Immediate Family
About Dag Bratsberg Eilivsson
Dag Elivsson Bratsberg
- Son of Eiliv Ormsson Bratsberg and Ragnhild Dagsdatter
- Dag Eilivsson was a Norwegian chief at Bratsberg in Gjerpen around 1100. He was married to Ragnhild, daughter of Skofte Ogmundsson . Today was one of district chiefs of King Magnus Barefoot
- Today Eilivsson was a high-ranking man who stood high in favour of Magnus Berrføtts's sons. He was an Ampman and owned a mortal estate in Vestfold, Bamble and Nedre Telemark. Maybe he was the son of the above Eiliv. He followed Magnus Berrføtt (1073-1103) on his second three Sea expedition, and was, among the last to flee when Magnus fell during a gangway in Ireland 1103. Dag Eilivsson was married to Ragnhild Skoftesdatter, the daughter of Skofte Ogmundsson
- Lendmann, owned and lived Bratsberg - gnr 63/1, Skien. He also owned significant land estate in Grenland and Vestfold.
- About 1080 He was probably born at Bratsberg and took over the farm after his father Eiliv, the mother is unknown daughter of Dag Ringsson at Hedmark
- Together with his men from Grenland, Dag was with King Magnus Berrføtt on the harness train to the Vesterøyene in 1102-1103. When the king was killed, Dag was among the last to leave him. It is also believed that Dag was with Sigurd Jorsalfare at Jorsalferden in 1108-1111
- When Dag returned to Bratsberg after the journeys, he let build the crypt church at Kapitelberget. He also founded Gimsøy Monastery, where his daughter Baugeid was the first abbess. Dag's son, Gregorius Dagsson, later became one of Norway's most powerful countrymen.
- Dag married Ragnhild Skoftesdatter from Giske. Ragnhild was married to Dag Eilivsson, Lendmann from Viken. They were in the garden Bratsberg in Telemark. The sagas announce that Dag had 6 Born: two Gutar, Vatnorm and Gregorius, and four girls – Baugeid, Borghild, Sigrid and Gyrid. Ragnhild was probably not the mother of all Dag's born. From the age of the eldest guten, Vatnorm, there are doubts as to whether Ragnhild can have his mother. Gregorius, however, was a common child of Ragnhild and Dag, and it is precisely this zone and his political role as the castar light on the position of Ragnhild. - https://nbl.snl.no/Ragnhild_Skoftesdotter
- Baugeid Dagsdotter, was the first abbess,
- Borghild, Dagsdotter, married KARE . Snorre names "Sigrid who was mother of King Olaf Magnsuson and of Kare the king's brother who married Borghild, a daughter of Dag Eilifson"[434]. It is not clear entirely clear from this passage whether Kare was a full brother or only uterine brother of King Olav. The latter appears more likely as there is no reference to Kare, or any of his descendants, having claimed the Norwegian throne during the civil wars between Kings Magnus, Harald and Sigurd. This appears supported by a later passage of Snorre which records that "Queen Ingerid had a son to Ivar Sneis…called Orm [surnamed]…King-brother", indicating that the term "king's brother" was also used for uterine brothers[435]. m BORGHILD, daughter of DAG Eilifson & his wife
- Gregorius Dagsson, later became one of Norway's most powerful countrymen.
- Sigrid Dagsson
Dag Eilivsson was a Norwegian lieutenant living on the farm Bratsberg in Gjerpen . Today owned significant estates in Grenland and Vestfold . He probably founded Gimsøy nunnery , and participated in King Magnus Berrføtt's second North Sea train to Ireland in 1103, where the king was killed.
Dag was married to Ragnhild to Giske , and their son was Gregorius Dagsson.
Dag Eilivsson, by Wikipedia
Together with his men from Grenland , Dag was with Magnus Berrføtt on the army train to the Western Islands in 1102 - 1103 . [2] When the king was killed, Dag was among the last to leave him. [3] It is also believed that Dag was with Magnus' son Sigurd Jorsalfare on the Jorsal voyage in 1108 - 1111 . [4]
When Dag returned to Bratsberg after the journeys, he had the crypt church built on Kapitelberget . He also founded Gimsøy monastery , [5] where his daughter Baugeid was the first abbess . [6] Dag's son, Gregorius Dagsson , later became one of Norway's most powerful lieutenants under King Inge Krokrygg .
Skien is the one of the oldest towns in Norway. Nowadays Skien is a municipality in Telemark Fylke (County)
One of the great men who lived at this place around year 1100 A.D. was Dag Eilivsson.
Dag Eilivsson was a Norse who converted to the Christian religion. He built a church on Kapitelberget, and he provided the economic base for a Benedictine monastery at Gimsøy, also situated in Skien. Kapitelberget belonged to the large farm Bratsberg. The church was a private chapel for the farm and was dedicated to St. Michael.
