Matching family tree profiles for Charlotte Maugis
Immediate Family
About Charlotte Maugis
Deceased Oct 11, 1676, at the age "of around 95" as stated in her death register.
Baptized in 1581 - source:
Quebec, Genealogical Dictionary of Canadian Families (Tanguay Collection), 1608-1890 - Ancestry.com - Ancestry.com Operations Inc - 1,2177::0 - Volume: Vol. 6 Sect. 1 : Mer-Pep; Page: 49 - 1,2177::138161 as per https://gw.geneanet.org/gcoutu?lang=en&pz=guy&nz=coutu&p=charlotte&...
Arrival in Canada in 1649 - states her age of "about 42", hence a birth date of c1607 cited by some genealogists...
See :https://gw.geneanet.org/gwinkelmuller?n=maugis&oc=&p=charlotte
Ancestry Family Trees Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.; @R1@ Record for Martin Giguere Dit Despins http://search.ancestry.ca/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1030&h=140194703140&in...
Ancestry Family Trees Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.; @R1@ Record for Martin Giguere Dit Despins http://search.ancestry.ca/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1030&h=140194703140&in...
Ancestry Family Trees Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.; @R1@ Record for Marie-Anne Miville http://search.ancestry.ca/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1030&h=6359533527&indi...
Ancestry Family Trees Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.; @R1@ Record for Suzanne Miville dit le Suisse http://search.ancestry.ca/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1030&h=340064141005&in...
Ancestry Family Trees Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.; @R1@ Record for Martin Giguere Dit Despins http://search.ancestry.ca/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1030&h=140194703140&in...
@R203173684@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=153754532&pi...
Marriage: In 1631, in Brouage, Rochefort, Charente-Maritime, Poitou-Charentes, France, Charlotte Mauger, aged about 24, married Pierre Miville dit LeSuisse, aged about 29
Immigration to New France: In 1649, the couple had 7 children all born in France. Six of their children emigrate to Canada with them. The seventh, Gabriel was buried in Brouage on November 11, 1635 at the age of 5.
Census 1667: COTE DE LAUZON
Pierre Miville, 65; Charlotte Mauger, 60 ; Jacques Miville, 27; the Lorrain, servant, 40; 8 cattle, 30 arpents in value. They live on the coast of Lauzon, Canada. [4] On June 10, 1670, Charlotte Maugis and her children made a donation to the Confrérie de Sainte-Anne in front of Sieur Pierre Duquet de la Chenaye. (see acts below)
Death: On October 11, 1676, Charlotte Mongis, aged about 69 (95 years or so on the death certificate ) died in the house of the Coste de Lauzon and was buried in the cemetery of the church which was in the Lauzon coast . Signed H. DeBernière. [5]
The eleventh day of October in the year one thousand six hundred and seventy-six Charlotte Mongis widow of Pierre Miville said the Swiss aged ninety five years or approximately died after having received the sacraments of extreme anointing by Mr. Thomas Morel missionary priest of the seminary of Quebec on the day of hyer in the house of the coste de Lauzon and was buried in the cemetery of the Church which is in the said coste of Lauzon. H. De Bernières. [6] [7] Note She received the sacraments of extreme unction the day before her death, that is to say on the 10th. She did not die on the 10th but on the 11th, buried the same day in the cemetery of the future Pointe-de church. -Lévy, which is obviously under construction, and does not officially open until 1679. The act is recorded in the registers of Notre-Dame de Québec, where Henri De Bernières normally officiated.
The widow of Pierre Miville dit le Suisse, France Charlotte Maugis , had an unhappy fate. After many adventures (birth of seven children, crossing the Atlantic, banishment of her husband, widowhood, foreclosures, risk of losing her house, being placed under guardianship for dementia, she dies. To avoid guardianship, it is her son. François who becomes the guardian The wear and tear of time, the difficulties of life have led to her aging to such an extent that when writing the death certificate, her entourage attributes her the venerable age of 95 years
Nom de famille: MAUGER ou MAUGIS ou MONGIS
Il y a deux dates de mariage: en 1629 a Fribourg et en 1631 a Brouage, Rochefort, Poitou, France
S 11 octobre 1676, Rg Notre-Dame de Québec, Le LaFrance
Charlotte Mongis, veuve de Pierre Miville LeSuisse, âgée de 95 ans [sic]
Elle n'a que 60 ans au recensement 1667
About Charlotte Maugis (Français)
- Lieux info: Saintonge, France (naissance,mariage), Seigneurie de Lauzon (décès)
- Pionnière de la Nouvelle-France.
