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Eadhild (Edhilda, Édith), daughter of Edward 'the Elder' and his second wife Ælfflæd.
Married to Hugues 'le Grand' Capet, King of the Franks.
Possibly the mother of Béatrice (Beatrix).
EADHILD (-937). William of Malmesbury names (in order) "Edfleda, Edgiva, Ethelhilda, Ethilda, Edgitha, Elfgiva" as the six daughters of King Eadweard and his wife "Elfleda", specifying that Ethilda married "Hugh"[1676]. The Book of Hyde names "Ethyldam" as fourth of the six daughters of King Eadweard by his first wife "Elfelmi comitis filia Elfleda", specifying that she married "pater Hugonis Capet"[1677]. Flodoard mentions, but does not name, "filiam Eadwardi regis Anglorum, sororem coniugis Karoli" when recording her marriage to "Hugo filius Rotberti" in 926[1678].
m ([926]%29 as his second wife, HUGUES "le Grand" de France [Capet], son of ROBERT I King of France & his second wife Béatrix de Vermandois ([898]-Dourdan, Essonne Jun 956, bur Saint-Denis). At the time of his betrothal, he sent sumptuous gifts to King Athelstan, including spices, jewels, richly caparisoned horses, three holy relics and a gold crown[1679]. He was granted the title Duc des Francs 25 Dec 936.
HUGUES “le Grand”, son of ROBERT I King of France & his second wife Béatrix de Vermandois [Carolingian] ([898]-Dourdan, Essonne 16 Jun 956, bur église de l'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis).
The Historia Francorum Senonensis names "Hugo Magnus" as son of "Robertus princeps [et] sororem Herberti"[78]. "Rodbertum fratrem Odonis regis, qui erat pater Hugonis postea Francorum ducus" is named in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[79]. Rodulfus Glaber names "Hugo filius Rotberti, Parisiorum comitis", commenting on the obscurity of his ancestry[80]. He was recognised by the king as heir to his father’s lands in 914. He declined the succession to the throne of France on the death of his father in 923, when his brother-in-law Raoul Duke of Burgundy was elected king.
Abbot of Saint-Martin de Tours: "l´abbé Hugues" granted "la ville de Mons…dans le pays de Melun" to "la reine Emma sa sœur, fille du roi Robert" by charter dated 926[81]. On the death of King Raoul, Hugues once more declined the succession, instead negotiating the return from England of the Carolingian Prince Louis, son of Charles III “le Simple”, who was his wife's nephew and whom he installed as King Louis IV.
Hugo rector Abbatiæ sancti Martini" names "genitoris nostri Rotberti quondam regis ac genitricis nostræ domnæ Beatricis" in a charter dated 26 Mar 931[82]. "Hugues abbé de Saint-Martin" donated "son alleu de Lachy…dans le comté de Meaux", inherited from "comte Aledramnus", to Tours Saint-Martin by charter dated 14 Sep 937 which names "sa femme Havis"[83]. The position of power acquired by Hugues is confirmed by the title dux francorum/Duc des Francs used in charters dated 25 Jul 936 and 25 Dec 936[84], and the king's references to him as “notre second dans tous nos royaumes”. Disputes between Hugues and the king quickly followed. On the death of King Louis IV in 954, Hugues was confirmed as Duc des Francs. He was granted lordship over Burgundy and Aquitaine[85]. He only succeeded in subjugating the former, succeeding Duke Giselbert as Duke of Burgundy in Apr 956. The Historia Francorum Senonensis records the death "XVI Kal Iul apud Drodingam villam" of "Hugo Magnus dux Francorum" and his burial "in basilica beati Dyonisii martiris Parisius"[86]. The necrology of Chartres cathedral records the death "XVI Kal Jul" of "Hugo dux Francorum"[87]. The Obituaire de Notre-Dame de Paris records the death "XV Kal Jul" of "Hugo dux Francorum"[88]. The necrology of Auxerre cathedral records the death 16 Jun of "Hugo comes"[89].
m secondly ([926]%29 EADHILD, daughter of EDWARD I "the Elder" King of Wessex & his second wife Ælfleda (-937). Flodoard mentions, but does not name, "filiam Eadwardi regis Anglorum, sororem coniugis Karoli" when recording her marriage to "Hugo filius Rotberti" in 926[93].
William of Malmesbury names (in order) "Edfleda, Edgiva, Ethelhilda, Ethilda, Edgitha, Elfgiva" as the six daughters of King Eadweard and his wife "Elfleda", specifying that Ethilda married "Hugh".
The Book of Hyde names "Ethyldam" as fourth of the six daughters of King Eadweard by his first wife "Elfelmi comitis filia Elfleda", specifying that she married "pater Hugonis Capet"[94]. At the time of the couple's betrothal, her future husband sent sumptuous gifts to King Athelstan, including spices, jewels, richly caparisoned horses, three holy relics and a gold crown[95].
Duke Hugues & his [second/third] wife had one child:
1. BEATRIX (-23 Sep 1003). Flodoard refers to "Hugonis principis filiam" marrying "Fredericus, frater Adalberonis episcopi" in 954[102]. The Gesta Episcoporum Virdunensium names "Beatricis, Hugonis Capitonis Francorum regis sororis" as wife of "ducis Frederici"[103]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "sororem [Otto filius Hugo rex…dux Burgundie]…Beatricem" as wife of "Fridericus dux Mosellanorum"[104]. There is no proof of the identity of the mother of Beatrix, although it is unlikely that she was the daughter of her father's first wife given the date of her marriage. She acted as regent of Upper Lotharingia for her son Duke Thierry I from 978 to 987, taking an active part in the government of the duchy. She intervened with her brother Hugues Capet over the capture of her son by French troops during the siege of Verdun in 985, and actively attempted to resolve the Franco/German conflict over Lotharingia by diplomatic means. She was imprisoned in an abbey by her son, impatient to assume personal rule, but the Pope obliged him to release her. She visited the monastery of Saint-Dié in 1003 with her family[105].
m (Betrothed 951, [10 Sep/12 Nov] 954) FREDERIC Comte, son of WIGERICH [III] Graf im Bidgau, Pfalzgraf & his wife Cunegondis --- ([910/15]-[Jun/Jul] 978). He was installed in 959 as FREDERIC I Duke of Upper Lotharingia.
Eadhilda (?) (1)
F, #105196, d. 26 January 947
Last Edited=8 Sep 2005
Eadhilda (?) was the daughter of Eadweard I, King of Wessex and Ælflæd (?). (1) She married Hugues of Neustria, Comte de Paris, son of Robert I, Roi de France, between 926 and 927. (2)
She died on 26 January 947. (2)
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937 |
1932 |
December 31, 1932
December 31, 1932
December 31, 1932
December 31, 1932
December 31, 1932
December 31, 1932
December 31, 1932
December 31, 1932