Rabbi Nachman, the Breslover Rebbe's fifth child and fifth daughter, was born in 1801 while the Rebbe was living in Zlatipolia. Chaya was ten years old when her father died.
Before his death, the Rebbe had attempted to find a marriage partner for her. Of the numerous willing suitors, only one match--with the son of Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Lubarski of Zlatipolia, one of the Rebbe's long time and respected followers--found favor in Rabbi Nachman's eyes.
Chaya was married to Rabbi Zalman Lubarski in Medvedevka. Their only child was named after her father and he came to be known as Rabbi Nachman Chayalas.
Rabbi Zalman did not live very long after that. Chaya's second husband was Rabbi Aharon Zaslavski, the Rav of Kremenchug. Rabbi Aharon was the grandson of Rabbi Shneur Zalman, and a son of the Baal Ha Tanya's daughter Frieda. They had no children by this marriage.
Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. MH:S5
Ancestry Family Tree 0 http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=153632214&pi...
Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. MH:S5
Ancestry Family Tree 0 http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=153632214&pi...
7 MAY 2019 05:57:45 GMT -0500 Geni World Family Tree MyHeritage The Geni World Family Tree is found on <A href="http://www.geni.com" target="_blank">www.Geni.com</a>. Geni is owned and operated by MyHeritage. Collection 40000
https://www.myheritage.com/research/record-40000-20583772/chaya-lub... 4 Chaya Lubarski-Zaslavski (born Brezlover dau.)<br>Gender: Female<br>Birth: 1801 - Zlatipolia, Ukraine<br>Death: Circa 1843<br>Father: <a>Nachman Horodenker, of Breslav</a><br>Mother: <a>Sashia Horodenker (born Ossatin), [Breslaver 1st wife]</a><br>Husbands: <a>Zalman Lubarski</a>, <a>Aharon Klutzkar Zaslavski, of [Krimentchuk]</a><br>Children: <a>Mrs. Jacob Baron (born Klutzker)</a>, <a>Mary (Miriam Chaya) Brennan (born Zaslavski/ Lavin)</a>, <a>Nachman "Chayalas" Lubarski</a>, <a>Yechiel Zaslavsky</a>, <a>Udel Sfarad (born Zaslavsky)</a>, <a>Rachel Zaslavski (born Zaslavsky)</a>, <a>Bracha Zaslavski</a><br>Siblings: <a>Eidel Udil Horodenker (born dau. R'Nachman M'Breslav)</a>, <a>Feige Horodenker</a>, <a>Sarah [%D7%A9%D7%A8%D7%94'%D7%A7%D7%94] (born Braslever dau.)</a>, <a>Miriam Segal (born dau. Breslaver)</a>, <a>שפרה פייגא אורבך</a>, <a>No Name Horodenker(born dau. Bresslaver)</a>, <a>Shlomo Efraim Brezlover (born Horodenker)</a>, <a>Yaakov Brezlover (born Horodenker)</a>, <a>? (born Horodenker)</a> Record 40000:20583772:
9 MAY 2019 01:36:15 GMT -0500 FamilySearch Family Tree MyHeritage The FamilySearch Family Tree is published by MyHeritage under license from FamilySearch International, the largest genealogy organization in the world. FamilySearch is a nonprofit organization sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church). Collection 40001
https://www.myheritage.com/research/record-40001-1268527338/chaya-h... 4 Chaya Horodenker<br>Gender: Female<br>Birth: 1801 - Ukraine<br>Parents: <a>Nachman Horodenker</a>, <a>Sashia Horodenker (born Ossatin)</a><br>Siblings: <a>Sashia Horodenker</a>, <a>Eidel Horodenker</a>, <a>Sarah Horodenker</a>, <a>Miriam Horodenker</a>, <a>Feige Horodenker</a>, <a>Shlomo Horodenker</a>, <a>Yaakov Horodenker</a>, <a>Hodl Horodenker</a> Record 40001:1268527338:
1801 |
Zlatipolia, Ukraine
1815 |
June 1815
Medvedivka, Ukraine
1818 |
1820 |
1822 |
Zlatipolia, Ukraine
1824 |
1825 |
Kremenchug, Ukraine
1843 |
Age 42
Kremenchug, Poltava, Ukraine
1846 |
March 9, 1846
Age 45
Kremenchug, Ukraine