The church was crypt-church, a rare thing in Norway. The crypt under the church-floor was used for requiems and to keep relics. Researchers assume that Dag has travelled to The Holy Land with Sigurd Jordsalfar, and brought a relic back to Skien and Kapitelberget.
The chapel is located on a knoll with views in all directions and was deliberately placed in a slope to fit to the crypt under the choir. Crypt is interpreted as a tomb for lineage in Bratsberg.
It is uncertain when the church at Kapitelberget went out of use, but in 1576 a document refers as a ruin. After the church went out of use, it was eventually hidden under gravel and soil.
The ruin was re-discovered in 1783, but it was first excavated in 1901. In 1928, restoration and conservation began. The work was completed in 1933.
- http://www.snl.no/Dag_Eilivsson
- http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dag_Eilivsson
- http://www.slekt.org/books/quisling/gaard1/002.html
- https://www.yrjarheimbygdslag.no/bebyggelse/82_austratt/slekt/s_001...
- https://www.google.com/search?q=Dag+Eilivsson+Bratsberg&rlz=1CDGOYI...
- Norwegian history from 800 to 1130
- The article is taken from the paper encyclopedia Store norske leksikon
- EXPERT CONSULTANT FOR THE ARTICLE: Per Norseng , Norwegian Maritime Museum LAST UPDATED: June 13, 2017, see all changes LIMITED REUSE. Cite or reuse?
- Morkinskinna (translated by Kare Flokenes): 207
- Snorre: Magnus Berrføtt's saga , kap. 23
- Snorre: Magnus Berrføtt's saga, kap. 25
- Tor Kjetil Gardåsen, Thor Gundersen, Magne Kortner and Ragnar Olsen (2000). Summa Summarum - Skien for 1000 years . Skien: Forlaget Grenland. ISBN 82-91986-28-2 .
- Helle et al (2006): 61
- Snorre: Håkon Herdebreis saga , kap. 14
- Helle, Eliassen, Myhre & Stugu: Norsk byhistorie, Pax forlag, Trondheim 2006
- Morkinskinna, translated by Kåre Flokenes. Dreyer book, Stavanger 2004
- Snorre: Norges Kongesagaer, translated by Anne Holtsmark. Gyldendal, Oslo 1979
Om Dag Bratsberg Eilivsson (svenska)
Dag Elivsson
Lendmann, eide og bodde Bratsberg - gnr 63/1, Skien. Han eide også betydelige jordegods i Grenland og Vestfold.
- ca 1080 Han var sannsynligvis født på Bratsberg og overtok gården etter faren Eiliv, moren er ukjent datter av Dag Ringsson på Hedmark
- Dag giftet seg med Ragnhild Skoftesdatter fra Giske. De hadde barna Baugeid, Borghild, Gyrid, Vatn-Orm, Gregorius og Sigrid
- Sammen med sine menn fra Grenland, var Dag med kong Magnus Berrføtt på hærtoget til Vesterøyene i 1102–1103. Da kongen ble drept, var Dag blant de siste som forlot ham. Det blir også antatt at Dag var med Sigurd Jorsalfare på Jorsalferden i 1108-1111
- Når Dag kom tilbake til Bratsberg etter ferdene, lot han bygge kryptkirken på Kapitelberget. Han grunnla også Gimsøy kloster, hvor hans datter Baugeid var den første abbedissen. Sønnen til Dag, Gregorius Dagsson, ble senere en av Norges mektigste lendmenn.
- http://www.snl.no/Dag_Eilivsson
- http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dag_Eilivsson
- http://www.slekt.org/books/quisling/gaard1/002.html
- https://www.yrjarheimbygdslag.no/bebyggelse/82_austratt/slekt/s_001...
Dag Eilivsson, norsk lendmann bosatt på gården Bratsberg i Gjerpen. Eide betydelige jordegods i Grenland og Vestfold. Stiftet Gimsøy nonnekloster, deltok i Magnus Berrføtts annet Vesterhavstog 1103. Gift med Ragnhild til Giske; deres sønn var Gregorius Dagsson.
Dag Eilivsson var en norsk høvding på Bratsberg mot slutten av vikingtida. Sammen med sine menn fra Grenland, var Dag med kong Magnus Berrføtt på hærtoget til Vesterøyene i 1102–1103. Da kongen ble drept, var Dag blant de siste som forlot ham. Det blir også antatt at Dag var med Sigurd Jorsalfare på Jorsalferden i 1108-1111.[1]
Når Dag kom tilbake til Bratsberg etter ferdene, lot han bygge kryptkirken på Kapitelberget. Han grunnla også Gimsøy kloster, hvor hans datter Baugeid var den første abbedissen. Sønnen til Dag, Gregorius Dagsson, ble senere en av Norges mektigste lendmenn.
(Eng - by Google ...)
