Dorothea Fuerst

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Dorothea Fuerst (Kremer)

German: Fürst (Kremer)
Birthplace: Großheubach, Unterfranken, BY, Germany
Death: October 31, 1702 (23)
Bürgstadt, Unterfranken, BY, Germany
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Nikolaus Kremer and Dorothea Kremer
Wife of Jakob Fuerst
Mother of Anna Maria Fuerst and Johann Valentin Fuerst
Sister of Anna Kremer and Maria Eva Boller
Half sister of Johann Michael Kremer; Anna Maria Kremer; Anna Christina Kremer and Lorenz Kremer

Managed by: Tobias Rachor (C)
Last Updated:
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Dorothea Fuerst's Timeline

October 1, 1679
Großheubach, Unterfranken, BY, Germany
February 2, 1701
Bürgstadt, Unterfranken, BY, Germany
March 11, 1702
Bürgstadt, Unterfranken, BY, Germany
October 31, 1702
Age 23
Bürgstadt, Unterfranken, BY, Germany