Immediate Family
About Eleanor of Lancaster, Countess of Arundel and Warenne
her birth date isn't very clear.
one possible date from merges is 18 June 1318
Wikipedia have 11 September 1318 as the birth date
other sources only give her birth year as 1311
"Eleanor of Lancaster, Countess of Arundel (sometimes called Eleanor Plantagenet; 11 September 1311-1318 – 11 January 1372) was the fifth daughter of Henry, 3rd Earl of Lancaster and Maud Chaworth."
Citations / Sources :
[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family: A Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), pages 78-79. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Family.
[S6] G.E. Cokayne; with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume II, page 60. Hereinafter cited as The Complete Peerage.
[S452] #21 The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct, or Dormant (1910), Cokayne, George Edward (main author) and Vicary Gibbs (added author), (New edition. 13 volumes in 14. London: St. Catherine Press,1910-), vol. 1 p. 243-244 fn. (d), 244, 253; vol. 2 p. 60-61; vol. 4 appndx. H chart II; vol. 14 p. 38 [ARUNDEL], 259.
[S338] Plantagenet Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families (2004), Richardson, Douglas, edited by Kamball G. Everingham, (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2004), FHL book 942 D5rd., p. 41 ARUNDEL:10.
[S347] Plantagenet Ancestry of Seventeenth-century Colonists: the Descent from the Later Plantagenet Kings of England, Henry III, Edward I, Edward II, and Edward III, of Emigrants from England and Wales to the North American Colonies Before 1701 (2nd ed., 1999), Faris, David, (2nd edition. Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1999), FHL book 973 D2fp., p. 143 FITZ ALAN:13.
[S266] #379 [7th edition, 1992] Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, Who Came to America Before 1700 (7th edition, 1992), Weis, Frederick Lewis, (7th edition. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, c1992), FHL book 974 D2w 1992., p. 21 line 17:30, p. 23 line 20:30, p. 65 line 60:32.
[S2411] #11915 British Genealogy (filmed 1950), Evans, Alcwyn Caryni, (Books A to H. National Library of Wales MSS 12359-12360D. Manuscript filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1950), FHL microfilms 104,355 and 104,390 item 2., book 1 p. 45, 49; book 6 p. F2*.
[S673] #1079 A History of Monmouthshire from the Coming of the Normans into Wales down to the Present Time (1904-1993), Bradney, Sir Joseph Alfred, (Publications of the South Wales Record Society, number 8. Five volumes in 13. London: Mitchell, Hughes and Clarke, 1904-1993), FHL book 942.43 H2b., vol. 1 p. 5.
[S1800] #771 The History of the Princes, the Lords Marcher and the Ancient Nobility of Powys Fodog and the Ancient Lords of Arwystli, Cedewen and Meirionydd (1881-1887), Lloyd, Jacob Youde William, (6 volumes. London: T. Richards, 1881-1887), FHL book 942.9 D2L; FHL microfilms 990,213-990,214., vol. 1 p. 375.
[S1800] #771 The History of the Princes, the Lords Marcher and the Ancient Nobility of Powys Fodog and the Ancient Lords of Arwystli, Cedewen and Meirionydd (1881-1887), Lloyd, Jacob Youde William, (6 volumes. London: T. Richards, 1881-1887), FHL book 942.9 D2L; FHL microfilms 990,213-990,214., vol. 6 p. 322.
[S2318] #1210 The Family of Griffith of Garn and Plasnewydd in the County of Denbigh, as Registered in the College of Arms from the Beginning of the XIth Century (1934), Glenn, Thomas Allen, (London: Harrison, 1934), FHL book 929.2429 G875g; FHL microfilm 994,040 ite., p. 209, 215.
She did not marry Gerald, Lord Lisle
Disconnected 5/4/2017
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eleanor_of_Lancaster (though dates slightly differ)
Eleanor of Lancaster, Countess of Arundel and Warenne's Timeline
1311 |
Grismond Castle, Monmouthshire, Wales
1340 |
April 4, 1340
Brabant, Belgium
1346 |
Arundel, Sussex, England (United Kingdom)
1347 |
Arundel Castle, Arundel, West Sussex, England (United Kingdom)
1348 |
August 1, 1348
Arundel Castle, Sussex, England (United Kingdom)
1350 |
Arundel Castle, Arundel, Sussex, England
1351 |