Dag or Day Eilivsson was a Norwegian chieftain of Bratsberg the end of the Viking Age. Sammen med sine menn fra Grenland , var Dag med kong Magnus Berrføtt på hærtoget til Vesterøyene i 1102 – 1103 . Together with his men from Grenland, was the day King Magnus Barefoot on hærtoget to the Western Islands in 1102 - 1103. Da kongen ble drept, var Dag blant de siste som forlot ham. When the king was killed, was the day among the last to leave him. Det blir også antatt at Dag var med Sigurd Jorsalfare på Jorsalferden i 1108 - 1111 . [1] It is also assumed that the day was with Sigurd Jorsalfare on Jorsalferden in 1108 - 1111.
Når Dag kom tilbake til Bratsberg etter ferdene, lot han bygge kryptkirken på Kapitelberget . When the day came back to Bratsberg for flights, let him build the church crypt on Kapitelberget. Han grunnla også Gimsøy kloster , hvor hans datter Baugeid var den første abbedissen . He also founded Gimsøy monastery, where his daughter Baugeid was the first abbess. Sønnen til Dag, Gregorius Dagsson , ble senere en av Norges mektigste lendmenn . Son of Day, Gregory Dagsson, later became one of Norway's most powerful lendermen.
Gimsøy Abbey was a Benedictine nunnery located on the island of Gimsøy in Skien, Telemark, Norway.
It was founded by Dag Eilivsson, probably in the second quarter of the 12th century, and his daughter Baugeid was the first abbess. The abbey was well positioned on the navigable river on the way to Skien, and was comfortably endowed with estates.
By about 1500, however, the premises had been mortgaged, although the nuns continued to live there, and were permitted to stay in residence after the dissolution of the nunnery during the Reformation. The buildings burnt to the ground in 1546, and the site was cleared, leaving no visible traces.
Skien is the one of the oldest towns in Norway. Nowadays Skien is a municipality in Telemark Fylke (County).
One of the great men who lived at this place around year 1100 A.D. was Dag Eilivsson.
Dag Eilivsson was a Norse who converted to the Christian religion. He built a church on Kapitelberget, and he provided the economic base for a Benedictine monastery at Gimsøy, also situated in Skien. Kapitelberget belonged to the large farm Bratsberg. The church was a private chapel for the farm and was dedicated to St. Michael.
The church was crypt-church, a rare thing in Norway. The crypt under the church-floor was used for requiems and to keep relics. Researchers assume that Dag has travelled to The Holy Land with Sigurd Jordsalfar, and brought a relic back to Skien and Kapitelberget.
The chapel is located on a knoll with views in all directions and was deliberately placed in a slope to fit to the crypt under the choir. Crypt is interpreted as a tomb for lineage in Bratsberg.
It is uncertain when the church at Kapitelberget went out of use, but in 1576 a document refers as a ruin. After the church went out of use, it was eventually hidden under gravel and soil.
The ruin was re-discovered in 1783, but it was first excavated in 1901. In 1928, restoration and conservation began. The work was completed in 1933.
THORA Paulsdatter . Orkneyinga Saga names (in order) “Thora…Ingirid…Herbjorg…Ragnhild” as the daughters of “Earl Paul Thorfinnson” and his wife, adding that Thora married “in Norway…Halldor, the son of Brynjolf Camel” and that their son was “Brynjolf, the father of Halldor who married Gudrid Dag´s-Daughter”[953].
m HALLDOR, son of BRYNIOLF Camel & his wife ---.(Cawley's Medlands)_______
Ragnhild vart gift med Dag Eilivsson, lendmann frå Viken. Dei var truleg busette på garden Bratsberg i Telemark. Sagaene opplyser at Dag hadde 6 born: to gutar, Vatnorm og Gregorius, og fire jenter – Baugeid, Borghild, Sigrid og Gyrid. Ragnhild var nok ikkje mor til alle Dag sine born. Ut frå alderen på den eldste guten, Vatnorm, er det tvilsamt om Ragnhild kan ha vore mora hans. Gregorius var derimot eit felles barn av Ragnhild og Dag, og det er nettopp denne sonen og hans politiske rolle som kastar lys over Ragnhilds posisjon.
Dag Bratsberg Eilivsson's Timeline
1075 |
Bratsberg, Gjerpen, Skien, Telemark, Norway
1100 |
Bratsberg, Gjerpen, Skien, Telemark, Norway
1103 |
Bratsberg, Gjerpen, Skien, Telemark, Norway
1108 |
Bratsberg, Gjerpen, Skien, Telemark, Norway
1110 |
Bratsberg, Gjerpen, Skien, Telemark, Norway
1111 |
Bratsberg, Gjerpen, Skien, Telemark, Norway
1128 |
Bratsberg, Gjerpen, Skien, Telemark, Norway
1135 |
Age 60
Bratsberg, Gjerpen, Telemark, Norway
???? |