- Parents sont inconnus
- Plusieurs sources donnent Alphonse Maugis et Louis de Merle. Cela est probablement en erreur. Voir les notes ci-dessous.
- Date de nassance/baptême
- Plusieurs sources donned 1581 comme date de naissance ou baptême (incluant Tanguay). Cela est probablement en erreur.
- La date de 1581 provient probablement du fait que l'acte de décès de Charlotte mentionne qu'elle est décédée à l'âge de 95 ans (en 1676). Cela est probablement en erreur.
- Lors du recensement de 1667, Charlotte a 60 ans (donc 1607)
- Voir les notes ci-dessous.
- Lieux d'inhumation
- Certaines sources donnent « Notre-Dame-de-Québec ». C'est faux. Charlotte fut inhumée à la seigneurie de Lauzon. Ce qui est vrai est que l'acte de décès fut inscrit dans les registres de Notre-Dame-de-Québec, et c'est parce que les registres de la paroisse de « Saint-Joseph-de-Ia-Pointe-de-Lévy » ne s'ouvriront qu'en 1679. La seigneurie de Lauzon était desservie par Notre-Dame-de-Québec avant 1679.
- Dates de mariage alternatives : 1) 1631 ; 2) 1629
google english translation of above: Places info: Saintonge, France (birth, marriage), Seigneurie de Lauzon (death) Pioneer of New France. Parents are unknown Several sources give Alphonse Maugis and Louis de Merle. This is probably misleading. See notes below. Date of birth / baptism Several sources given 1581 as date of birth or baptism (including Tanguay). This is probably misleading. The date of 1581 probably stems from the fact that the death certificate of Charlotte mentions that she died at the age of 95 (in 1676). This is probably misleading. At the 1667 census, Charlotte was 60 (1607) See notes below. Places of burial Some sources give "Notre-Dame-de-Québec". It's wrong. Charlotte was buried at the seigniory of Lauzon. What is true is that the death certificate was entered in the registers of Notre-Dame-de-Québec, and it is because the registers of the parish of "Saint-Joseph-de-Ia-Pointe-de- Lévy "did not open until 1679. The seigneury of Lauzon was served by Notre-Dame-de-Québec before 1679. Alternate Marriage Dates: 1) 1631; 2) 1629
More Notes
remark from CJ Marentette: What evidence is there proving Alphonse Maugis & Louise DeMerle are the parents of Charlotte Maugis? What do we know about the matching MTdna tests with Louise DeMerle given as direct maternal ancestor of those tested? Is Charlotte Maugis a proven ancestor of those tested? If those tested are descendants of Charlotte Maugis but we have no proof of Charlotte's parentage, all the dna test proves is that those tested share Charlotte's ancestors, whoever they were. If those tested have proof of matrilineal descent from the Catherine Baillon [wife of Charlotte's son, Jacques Miville dit Deschênes, Sieur des Chênes ], that is not a blood connection to Charlotte Maugis, rather to her daughter-in-law. I am the one who accidentally entered Alphonse as Charlotte's father. Since this mistake was pointed out to me, I have been unable to disconnect him from Charlotte. I have asked for help from several people but Alphonse remains falsely placed.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- -
born, some say 1607 ... others 1581 at St-Germain, Saintonge or Cael, Charente-Maritime or Normandy, France
= = = = = = = = = =
some say christened in Switzerland 1581 ... it's difficult to be christend 26 years before being born ... if she wasn't born until 1607 ???
