Not the same as Sir Alexander Webb, Jr., Kt. {Fictional}
Christopher Webb was born about 1600 and died Late summer or early autumn of 1671, Braintree, Suffolk County, Massachusetts. (see note 1)
Married 1: Humilitie Wheaton (note 3)
Children (note 4)
Note 1:
Vital statistics :
Date of Birth : prior to 1600
Place of Birth : England
Date of Death : Late summer or early autumn of 1671
Place of Death : Braintree, Suffolk County, Massachusetts
Burial Information : Braintree
One source, claiming family tradition, gives his place of origin as Barking, in Essexshire, England, but no record has yet been found to corroborate this claim.
Note 2:
Of interest is the discovery of a parish record from the East Tytherly, Hampshire, England showing that a “Christopher Webb,” son of Sylvester Webb, was baptized on 15 August 1601 in East Tytherly. In his will, Henry Webb, of Boston clearly states that his deceased brother John Webb lived in Tytherly, Hampshire, England. Does this clue indicate some connection between the two men? A comparison of names, places and dates associated with either Christopher Webb or Henry Webb fails to eliminate the theory that they are siblings or relatives, but only adds fuel to the fire of confusion. Neither man mentions the other in any documentation yet examined, nor do they share in business, trade property or intermarry their familes. The only real clue is the apparent coincidental appearance of each man in the same place and in the same time period. Added to this mystery is the association of both men and their families with property in Braintree, namely the lands where the failed Iron Works once stood.
Note 3:
Spouse :
Name : Humility Wheaton
Date of Marriage : 22 April 1628 (or 1629)
Place of Marriage : Crediton Parish, County Devon (Devonshire), England
Died : November 1687
Notes : Devonshire = County Devon. The date & place of marriage is confirmed by an abstract copied from IGI film – batch#M050741, 1558 – 1580, call#0917184. Also, from Bates’ Braintree town records, p658, “Humility Webb, widow dyed, November, 1687 (or 1678), aged 99.” If the last statement is true, then the birth date of her husband Christopher might be somewhere closer to 1580-1590.
Note 4:
Probate : According to the notes of Webb Hester, his will was proved 2 November 1671 and inventory valued at 109.16.10, by Saml Thompson & Joseph Adams (Suff. Prob. 8:15; Suff. VII 158-9) Linzee noted that in his will, his wife is listed as Humility Web, also son Christopher, daughter Mary Sheffield, daughter Sarah Buckmaster; inventoried on 30 October 1671.
Death Jun 1671 (aged 71–72) Braintree, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA
Burial Unknown
Memorial ID 83108581 · View Source
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"Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy" 7 Volumes - Frederick Adams Virkus: Probably came from England about 1628 and settled in Braintree, MA. Was the town clerk - 1655. He moved to Billerica and married Humility.
"Webb Genealogy from 1350" - Dr. George F. Webb - 1900: Christopher Webb arrived in America in 1629 with his father and brothers.
"Church of Latter Day Saints 1 - G.I." April 22, 1629 - Christopher Webb married Humilitie Wheaton at Crediton, Devonshire, England. Their first 3 children were born and baptized there.
1636 - Mary was born to Christopher and Humilitie in Boston.
"Webb Genealogies from 1350" - James B. Webb - 1913: Christopher Webb arrived in America in 1629. He had 5 children: Richard, Sarah, Christopher Jr, Thomas and Mary.
1645 - Christopher Webb came to America. 1635 - LCWebb indicates Christopher came to America (last child, Mary, was born in 1636 in Braintree)
(See information on http://webbfamilytree.com/)
“WEBB FAMILY GENEALOGY - Life is the Past Lane” (2007) archived at https://archive.ph/wuaaw on 28 Jan 2014
… the DNA Project has pretty well blown the Alexander Webb and his four sons theory out of the water. We have DNA for Christopher Webb and it doesn't match RIchard Webb of CT nor ANY Southern Webb line (i.e., the William Micajah line of VA).
The Sprague Project
A family history of Sprague, Spragg, Spragge and other similar names from around the world.
Christopher Webb
Male 1599 - 1671 (72 years)
Name Christopher Webb [1]
Born 15 Apr 1599 Dorset, England ] [1]
Gender Male
Died Jun 1671 Braintree, Norfolk Co., MA, USA Find all individuals with events at this location
From Jack Webb, correspondent, note of January 25, 2017
I do not believe that Alexander Webb can be reliably listed as the father of Christopher Webb.
Lots of people have just grabbed this and stopped researching. Without any source, this just is not supportable. Lots of people know to stop at Christopher Webb and Humilitie Weaton's marriage in Devon, UK; but the research line stops there. I find lots of uses of Alexander, but not one source to substantiate it. [2]
Person ID I82766 Sprague Family History on Guild
Last Modified 29 Mar 2020
Family Humility Cooper, b. 1588, England Find all individuals with events at this location, d. Nov 1687, Braintree, Norfolk Co., MA, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 99 years)
Married 22 Apr 1629 England Find all individuals with events at this location [1]
1. Christopher Webb, b. 18 Nov 1630, England Find all individuals with events at this location, d. 30 May 1694, Braintree, Norfolk Co., MA, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 63 years)
Last Modified 29 Mar 2020
Family ID F31039 Group Sheet | Family Chart
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10 km
Link to Google Maps Died - Jun 1671 - Braintree, Norfolk Co., MA, USA Link to Google Earth
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[S4748] Correspondent: Prescott, Brad A., note of 29 March 2020.
[S5072] Correspondent: Webb, Jack, note of January 25, 2017.
1599 |
April 15, 1599
Crediton, Devon, England (United Kingdom)
April 15, 1599
of Barking, Essex, England
April 15, 1599
April 15, 1599
Stratford, Warwick, England
April 15, 1599
Stratford, Warwick, England
April 15, 1599
Stratford, Warwick, England
April 15, 1599
Stratford, Warwick, England
1628 |
March 28, 1628
Crediton, Devon, England (United Kingdom)
1632 |
Braintree, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, Colonial America