- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodrigo_Gonz%C3%A1lez_de_Lara
- http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SPANISH%20NOBILITY%20LATER%20MEDIEV...
3. RODRIGO González de Lara (-Jerusalem after 1143). "P[etrus] Gallecie comes…cum fratre meo obtimate R necnon sororibus meis…sanctimonialis Munina atque Visclavara" donated "monasterium Sancti Martini de Juvia" to Cluny by charter 14 Dec 1113 confirmed by "Froyla Vimaraci, Menendo Vimaraic, Menendo Solinizi, Comes Gugues, Comes Munio Pelagis, comes Rudericus Veilazi"[1323]. There are references to "Rodrigo González" as Alférez of Alfonso VI King of Castile between 29 Jan 1078 and 9 Jun 1081, but these must refer to a different person if the estimated birth date of Rodrigo's older brother Pedro is correct as shown above. Señor de Lara y Liébana. Conde in the valley of the Río Miera and in Asturias de Santillana 1104 to 11 Aug 1111[1324]. "Urracha…Ispanie regina, regis Aldefonsi regineque Constantie filia" donated property to the abbey of Silos by charter dated 26 Mar 1119, confirmed by "…Petrus Gonsalvi comes, Rodericus Gonsalvi…"[1325]. "Comite domno Roderico Gonzalvus cum uxore mea Sandecia prolis filia regis Adephonsus" donated the monastery of San Mames to Santa María de Piasca by charter dated "mense Iulii, Era 1100" (misdated)[1326]. Conde in the lands beyond the Río Miera, to Aguilar de Campoó by 1125. The dating clause of a charter dated 1125, under which "Maior Ruderici comitissa comitis Ruderici et comitisse Tharasie filia" donated half of the monastery of Santa María de Feleyta and other churches to Sahagún monastery, records “...Comite Domno Ruderico in Campos et in Asturiis Sancte Juliane, Gunzalvo Pelayz in Asturiis Oveti...”[1327]. The Chronica Adefonsi Imperatoris names "the Castilians Count Pedro de Lara and his brother Count Rodrigo González" as leaders of the opponents of Alfonso VII King of Castile on his accession in 1126[1328]. He rebelled against Alfonso VII King of Castile in 1131, physically attacking the king on the banks of the Pisuerga River[1329]. Restored to King Alfonso's good favour, he was appointed governor of Toledo in 1136. Alfonso VII King of Castile granted various properties to "comiti Roderico Gonzaluez et uxori tue comittisse Stephanie Armengol et…comiti Roderici Martinez et uxori tue comitisse Urraca" by charter dated Jul 1135[1330]. “Comes Rodericus Gonzalvez et...Sancia comitissa Roderici comitis Asturiensis filia” donated property “in villa... Ecclesia Ruina” to Segovia Cathedral by charter dated 3 Feb 1137[1331]. The Chronica Adefonsi Imperatoris records that, after disputes arose once more, Rodrigo González was forced to travel to Jerusalem. On his return to Spain in 1139, he stayed at the court of the taifa King of Valencia having been refused entry to Castile, but caught leprosy and left again for Jerusalem where he died[1332]. "Rodericus comes…cum consanguinibus meis: Semeno Enechez et mater eius dompna Maria, Don Garcia, D. Malrico, Gonsalbo de Marañon, Don Nuño, Don Rodrico, Don Alvaro, Don Pedro Garciaz, comitissa Doña Elbira, Domna Milia, Domna Santia Garciaz, Domna Mayor Garciaz, Domna Maria Garciaz" donated "villam…Gormeces" to San Pedro de Arlança, by charter dated 7 Feb 1140[1333].
m firstly (1120 or 1122) Infanta doña SANCHA de Castilla, daughter of ALFONSO VI King of Castile and León & his fifth wife Isabel née Zaïda --- ([1120/16 Mar 1104]-after 10 May 1125). The Chronicon Regum Legionensium names "Sancha the wife of count Rodrigo and Elvira who married Duke Roger of Sicily" as the daughters of King Alfonso and his fourth "legitimate wife…Elisabeth"[1334]. Both daughters are named in a charter dated 16 Mar 1104[1335]. In view of the dates of their marriages, it is unlikely that they were born much before this date. This suggests that their mother may have been King Alfonso's fifth wife, formerly known by her Muslim name Zaïda, although if their estimated birth dates are correct there would have been an interval of several years between their births and the birth of their older brother Sancho, which seems surprising. "Comite domno Roderico Gonzalvus cum uxore mea Sandecia prolis filia regis Adephonsus" donated the monastery of San Mames to Santa María de Piasca by charter dated "mense Iulii, Era 1100" (misdated)[1336].
