Historical records matching Elisabeth of Bohemia
Immediate Family
third cousin once removed
About Elisabeth of Bohemia
Elisabeth of Bohemia (1292–1330)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Elisabeth of Bohemia (Czech: Eliška Přemyslovna) (20 January 1292 – 28 September 1330) was Queen of Bohemia and mother of King of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV.
She was the daughter of Wenceslaus II of Bohemia and Judith of Habsburg. When Elisabeth was five years old, her mother died. Of the ten children only four of them lived to adulthood Wenceslaus, Anne, Elisabeth and Margaret, Elisabeth and her siblings also had a half-sister called Agnes. Six years after the death of her mother, her father Wenceslaus re-married. He chose to marry a Polish princess called Elisabeth Richeza of Poland from the Piast dynasty. Elisabeth's father then gained the Crown of Poland.
Elisabeth's youth noted a lot of things, a devastating fire at Prague Castle in 1303, the death of her father and the assassination of her brother Wenceslaus.
[edit]The fight for the throne
In 1306, after the murder of Elisabeth's brother Wenceslaus, Elisabeth's brother-in-law Henry became King of Bohemia. Elisabeth was now the only single princess in the family, she was fourteen years of age so was a good age to marry and she became one of the key players on the seizure of power disputes on the Kingdom of Bohemia.
From the quarrels of the Bohemian throne between Henry of Bohemia and Rudolph of Habsburg resulted in Rudolph taking Bohemia and marrying Elisabeth Richeza of Poland (Elisabeth's stepmother). Elisabeth went to live in Prague Castle with her brother's widow, Viola Elisabeth of Cieszyn. But in 1307 the throne returned to her brother-in-law and sister, because of Rudolph's death. They wanted Elisabeth to marry lord of Bergova (Otto of Löbdaburg) for political reasons. Elisabeth refused to marry Otto and so Elisabeth and Anne fell out with each other.
An opposition group was made against Henry and Anne, with Elisabeth as the figure head.
[edit]Marriage to John of Luxembourg
Elisabeth married the son of Henry VII, Holy Roman Emperor, John of Luxembourg. The wedding took place on September 1310, after John was forced to invade Bohemia. Henry and Anne fled to Carinthia were Anne died in 1313. The coronation of John and Elisabeth took place on 7 February 1311.
After a while Elisabeth grew jealous of John, who had listened to her but had different political opinions than her. Then in 1319 a plot was uncovered which had planned to despose of Elisabeth and John and replace them with their eldest son Charles. John had the culprits punished but Elisabeth locked herself away at Mělník Castle and took her children with her.
John decided to prevent his wife of interferring in the education of their children.
Later years
Elisabeth was in total isolation and abandoned by all, she left Bohemia and lived in exile in Bavaria. Some of the proceedings considered an act of open hostility towards John, and his noble likes. In exile Elisabeth gave birth to her last children; twin daughters Anne and Elizabeth. John sent Elisabeth funding during her exile. Elisabeth returned to Bohemia in 1325. When she returned, John found Elisabeth to be ill but she still lived for another five years. She eventually died of Tuberculosis in 1330 aged thirty eight.
Elisabeth and John were parents to seven children
Margaret (8 July 1313–11 July 1341, Prague), married in Straubing 12 August 1328 to Henry XIV, Duke of Bavaria.
Bonne/ Jutta (21 May 1315–11 September 1349, Maubuisson Abbey, Saint-Ouen-l'Aumône), married in Melun 6 August 1332 to King John II of France.
Charles IV (14 May 1316–29 November 1378), King of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emperor.
Ottokar ("Otto") (22 November 1318–20 April 1320), Prince of Bohemia.
John Henry (Jan Jindrich) (12 February 1322, Mělník–12 November 1375), Margrave of Moravia.
Anne (1323–3 September 1338), twin of Elisabeth, married 16 February 1335 to Duke Otto of Austria.
