Matching family tree profiles for Claes Janszen Kust
Immediate Family
About Claes Janszen Kust
He had one wife.
(EB Stockton file, NJ Hist. Soc.) Named as Jan Claas, he was a cooper. (JKJ) He is usually found in records as Claes Jansen, and sometimes as Claes Jansen VanPurmerendt Cuyper. His descendants adopted surnames of Claes, Jansen and Cuyper.
Father: Claes Jansen {Kuyper} * VAN PUMERENT b: Bet 1619 and 1627 in Purmarent,North Holland,Netherlands
Mother: Annatje Cornelisen * VAN VOORST b: 1635 in Vorst or Ashsymus,Jersey City,Hudson County,New Jersey
bio from an outside source
30 September 2014
In 1647, the governor and director-generalship of New Netherlands was replaced with Peter Stuyvesant. That same year there emigrated to New Netherlands, Claes Jansen Van Permerend. His name states where he was from, Permerend, a town near the Zuyder Zee, between Amsterdam and Hoorn.1
by Garry Bryant
Claes Jansen Van Purmerendt
Schepen, wheelwright (abt. 1626 - 1688)
Born in 1619 at Purmerendt, North Holland, Netherlands, the son of Jan Kuyper and Tryntje , emigrated to New Netherlands on 25 April 1659, with his wife, a nursing child and servant, on the ship ‘der Bever,’ captained by Jan Reyersz Ban der Beets.2
Purmerend (also spelled Purmerent, Permerend, and Purmerendt) first appears in the New Netherlands when he purchased a tract of land along the Hudson River called Pembrepock, on 20 August 1655. This land was sold three years later.
Some researchers have him first at Brooklyn, where he married Pieterje Cornelise Brackhoengie Cool, but this is not correct. Purmerend
Annatje (Anneken) Van Voorst, the daughter of Cornelius Van Voorst and Vrouwtje Ides, who were the first white settlers in the future state of New Jersey.
===marriage=== The couple’s intention for marriage (or banns) was published on 11 November 1656,“Claes Jansen Van Purmesant en Anneken Cornelis Van Voorst,” at the Dutch Reformed Church in New York City. 3
It is believed that the Claes Jansen from Purmerend, listed as a wheelwright with wife, servant and child, is probably one in the same. He traveled back to the Netherlands upon the ship ‘Beaver’ on 25 April 1659. It isn’t known how long he stayed in his homeland, but probably a couple of years.
Van Purmerend surfaces again on 31 January 1662, when he obtained a patent (track of land) granted by the Director-General Petrus Stuyvesant, near the town of Ahrsimus (Horsimus or Ahasymus, now part of Jersey City),4 where he settled and stayed.
his burial was on 30 November 1688, and he was buried in the Bergen Dutch Reform Church cemetery, Bergen, Hudson County, New Jersey.
He was elected as a schepen for Ahrsimus in the Bergen Court, 31 August 1674. He was also appointed surveyor of highways in 1682, and elected to the General Assembly of New Jersey in the same year.
The name of Kuyper refers to his occupation as a cooper-smith/wheelwright, of which Cooper is an Anglicized form of Kuyper, which name he was known by in his later years. His descendants can be found using both forms of the name.
On 10 April 1671, he bought from Governor Carteret, 240 acres on the Hudson River with property in the present town of Nyack, New York. Also in 1671, he bought 400 acres just north of his first purchase and in 1678, he added more acreage, with a total of 468 acres. Portions of this estate were owned in conjunction with the Tallmans.
He died intestate in November 1688, and his wife Annaetje (Van Vorst, also known as Stoffels, after her step-father) Kuyper is listed having died in the Bergen Church records on 12 July 1725, and buried on 14 July. Their weather beaten tombstones can be found in the cemetery of the Old Bergen Church.
Claes Jansen and Annaetje (Van Vorst) Van Permerend Kuyper had eleven children (first ten children baptized at New York, last two at Bergen, New Jersey):
- Tryntie Kuyper - Baptized 16 September 1657, Minden, Netherlands. Married on 8 January 1678, to Teunis Roelofse Van Houte (c.1657-1737), 13 children. She died 20 August 1734, Piermont, Rockland County, New York.5
- Cornelius Kuyper - Baptized 21 March 1659, Dutch Reformed Church of New Amsterdam. Married on 11 December 1681, to Aeltje Theunise Bogaerts (1661-1735), 16 children. He died 5 May 1731, Upper Nyack, Rockland County, New York. Will dated 30 November 1730.6
- Vroutie Kuyper - Baptized 14 September 1664. Married on 12 March 1684, to Gerrit Steyn mets (1656-1730), 3 children. She was buried 8 November 1688, Bergen Cemetery, Bergen County, New Jersey.
- Lisabet Kuyper - Baptized 10 March 1667. Married 1st on 24 June 1690, to Hessel Pieterse Hessel (1668-?), 2 children. She died in 1714. He married 2nd on 6 February 1714, to Magdalena Bruyn Van Houten.
- Jan Kuyper - Baptized 22 April 1669. Married 1st on 1 October 1694, to Tryntje Straetmaker (1674-?), 2 children. He died 9 July 1705, Ahasymus, Hudson County, New Jersey. She married 2nd on 16 October 1706, to Jacob Hans Harte, 4 children.7
- Pieterje Kuyper - Baptized 26 August 1671. Married on 12 December 1696, to Jacobus Jansen Ralemont (1671-?).
- Derik Kuyper - Baptized 24 September 1672. Buried 28 January 1692.