m secondly (before Jul 1135) as her second husband, ESTEFANIA de Urgell, widow of FERNANDO García [de Castro] Señor de Hita y Uceda, daughter of ARMENGOL [V] Comte de Urgell & his wife María Pérez Señora de Valladolid (-after 15 Feb 1143). "Regina Don Urraka tocius Ispaniæ Ildefonsi magni Inperatoris filia" granted the villa of Cevico de la Torre to "mea cogermana Domna Estefania comitis Ermegodis filia" by charter dated 30 Jun 1119[1337]. The family relationship between Estefania and Queen Urraca has not been established, unless it relates to the possible descent of Estefania´s first husband from the family of the kings of León. "Ferrando Garciez" granted arras to "uxori meæ Estefania Ermegoz comitis Ermegodis filiæ", including over property inherited from "altera muliere Tigridia", by charter dated 12 Nov 1119[1338]. Alfonso VII King of Castile granted various properties to "comiti Roderico Gonzaluez et uxori tue comittisse Stephanie Armengol et…comiti Roderici Martinez et uxori tue comitisse Urraca" by charter dated Jul 1135[1339]. "Comes Rudericus Gundisalui" granted arras to "coniugi mee comitissa domna Steuania" by charter dated 6 Sep 1135[1340]. "Stephania…comitissa bonæ memoriæ Armengoldi comitis filiæ" founded the monastery of Santa María de Valbuena by charter dated 15 Feb 1143, witnessed by "domna Urraca Ferrandiz comitissa, Martinus Ferrandiz, domna Sancia Ferrandiz, Petrus Ferrandiz, Gutterius Ferrandiz, Rodericus Ferrandiz…"[1341].
Rodrigo & his first wife had [four] children:
a) [RODRIGO Rodríguez ... ... ...
b) PEDRO Rodríguez (-1180) ... ... ...
c) ELVIRA Rodríguez de Lara (-8 Aug 1159)... ...
d) daughter...
Señor de Lara y Liebana
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodrigo_Gonz%C3%A1lez_de_Lara
- http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SPANISH%20NOBILITY%20LATER%20MEDIEV...
3. RODRIGO González de Lara (-Jerusalem after 1143). "P[etrus] Gallecie comes…cum fratre meo obtimate R necnon sororibus meis…sanctimonialis Munina atque Visclavara" donated "monasterium Sancti Martini de Juvia" to Cluny by charter 14 Dec 1113 confirmed by "Froyla Vimaraci, Menendo Vimaraic, Menendo Solinizi, Comes Gugues, Comes Munio Pelagis, comes Rudericus Veilazi"[1323]. There are references to "Rodrigo González" as Alférez of Alfonso VI King of Castile between 29 Jan 1078 and 9 Jun 1081, but these must refer to a different person if the estimated birth date of Rodrigo's older brother Pedro is correct as shown above. Señor de Lara y Liébana. Conde in the valley of the Río Miera and in Asturias de Santillana 1104 to 11 Aug 1111[1324]. "Urracha…Ispanie regina, regis Aldefonsi regineque Constantie filia" donated property to the abbey of Silos by charter dated 26 Mar 1119, confirmed by "…Petrus Gonsalvi comes, Rodericus Gonsalvi…"[1325]. "Comite domno Roderico Gonzalvus cum uxore mea Sandecia prolis filia regis Adephonsus" donated the monastery of San Mames to Santa María de Piasca by charter dated "mense Iulii, Era 1100" (misdated)[1326]. Conde in the lands beyond the Río Miera, to Aguilar de Campoó by 1125. The dating clause of a charter dated 1125, under which "Maior Ruderici comitissa comitis Ruderici et comitisse Tharasie filia" donated half of the monastery of Santa María de Feleyta and other churches to Sahagún monastery, records “...Comite Domno Ruderico in Campos et in Asturiis Sancte Juliane, Gunzalvo Pelayz in Asturiis Oveti...”