public profile
Removed " born in Beyerland ,Netherlands added by The Geni team " not correct! - Phillipp 2024
See http://www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk/robberts/I013.html
I have no direct proof of her family, but I believe that she
is the same as the Catarina who was baptised on the fifth of November at Cape Town, daugher of Kees de Boer and Catharina (Cape Town church registers, VOC 603). In his article 'The Soetkoek Syndrome' (Capensis 2/2001: 27-30 ) Mansell Upham provides the evidence that the man known as Kees de Boer was in fact Cornelis Claasz. In two notarial documents in the Stellenbosch Archive (1STB 18/155, p. 272 and 1STB 18/156, p. 50, 12) Robbert Jansz van Hoorn is associated with members of this family, although no relationship is stated.
In addition, Catharina van Bengale and her second husband were witnesses to the baptism of the two sons of Robbert Jansz and Catharina named Johannes and Jan, in 1700 and 1704, and Robbert Jansz van Hoorn was a baptismal witness, along with Adriaantje Gabriels (who would be his sister-in-law, if this connection is correct) at the baptism of a daughter of Elsie Speldenburgh, daughter of Adriaantje Gabriels, in 1702 at Stellenbosch.
@R1200312375@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=106302622&pi...
1675 |
May 12, 1675
1684 |
November 5, 1684
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
November 5, 1684
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
November 5, 1684
1699 |
1701 |
1704 |
August 3, 1704
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
1708 |
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
1710 |