- Hendrick (Henry) Kuyper - Born 22 April 1676, at Ahasymus (Jersey City), Hudson County, New Jersey, baptized 10 May 1676. Married on 2 February 1702, to Jannetji Verkerke (c.1690-1772), 4 children. He died 16 March 1756. (Please see Verherke family history.)
- Geertie Kuyper - Born 21 July 1678, at Ahasymus, Hudson County, New Jersey, and christened on 7 August 1678. Married on 22 October 1723, to Andries Frederiksen Cadmus (1679-?), 1 child. He married 1st on 11 April 1704, to Priscilla Hooms, no children.
- Jacob Kuyper - Born 10 October 1680. Died 8 September 1682.
- Hellegond (Hellegontje) Kuyper - Born 4 December 1682, and christened 23 December 1682. Married 1st on 26 September 1708, to Isaac Reynier Van Gressen (1666-1741), 1 child. She died 10 October 1713. He married 1st 10 August 1690, to Cornelia Hendrickse Brinckerhoff; 3rd on 10 October 1715, to Annatje Pieterse Breyandt Kip. He died before August 1741.8
#Richard W. Cook, “The Cuyper Family,” The Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey. Vol. XXXVIII, #3, pages 97-100. (FHL-USA/CAN 974.9 B5g Vol. 38.) (NOTE - All data from this source except where noted.)
- “Who Was Claes Jansen Van Purmerend (alias) Claes Jansen (Kuyper), Wheelwright?,” The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. LXV, pp. 27-30. (FHL-USA/CAN 974.7 B2n Vol. 65.)
- The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. LXV, pp. 27-30.
- Descendants of Roelof Van Houten by Herbert S Ackerman 1945 page 2; Genealogy of the Onderdonk Family by Elmer Onderdonk 1910 page 305; History of the City of Paterson and the County of Passaic, by William Nelson, 1901, page 235.
- The Bogart Family by John A Bogart 1967 page 108; Genealogies of New Jersey Families: “The Cuyper Family,” by Richard W Cook, Volume 1, page 185.
- Genealogies of New Jersey Families: The Cuyper Family by Richard W Cook Volume 1 page 185.
- Genealogies of New Jersey Families: Geertje Hendricks: Mother of the Hopper and Van Dien Families by G O Zabriskie; The Brinckerhoff’s of America by Theodore Brinckerhoff 1981 929.273 B77b page 66; The Van Gieson Family in America by Thomas Boslooper 1997 page 8, 15; Genealogies of New Jersey Families: The Cuyper Family by Richard W Cook Volume 1 page 186.
"Van Purmarent, Claes Jansen (from Purmarent, a town in North Holland), m. 1st Pietersje dau. of Altien Brackhoengie of Gowanus; m. 2nd, Nov. 11, 1656, in N. A., Annetje Van Vorst, He obtained a patent Jan. 1, 1662, for a tract of land near Horsimus or Ahasymus, near Jersey City, in Hudson Co., N. J., on which he resided. Through his first w. he inherited land at Gowanus. He was sometimes known as Jan Pottagie, and in his latter days as "Kuyper," probably from being a cooper by trade. See p. 42 of Winfield's Land Titles of Hudson Co., N. J. "
Register in Alphabetical Order, of the Early Settlers of Kings County, Long Island, N. Y., by Teunis G. Bergen, 1881
" 'This day, date underwritten, before me Cornelis Van Tienhoven, secretary, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses, appeared Wolphert Gerritsen and Gerrit Wolphertsen, as guardians of Lambert Cornelissen Cool, and at the request of said Lambert Cool, have permitted him to go with his cattle to his brother-in-law Claes Jansen, in order to take up together some plantation or farm, and we the principals in the capacity aforesaid have consented hereto as we are bound in the place of father and mother to promote the above named Lambert Cool's interest and we cannot perceive that he will earn anything, much less prosper so long as he remains with his father, Cornelis Lambertsen. We have therefore considered it advisable to permit him to do something for himself in company aforesaid. Done at Fort Amsterdam the 22 of August 1639.
This is the mark x of Wolphert Gerritsen
This is the mark x of Gerrit Wolphertsen
Maurits Jan and Frerick Lubbertsen ; witnesses'
'Consent of the guardians of Lambert Cornelissen Cool to let Cool remove his cattle and take up a farm with his brother-in-law Claes Jansen' 'Copied with slight variations from E. B. O'Callaghan's manuscript translation of the original in the New York Colonial MSS., Vol. I, p. 155, which was destroyed in the Capitol fire of March 29, 1911, Albany, October 4, 1933 ;signed A.J.F. van Laer' on Aug 22, 1639.
evidence of two marriages
1647 21 Jul; Claes Janszen Kust, wid Aechtje Cornelis; Geertje Nannincks, wid Abel Reidenhasen
• Claes Kust formerly Janszen aka Rust, de Backer, van Emden, van Enden ; Born about 1620 in Utrecht, Nederland
Claes Janszen Kust's Timeline
1619 |
Purmerend, Noord-Holland, Nederland (Netherlands)
1657 |
September 16, 1657
New York, New York
1659 |
March 21, 1659
Wallabout, New Netherland
1664 |
September 14, 1664
New Netherlands
1667 |
March 10, 1667
Bergen,New Jersey,USA
1669 |
April 22, 1669
Ahasimus, New Jersey, Colonial America
1671 |
August 26, 1671
Bergen, New Jersey
1673 |
September 1673
Bergen, New Jersey