Elisabeth (1323–1324), twin of Anne
Elisabeth of Bohemia (1292-1330)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Elisabeth I of Bohemia (Czech: Eliška Přemyslovna) (born 20 January 1292, died 28 September 1330) was Queen of Bohemia and mother of King of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV.
She was a daughter of King Venceslaus II of Bohemia and Judith of Habsburg. Her maternal grandparents were Rudolph I of Germany and Gertrude of Hohenberg.
In 1310, Elisabeth married John of Luxembourg who thus became King of Bohemia in her name. They were parents to seven children:
Margaret (8 July 1313–11 July 1341, Prague), married in Straubing 12 August 1328 to Henry XIV, Duke of Bavaria.
Bonne (21 May 1315–11 September 1349, Maubuisson), married in Melun 6 August 1332 to King John II of France.
Charles IV (14 May 1316–29 November 1378), King of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emperor.
Ottokar ("Otto") (22 November 1318–20 April 1320), Prince of Bohemia.
John Henry (Jan Jindrich) (12 February 1322, Mělník–12 November 1375), Margrave of Moravia.
Anna (1323–3 September 1338), twin of Elizabeth, married 16 February 1335 to Duke Otto of Austria.
Elizabeth (1323–1324), twin of Anna
Élisabeth de Bohême (en tchèque : Eliška Přemyslovna) (20 janvier 1292 - 28 septembre 1330, Prague), reine de Bohême, fille de Venceslas II de Bohème et de Judith de Habsbourg. Elle est la sœur du dernier Přemyslide mâle, Venceslas III dont la couronne va pendant quelques années à Henri de Görtz, le mari d'Anne de Bohême, la sœur puînée de Venceslas III et aînée d'Élisabeth.
Sur l'échiquier politique européen, Élisabeth est, après la mort tragique de son frère, un pion essentiel. Le véritable enjeu de son mariage est le contrôle des riches mines d'argent de Kutná Hora. Sa sœur Anne et son beau-frère Henri songent tout d'abord à la marier au seigneur de Berg, un personnage falot. Avec l'aide de Conrad de Zbraslav, un coup d'État dynastique est organisé : le mariage d'Élisabeth avec le fils de l'Empereur du Saint-Empire et la déposition d'Henri de Görtz du trône de Bohême.
Le 1er septembre 1310, âgée de dix-huit ans, elle apporte le royaume de Bohême en dot à Jean de Luxembourg qui en a quatorze. Le couronnement des époux a lieu le 7 février 1311.
De cette union sont issus :
* Marguerite (8 juillet 1313 † 11 juillet 1341),
* Bonne (21 mai 1315 † 11 septembre 1349) mariée en 1332 à Jean II, Roi de France (1319-1364),
* Charles IV, Empereur, Roi de Bohême, comte de Luxembourg (1316 † 1378),
* Otakar (22 septembre 1318 † 20 avril 1320),
* Jean-Henri (1322 † 1375),
* Anne (27 mars 1323 † 3 septembre 1338)
* Elisabeth (27 mars 1323 † 1324).
Elisabeth, reine de Bohême et comtesse de Luxembourg meurt de la tuberculose le 28 septembre 1330, âgée de trente-neuf ans.
Élisabeth de Bohême (1292-1330). Une page de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
Elisabeth of Bohemia's Timeline
1292 |
January 20, 1292
Praha, Bohemia (Czech Republic)
1313 |
July 8, 1313
Of, Praha. Praha, Czechoslovakia
1315 |
May 20, 1315
Prague, Czech Republic
1316 |
May 14, 1316
Praha, Prague, Königreich Böhmen, Kingdom of Bohemia
1318 |
November 22, 1318
(Bohemia), Czech Republic
1319 |
March 27, 1319
Of, Praha, Praha, Czech Republic
March 27, 1319
Of, Praha. Praha, Czechoslovakia
1322 |
February 12, 1322
Mělník, Mělník District, Central Bohemian Region, Czechia (Czech Republic)
1330 |
September 28, 1330
Age 38
Praha, Bohemia (Czech Republic)