About Custer
From https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Kuster-39
Conrad Custer (Sr.) died 1 February 1772 at Brock's Gap, Augusta County, Virginia. On 17th of March Conrad's nuncupative[sic] will was proved. "[5]
Conrad's Will reads in part: "At a Court held for Augusta County, March the 17th, 1772, Paul Custard (sic) with Jacob Miller, his security, acknowledged this their Bond & (which is) Ordered to be Recorded: DEED: Conrad Custer, (2C) To His Uncle, Paul Kustar,. April 10, 1774. (DEED Book 20, Pg.,317, Staunton, Virginia; Copy Supplied by W.C. Kennamer.) This Indenture made the tenth day of April 1774 between Conrad Custard (sic), the eldest son and heir at law of Arnold Custard, deceased, all of the County of Augusta & Colony of Virginia, and Elizabeth, his wife, of the one part, & Paul Custard (sic) of the same County & Colony, of the other part."
Wife Elizabeth is alive at this will proceeding on 16 Aug 1774.
Custer's Timeline
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