[1327]. The Chronica Adefonsi Imperatoris names "the Castilians Count Pedro de Lara and his brother Count Rodrigo González" as leaders of the opponents of Alfonso VII King of Castile on his accession in 1126[1328]. He rebelled against Alfonso VII King of Castile in 1131, physically attacking the king on the banks of the Pisuerga River[1329]. Restored to King Alfonso's good favour, he was appointed governor of Toledo in 1136. Alfonso VII King of Castile granted various properties to "comiti Roderico Gonzaluez et uxori tue comittisse Stephanie Armengol et…comiti Roderici Martinez et uxori tue comitisse Urraca" by charter dated Jul 1135[1330]. “Comes Rodericus Gonzalvez et...Sancia comitissa Roderici comitis Asturiensis filia” donated property “in villa... Ecclesia Ruina” to Segovia Cathedral by charter dated 3 Feb 1137[1331]. The Chronica Adefonsi Imperatoris records that, after disputes arose once more, Rodrigo González was forced to travel to Jerusalem. On his return to Spain in 1139, he stayed at the court of the taifa King of Valencia having been refused entry to Castile, but caught leprosy and left again for Jerusalem where he died[1332]. "Rodericus comes…cum consanguinibus meis: Semeno Enechez et mater eius dompna Maria, Don Garcia, D. Malrico, Gonsalbo de Marañon, Don Nuño, Don Rodrico, Don Alvaro, Don Pedro Garciaz, comitissa Doña Elbira, Domna Milia, Domna Santia Garciaz, Domna Mayor Garciaz, Domna Maria Garciaz" donated "villam…Gormeces" to San Pedro de Arlança, by charter dated 7 Feb 1140[1333].
m firstly (1120 or 1122) Infanta doña SANCHA de Castilla, daughter of ALFONSO VI King of Castile and León & his fifth wife Isabel née Zaïda --- ([1120/16 Mar 1104]-after 10 May 1125). The Chronicon Regum Legionensium names "Sancha the wife of count Rodrigo and Elvira who married Duke Roger of Sicily" as the daughters of King Alfonso and his fourth "legitimate wife…Elisabeth"[1334]. Both daughters are named in a charter dated 16 Mar 1104[1335]. In view of the dates of their marriages, it is unlikely that they were born much before this date. This suggests that their mother may have been King Alfonso's fifth wife, formerly known by her Muslim name Zaïda, although if their estimated birth dates are correct there would have been an interval of several years between their births and the birth of their older brother Sancho, which seems surprising. "Comite domno Roderico Gonzalvus cum uxore mea Sandecia prolis filia regis Adephonsus" donated the monastery of San Mames to Santa María de Piasca by charter dated "mense Iulii, Era 1100" (misdated)[1336].
m secondly (before Jul 1135) as her second husband, ESTEFANIA de Urgell, widow of FERNANDO García [de Castro] Señor de Hita y Uceda, daughter of ARMENGOL [V] Comte de Urgell & his wife María Pérez Señora de Valladolid (-after 15 Feb 1143). "Regina Don Urraka tocius Ispaniæ Ildefonsi magni Inperatoris filia" granted the villa of Cevico de la Torre to "mea cogermana Domna Estefania comitis Ermegodis filia" by charter dated 30 Jun 1119[1337]. The family relationship between Estefania and Queen Urraca has not been established, unless it relates to the possible descent of Estefania´s first husband from the family of the kings of León. "Ferrando Garciez" granted arras to "uxori meæ Estefania Ermegoz comitis Ermegodis filiæ", including over property inherited from "altera muliere Tigridia", by charter dated 12 Nov 1119[1338]. Alfonso VII King of Castile granted various properties to "comiti Roderico Gonzaluez et uxori tue comittisse Stephanie Armengol et…comiti Roderici Martinez et uxori tue comitisse Urraca" by charter dated Jul 1135[1339]. "Comes Rudericus Gundisalui" granted arras to "coniugi mee comitissa domna Steuania" by charter dated 6 Sep 1135[1340]. "Stephania…comitissa bonæ memoriæ Armengoldi comitis filiæ" founded the monastery of Santa María de Valbuena by charter dated 15 Feb 1143, witnessed by "domna Urraca Ferrandiz comitissa, Martinus Ferrandiz, domna Sancia Ferrandiz, Petrus Ferrandiz, Gutterius Ferrandiz, Rodericus Ferrandiz…"[1341].
Rodrigo & his first wife had [four] children:
a) [RODRIGO Rodríguez ... ... ...
b) PEDRO Rodríguez (-1180) ... ... ...
c) ELVIRA Rodríguez de Lara (-8 Aug 1159)... ...
d) daughter...
Señor de Lara y Liebana
1059 |
1117 |
España (Spain)
1143 |
Age 84
Jerusalem, Israel
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