- - - - - -
29 November 1997:
Recently, while searching the Usenet News groups and Web pages for information relating to Catherine Baillon, I noticed that an error is popping up regarding her mother-in-law, Charlotte Maugis, the wife of Pierre Miville. Several people are claiming that her parents were Alphonse Maugis and Louise de Merle. I do not know the source of this rather humorous error. It is clear that someone took the names of Catherine's parents, Alphonse Baillon and Louise de Marle, miss-transcribed them, and assigned them to the wrong person. The sad thing is how an error like this, lacking any documentation, is spread from pedigree chart to pedigree chart. Stop this nonsense now and remove this information from your data bank. To my knowledge, the parents of Pierre Miville and Charlotte Maugis are still unknown. Perhaps Raymond Ouimet, who reads this web page occasionally, and is an expert on Pierre Miville, might want to comment on this situation.
16 January 1998:
Raymond Ouimet has kindly given me permission to quote his email to me dated 8 January 1998:
As you have written in your last article (November 29, 1997, on
the Web) I have not found, yet, the father and mother of Pierre Miville
and Charlotte Mongis (Maugis). This couple got married somewhere in
Saintonge or Aunis, in France. But we have to remember that Saintonge
and Aunis are provinces where numerous battles took place during
Religion civil wars.
Charlotte Mongis has claimed she was from Saint-Germain en
Saintonge. I have checked all parishes named Saint-Germain at the
beginning of the XVIIth century and at the end of the XVIth century.
None of those parishes have registers covering this period. But Mongis
and Maugis are names well known in Charente-Maritime today. I have also
checked notary contracts in the Archives départementales de
Charente-Maritime at La Rochelle. Nothing. But, notaries' archives of
the XVIIth century in Brouage are missing for the most part.
I thank M. Ouimet for this informative update.
Throughout December, my associates and I have been debating how to proceed with our Baillon research. It is getting harder for us to work on this project given our other priorities in life. We have also been discussing how we will publish the Table d'Ascendance de Catherine Baillon. The manuscript, while being an impressive piece of research that René Jetté has put together, still needs more work. We are looking into the possibility of publishing it on the Internet in 1999 or 2000. We will not be able to publish it any sooner because of some previous copyright commitments and because of the additional work the manuscript requires. I hope to have a clearer announcement regarding our future plans, and some more information about Lineage C, on this web page by the end of January or in February.
I should point out that Gail Moreau is working on the English translation of our French article. We hope to publish it in 1999. Yves Gagné, René Jetté, and I are no investing some of our time on the Le Neufresearch project.
Until we determine our future plans, we are no longer accepting any further donations. We thank those of you who have already donated to our project. Your financial assistance was not only a kind act, but also very welcomed. The funds we still hold will be used only for the Baillon project. ____________________________________________________________________________________
For those interested in DNA, mtDNA for descendents of Charlotte Maugis is predicted as follows:
ADNmt/mtDNA prédit/predicted (lignée par les femmes/by female descendance only) : Haplogroupe/Haplogroup : H1ar1
Signature : 16302G, 16468C, 16519C, 183G, 263G, 309.1C, 309.2C, 315.1C
(http://www.francogene.com/genealogie-quebec-genealogy/000/000096.php, accessed 2014-03-30) P.S. this was verified by many of her maternal descendants.
And another twist for verification of her mother:
MTDNA Match H1ar1
Two France perfect MTDNA H1ar1 maternal matches list Louise as Louise Demeril, born about 1580 as their most distance ancestor.
One shows a location of Saintonge, France; the other shows Rochefort-en-Valdaine France.
aussi connue sous le nom de Charlotte Mauger 3.
Elle est la fille de Alphonse Maugis 4 et Louise de Meril 4.
Elle nait en 1607 à Saint-Germain, Saintes, Saintonge, France 3, 4, 5, 6. Elle épouse Pierre Miville dit LeSuisse fils de Salomé Lomène et Isaac Miville en 1631 à Brouage, Rochefort, Charente-Maritime, Poitou-Charentes, France 2, 3, 4, 7, 8. Jacques Miville dit Deschênes, le Lorrain, Charlotte Maugis et Pierre Miville dit LeSuisse résident à la côte de Lauzon, Chaudière-Appalaches, Québec, Canada en 1667 3. Charlotte Maugis et ses enfants font une donation à la Confrérie de Sainte-Anne le 10 juin 1670 par devant Sieur Pierre Duquet de la Chenaye 9. Elle est inhumée le 11 octobre 1676 Lévis, Chaudière-Appalaches dans le cimetière de l'église qui se fait par Abbé Thomas-Joseph Morel 2, 10, 11. Elle décède le 11 octobre 1676 à Lauzon, Chaudière-Appalaches 11, 12.
