public profile
ROGER [II] (-after Apr 1201). A Cronice Flandrensium, dated to the end-12th century, names “Rogerus castellanus Insulensis...” who “plures habuerunt sorores” of whom “primam duxit uxorem castellanus Curtracensis Saram nomine” by whom he had “liberos Rogerum castellanum...et Desiderium, quartum Insulensem præpositum, qui vixit prope XXIX annis, postea promotus est in episcopatum Morinensem, cui successit tercius frater eius Robertus...quintus præpositus Insulensis, qui vixit prope quindecim annos”[161]. Philippe Count of Flanders confirmed the donation of property "in parrochia de Severne" to the church of Saint-Martin, Popinglo made by "Rogerus castellanus et uxor eius Margareta" by charter dated 6 May 1187, signed by "Rogeri, Arnoldi, Giselberti filiorum ipsius Rogeri castellani, Joannis Insularis castellani…Sigeri de Gant…"[162]. Baudouin IX Count of Flanders confirmed donations to the church of Harlebeek made by "Rogerus Curtracensis castellanus", for the soul of "patris sui Rogeri quondam…castellani" by charter dated 1198, which also records the donation made by "Beatrix domina de Nivella" for the soul of "mariti sui Rogeri Curtracensis junioris", signed by "…Sigeri Gandensis castellani, Theoderici de Beverna, Rogeri castellani Curtracensis, Balduini de Commines, Bernardi de Rosbais…"[163]. "…Rotgeri de Cortriaco…" signed the charter dated Apr 1201 under which Baudouin IX Count of Flanders donated property to several monasteries before leaving for Jerusalem[164]. m BEATRIX van Nevele, daughter of --- (-after 1198). Baudouin IX Count of Flanders confirmed donations to the church of Harlebeek made by "Rogerus Curtracensis castellanus", for the soul of "patris sui Rogeri quondam…castellani" by charter dated 1198, which also records the donation made by "Beatrix domina de Nivella" for the soul of "mariti sui Rogeri Curtracensis junioris"[165]. Roger & his wife had one child:
i) ELISABETH [Isabelle] (-before Mar 1246). Heiress of Nevele. The late 13th century genealogy by Balduinus de Avennis records that “Evrardum Raduel”, son of "Balduinus de Mortania" and his wife, married secondly "hæredem...terræ de Nevella juxta Gandavum"[166]. A charter dated Mar 1246 records an arbitration, naming “dame Ysabiaus ki mere fu mon segneur Mikiel de Niviele mon segneur Evrart Radour et mon segneur Rogier devant dit drois oirs”[167]. m (after 1218) as his second wife, EVERARD Radoul Châtelain de Tournai Seigneur de Mortagne, son of BAUDOUIN Châtelain de Tournai & his wife Hildrade de Wavrin (-[8 Jan/Jul] 1226).
1200 |
1237 |
1246 |
March 1246
Age 46
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