toulouse & his wife Gersende d'Albi] (-after Jul 935). There is no primary source which directly proves that Ermengaud was the son of Odon Comte de Toulouse. However, two documents suggest that this affiliation is probably correct. Firstly, Catel records a donation by "Deda religieuse" "tant pour elle que pour le comte Ermengaud et Adelays sa femme et ses enfants, que pour le comte Pons", by charter dated to [930][1515]. Secondly, Flodoard records that "Ragemundus et Ermingaudus, principes Gothiæ" swore allegiance to Raoul King of France in 932[1516]. Comte de Rouergue 906. Agio Archbishop of Narbonne wrote to "Agamberto necnon et Elefonso episcopus" by undated charter which names "comites nostros Ermingaudum et Raimundum"[1517]. This charter is dated to 922 in the 3rd edition of the Histoire Générale de Languedoc. However, the fact that Ermengaud is given precedence over Raymond in the document suggests that the latter must have been Raymond Pons Comte de Toulouse, nephew of the former, rather than his older brother Comte Raymond II. If that is correct, the document would be dateable to after [924]. Archbishop Agio died in [926/27][1518], which if correct would be place the document in [924/27]. "Ermengaudus comes et filius suus Regimundus et Rainus vicecomes et vicarius" donated property "in pago Ruthenico in ministerio Curiense in villa…Seviniaco" to Vabres by charter dated Jan [934], subscribed by "…Ugone filio Ermengaudo, Bernardo vicecomite, Ildoino, Adalone"[1519]. "Ermengaudus comes et uxor mea Adalais comitissa" donated property "in pago Ruthenico" to Vabres by charter dated Jul 935, subscribed by "Adalone, Elduino, Genesio, Ugone filio Adalone, Ermengaudo fratre suo, Bernardo vicecomite"[1520].
m ADELAIS, daughter of --- (-after Jul 935). "Ermengaudus comes et uxor mea Adalais comitissa" donated property "in pago Ruthenico" to Vabres by charter dated Jul 935, subscribed by "Adalone, Elduino, Genesio, Ugone filio Adalone, Ermengaudo fratre suo, Bernardo vicecomite"[1521].
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/TOULOUSE%20NOBILITY.htm#ErmengaudRo...
Source: http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/TOULOUSE NOBILITY.htm
ERMENGAUD, son of [EUDES Comte de Toulouse & his wife Gersende d'Albi] (-after Jul 935).
There is no primary source which directly proves that Ermengaud was the son of Odon Comte de Toulouse. However, two documents suggest that this affiliation is probably correct. Firstly, Catel records a donation by "Deda religieuse" "tant pour elle que pour le comte Ermengaud et Adelays sa femme et ses enfants, que pour le comte Pons", by charter dated to [930][1515]. Secondly, Flodoard records that "Ragemundus et Ermingaudus, principes Gothiæ" swore allegiance to Raoul King of France in 932[1516].
Comte de Rouergue 906. Agio Archbishop of Narbonne wrote to "Agamberto necnon et Elefonso episcopus" by undated charter which names "comites nostros Ermingaudum et Raimundum"[1517]. This charter is dated to 922 in the 3rd edition of the Histoire Générale de Languedoc. However, the fact that Ermengaud is given precedence over Raymond in the document suggests that the latter must have been Raymond Pons Comte de Toulouse, nephew of the former, rather than his older brother Comte Raymond II. If that is correct, the document would be dateable to after [924]. Archbishop Agio died in [926/27][1518], which if correct would be place the document in [924/27].
"Ermengaudus comes et filius suus Regimundus et Rainus vicecomes et vicarius" donated property "in pago Ruthenico in ministerio Curiense in villa…Seviniaco" to Vabres by charter dated Jan [934], subscribed by "…Ugone filio Ermengaudo, Bernardo vicecomite, Ildoino, Adalone"[1519]. "Ermengaudus comes et uxor mea Adalais comitissa" donated property "in pago Ruthenico" to Vabres by charter dated Jul 935, subscribed by "Adalone, Elduino, Genesio, Ugone filio Adalone, Ermengaudo fratre suo, Bernardo vicecomite"[1520].
m ADELAIS, daughter of --- (-after Jul 935). "Ermengaudus comes et uxor mea Adalais comitissa" donated property "in pago Ruthenico" to Vabres by charter dated Jul 935, subscribed by "Adalone, Elduino, Genesio, Ugone filio Adalone, Ermengaudo fratre suo, Bernardo vicecomite"[1521].
