Chaim Hienrich Ruben Fuerst

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Chaim Hienrich Ruben Fuerst (Fürst)

Hebrew: חיים פירשט, German: Chaim Ruben Fürst
Also Known As: "Heinrich", "Hayyim ben Reuven", "Chajim ben Reuwen"
Birthplace: Altona, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Death: May 28, 1653 (68-77)
Altona, Hamburg, HH, Germany
Place of Burial: Altona, now Hamburg, Germany, before Prussia
Immediate Family:

Son of Ruben Chaim Fürst and Sarah Abigail Da Silva Henriques- Fuerst
Husband of Sara Fuerst
Father of Freudchen Goldzieher; Brendel Knorr; Nataniel Chaim Fuerst; Jeremias Chaim Fuerst; Samuel Chaim Fürst and 4 others
Brother of Esther Henriques and Michel Ruben Heinrichsen

Occupation: Merchant, Jewish community leader in Altona, merchant community leader
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Chaim Hienrich Ruben Fuerst

Born about 1580.Died May 28, 1653 in Altona. Died in Königstrasse. Profession: Merchant and Jewish community leader in Altona. Called himself both Chajim and Heinrich. Came to Altona in 1612, where he became the leader for the congregation. Mentioned in Glückel Hameln's memoirs [38] as the wealthiest Jew of that time (ca.1650). He supported himself "honestly and modestly" and at his death owned about 10,000 rdl. In 1651 he was a house owner and resident of Breitenstrasse in Altona. The epitaph, Königstrasse in Altona, states that he was "of noble descent", son of Ruben ("Reuwen"), but otherwise not much is known about his ancestry.

"Født ca. 1580. Død 28. maj 1653 i Altona. Begr. i Königstrasse. Købmand og menighedsforstander i Altona. (...) Kaldte sig både Chajim og Heinrich. Kom 1612 til Altona, hvor han kom til at stå i spidsen for menigheden. Omtales i Glückel Hamelns erindringer [38] som den mest velhavende jøde på den tid (ca. 1650). Han ernærede sig "ærligt og beskedent" og ejede ved sin død ca. 10.000 rdl. 1651 var han husejer og bosiddende i Breitenstrasse i Altona. Gravskriften, Königstrasse i Altona, fortæller at han var "af ædel afstamning", søn af Ruben ("Reuwen"), men iøvrigt vides ikke meget om hans forslægt."

1913-1996- Eger Family Association- pg. 3

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Chaim Hienrich Ruben Fuerst's Timeline

Altona, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
May 28, 1653
Age 73
Altona, Hamburg, HH, Germany
May 28, 1653
Age 73
Königstraße Jewish cemetery, Altona, Preussen, Altona, now Hamburg, Germany, before Prussia
Altona, Hamburg, Denmark (Deutschland fra 1864) Deutschland / Germani
Altona, Hamburg, Deutschland / Germani