Liste de ses enfants connus:
+ 1. Madeleine Miville (1636 - 1708) 2 (de Pierre Miville dit LeSuisse) + 2. Suzanne Miville (1640 - 1675) 1, 2 (de Pierre Miville dit LeSuisse) + 3. Marie Miville dite LeSuisse (1632 - 1702) 2 (de Pierre Miville dit LeSuisse) + 4. François Miville dit LeSuisse (1634 - 1711) 2 (de Pierre Miville dit LeSuisse) + 5. Marie-Aimée Miville (1635 - 1713) 2 (de Pierre Miville dit LeSuisse) + 6. Jacques Miville dit Deschênes (1639 - 1688) 2, 3 (de Pierre Miville dit LeSuisse)
7. Gabriel Miville (1630 - 1635) 4 (de Pierre Miville dit LeSuisse) 1. Les Députés des Trois-Rivières - p. 18
2. Tanguay - Volume 1, p. 435
3. Internet - Recensement de 1667 en Nouvelle-France, référant au tome IV, chapitre IV du livre Histoire des Canadiens-Français de Benjamin Sulte, édition 977, compilé par Jean-Guy Sénécal (senecal@fmed.ulaval.ca) le 17 mars 1998.
4. Courriel de Darleene Watkins - 3 décembre 2007
5. Tanguay - Volume 1, p. 435 (1581)
6. Courriel de Dona Cauchon - 13 avril 2007 (entre 1602 et 1607)
7. Fichier GEDCOM de C. Leduc - (1629 à Fribourg)
8. Courriel de Dona Cauchon - 13 avril 2007 (1629 à La Rochelle)
9. Histoire du Notariat au Canada - p. 78
10. Histoire de Lauzon - p. 338
11. Courriel de R. Charron-Chénier - 7 janvier 2004 (Québec)
12. Courriel de Darleene Watkins - 3 décembre 2007 (Lauzon) Source: http://genealogiequebec.info/testphp/info.php?no=2683
http://histoiresdancetres.com/vaillancourt/pierre-miville-dit-le-su... Charlotte Mongis
Après le décès de son époux, Charlotte Mongis se lance avec ses fils dans la traite des fourrures. Mais le manque de neige exceptionnel de cet hiver-là et la maladie chez les « sauvages» nuiront considérablement à l’opération. Les pertes seront énormes. Charlotte et son fils Jacques sont maintenant couverts de dettes. La situation ne fera qu’empirer au cours des années suivantes. En 1672 un huissier veut saisir la totalité de leurs propriétés à Lauson et à Québec. Grâce à l’intervention de l’aîné des fils, François, la part des enfants, soit la moitié de l’héritage de Pierre Miville échappe à la confiscation en 1673.
Après bien des péripéties (naissance de sept enfants, traversée de l’Atlantique, bannissement de son époux, veuvage, saisies, risque de perdre sa maison, mise sous curatelle pour démence), elle meurt à l’âge de 69 ans environ, le10 octobre 1676. L’usure du temps, les difficultés de la vie ont entraîné chez elle un vieillissement tel qu’au moment de rédiger l’acte de décès, son entourage lui attribue l’âge vénérable de 95 ans.
Charlotte Maugis's Timeline
1607 |
Saint-Germain-de-Lusignan, Saintonge, France
St Germain, Saintes, Saintonge, France
1630 |
Notre Dame De Brouage, Rochefort, Saintes, France
1632 |
December 13, 1632
Saintes or Marennes Hiers Brouage, Charente-Maritime, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
December 13, 1632
Brouage, Saintonge, France
1634 |
May 16, 1634
Brouage Charente-Maritime Poitou Charentes France France
1635 |
May 10, 1635
Saintes, Charente-Maritime, Poitou-Charentes, France
August 12, 1635
Brouage, Saintonge, France
1636 |
November 18, 1636
Brouage, Saintonge, Charente Maritime, France