Comte Ermengaud & his wife had four children:
1. RAYMOND [I] (-killed [Feb/9 Sep] 961]). "Ermengaudus comes et filius suus Regimundus et Rainus vicecomes et vicarius" donated property "in pago Ruthenico in ministerio Curiense in villa…Seviniaco" to Vabres by charter dated Jan [934], subscribed by "…Ugone filio Ermengaudo, Bernardo vicecomite, Ildoino, Adalone"[1522]. He succeeded as Comte de Rouergue.
- see below.
2. HUGUES de Rouergue (-[after 972]). "Ermengaudus comes et filius suus Regimundus et Rainus vicecomes et vicarius" donated property "in pago Ruthenico in ministerio Curiense in villa…Seviniaco" to Vabres by charter dated Jan [934], subscribed by "…Ugone filio Ermengaudo, Bernardo vicecomite, Ildoino, Adalone"[1523]. Comte [de Quercy].
3. son(s) . The testament of "Raymundus comes", dated 961, states that the testator made donations for the souls of "…fratres meos"[1524]. It is not known how many brothers he may have had, but presumably they were all deceased at that date as none is named as a beneficiary.
4. --- . m ---. Two children:
a) HUGUES (-after 961). The testament of "Raymundus comes", dated 961, bequeathed property for life "alode de Circiolis" to "Ugoni nepote meo" and after his death half to "Arnaldo et filio suo Siguino"; "alode de Malopertuso…" to "Ugoni nepoti meo" and after his death to "Raymundo fratre suo"[1525].
b) RAYMOND (-after 961). "Raymundus comes" names "…Ugoni nepoti meo…Raymundo fratre suo…" in his 961 testament[1526].
5. [RICHILDE de Rouergue (-after 954). Szabolcs de Vajay suggests[1527] that the second wife of Sunyer [I] Conde de Barcelona was the daughter of Ermengaud de Toulouse Comte de Rouergue & his wife Adelais ---, to explain the transmission of the name Armengol [Ermengaud] into the Barcelona family. m ([920/25]%29 as his second wife, SUNYER I Conde de Barcelona, son of GUIFRE I "el Velloso/el Pilós/the Hairy" Conde de Barcelona & Guinidilda --- (-950).]
Ermengol or Ermengaud (died after July 935) was a son of Odo of Toulouse and Garsindis. His father gave him the County of Rouergue and Quercy in 906 and he governed it to his death. His brother was Raymond II of Toulouse and together they governed the vast patrimony of their house in the first half of the tenth century.
In 930, he donated property to the abbey of Vabres in a charter dated to the seventh year of King Rudolph bearing only the title of comes (count). In January 932, he made a similar donation with the title of princeps (prince). He was probably regarded as princeps Gothiae, a title which was to run in his family in the tenth century. He and his nephew Raymond Pons of Toulouse, together with Sancho IV of Gascony, went to the court of Rudolph that year to do homage for their lands.[1] This did not have the desired effect, however, of satisfying royal desires for influence in the south and Rudolph accompanied Ebalus of Aquitaine against the Vikings a short while later, strengthening the Ramnulfid dynasty against that of the Rouergue in the fight for supremacy in Aquitaine.[2]
Ermengol and his wife Adelais (Adalaiz) had two known sons and one daughter, though charters of his eldest son indicate that he had other sons besides his two heirs. The eldest son was Raymond, who inherited Rouergue, and the second was Hugh, who received Quercy. His daughter is hypothesized to have married Sunifred II, Count of Barcelona.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ermengol_of_Rouergue
References|> https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/LJ2S-J9G
Ermengaud, comte de Rouergue's Timeline
905 |
Carcassonne, Aude, Languedoc-Roussillon, France
910 |
920 |
935 |
July 935
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