Historical records matching (Edith) Minna Horwitz
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Immediate Family
About (Edith) Minna Horwitz
- Identified as wife of Arthur Horwitz and mother of Karl Heinz Julius Joseph Louis Moritz in Erich Woehlkens, Lisa Kuhlmann and Beate L Weiland, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Juden in Uelzen und in Nordostniedersachsen (1996), p. 169.
- Minna is listed as Edith Minna Horwitz in German Minority census 1939. This is also the source for date and place of birth an death. https://www.myheritage.de/research/collection-10901/deutsche-minder...
- A Stolperstein has been laid in Hamburg for Edith Horwitz (née Spanier). At the Stolperstein Site we find a short biographical text. In that text she is identified as mother of Karl Heinz Horwitz *January 2, 1919 in Uelzen. http://www.stolpersteine-hamburg.de/?&MAIN_ID=7&r_name=horwitz&r_st...
- Edith she attended the local girls’ high school (Lyzeum), where she probably took theology classes. She was baptized Protestant. See biographical notes on the Stolperstein Site of Hamburg. http://www.stolpersteine-hamburg.de/en.php?&LANGUAGE=EN&MAIN_ID=7&B...
- Entry in Gedenkbuch des Bundesarchivs Opfer der Verfolgung der Juden unter der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft in Deutschland 1933-1945
- Horwitz, Edith Minna
- geborene Spanier geboren am 18. Mai 1897 in Bünde / Herford / Westfalen wohnhaft in Hamburg
- Deportation: ab Hamburg 06. Dezember 1941, Riga-Jungfernhof, Außenlager Ghetto Riga
- In the State Archives of Hamburg is a file deposited of the "Office for Reparation" (1958 - 69). The claims were possibly made by the surviving Arthur Horwitz. https://recherche.staatsarchiv.hamburg.de/ScopeQuery5.2/detail.aspx...
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(Edith) Minna Horwitz's Timeline
1897 |
May 18, 1897
Bünde, Detmold, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
1919 |
January 2, 1919
Uelzen, Lower Saxony, Germany
1941 |
December 1941
Age 44
Riga, Latvia