public profile
1382: Nevnt i Skien.
1388: Medlem av Norges Riksråd og var med på å velge Margrete til dronning. Året etter er han med på kongehyllingen av Eirik av Pommern.
1392: Medlem av Norges Riksråd da dronning Margrete gir en rettardom.
1405: Nevnt ved ei semje i Tønsberg.
Herleik Åsulvsson (Galle, Buskerud-ætten), er på grunn av våpenlikheten kjent som sønn av Åsulv Kjetilsson i Buskerud, nevnt 1331-32. Nevnt første gang 1382 (DN VI, nr 307). Hærleiker Asulfsson [v%C3%A6pner], var medlem av Norges rikes råd 2.2 1388 da riksrådet kunngjorde valget av dronning Margrete til Norges frue og rette husbonde (NgL 2.r.I nr. 1, s. 3; DN III nr. 477); og 1389 da riksrådet utstedte hyllingsbrev til kong Erik (NgL 2.r.I nr. 8, s. 14-17; DN III nr. 484); og 29.3 1392 (NgL 2.r.I nr. 16, s. 24; DN VI nr. 338). Levde ennå 1395 og døde ca 1405.
Dansk Adels Aarbog kjennegir ikke noen arving av ham, men ifølge NST.1, s.143 bodde det en Ragnhild Herleiksdatter på Brunla, som ifølge Geirr Leistad var datter av Herleik. Hun gir med samtykke av sin rette arving Nikolas Tormodsson noen gårder i Vestfold til frendkona Sigrid Nikolasdotter Galle på Brunla. Sigrid var kona til Markvard Bukk. Dette kan jo være tilfeldig både at hun var datter av en Herleik og at hun tydeligvis var beslektet/frendet med Galle på Brunla.
Han segl fra 1388 nevnes som Trekantet Skjold hvori en Sparre, ledsaget af 3 sexoddede Stjerner (Galde) med Omskriften S'HERLACI.ASVLFI. Han brukte en annen versjon av samme segl i 1389, dette blir nevnt som I en indfatting af 6 concave Buer et trekantet skjold, hvori en sparre, omgivet af 3 sexoddede Stjerner med omskriften S'HERLACI.ASVLPHI. Han blir nevnt som Herleik i Biskopsrud og i boken Norges land og folk nevnes dette: Navnet Buskerud ble i 1322 skrevet Biscopsrud og betyr biskopsrydningen). Den første eieren som er omtalt var en Aasulf paa Biskopsrud. Han nevnes i 1322, 1323, 1331 og 1332. Den neste eier var Herleik Aasulfsen, 1382—1405.
1382: DN VI, nr 307, 10 August(?) 1382. Thormod Valdjufssön sælger med sin Hustru Herborg (Bergulfsdatters) Samtykke til ærlig Mand Gaute Eirikssön Gaarden Dillingö i Vansjö i Borgesyssel for 200 Mark Penge. Beseglere var Håkon Stumpe, Nicolas Galle, Peter Andresson, Tofue Tofsson og Herleik Åsulfsson.
1388: DN III, nr 477, 2 Februar 1388. Vinalder, erkebiskop i Nidaros, Øystein, biskop i Oslo, Olaf, biskop i Stavanger, Sigurd, biskop i Hamar, Henrik, biskop på Grønland. Rikskansler Henrik Henriksson, Ulf Holmgeirsson, Ulf Jonsson, riddere, Håkon Jonsson, Gaute Eiriksson, Jon Marteinsson, Alf Haraldsson, Bendikt Niklasson, Ogmund Bolt, Jon Darre, Håkon Stumpe, Peter Niklasson, Nikolas Galle, Finn Gyrdsson, Gudbrand Ellingsson, Toralde Sigurdsson, Herleik Åsulfsson, Magnus Stoltekarl, Håkon Top, Jappe Fastalsson og Svale Otteson, riksråder udvælge Dronning Margareta, Kong Haakons Frue og Kong Olafs Moder, til Norges Riges mægtige Frue og rette Husbonde, hvem de i Alt ville lyde og nu have svoret Troskab samt lovet Almenning i Aar m. v., medens hun og har svoret at holde Alle Lov og Lands Ret.
1389: DN III, 484, 1389. Vinalder (Vinoldus), erkebiskop i Nidaros, Henrik de Sancto Claro, greve av Orknøyene, Jakob
, biskop i Bergen, Augustinus, biskop i Oslo, Olav, biskop i Stavanger. Haquinus Jonsson, Otte Rømer, Erland Philippesson, Gaute Eriksson, Benedikt Nielsson, Amund Bolt, Johannes Darre, Nicolaus Galle, Petrus Nielsson, Finn Gyrdsson, Thoralde Sivertsson, Gudbrand Ellingsson, Herlaug Åsulfsson og Svale Rømer, Rigsraader erklære efter nöiagtig Granskning i Loven Kong Erik, Hertug Vratislavs Sön af Pommern, for Norges rette Arving, og fastsætte nærmere Rigsarvefölgen i hans mandlige Æt.
1389: DN XVIII, nr 34, Juli 1389. Vinalder, erkebiskop i Nidaros, Henrik Zinkler jarl på Orknøyene, Jacob biskop i Bergen, Øystein , biskop i Oslo, Olaf, biskop i Stavanger, herr Malis Sparre, Riddere, Håkon Jonsson, Otte Rømer, Erlend Philipusson, Gaute Eriksson, Beint Niclasson, Amund Bolt, Jon Darre, Niclas Galle, Peter Niclasson, Finn Gyrdsson, Toralde Sigvardsson, Gudbrand Ellingsson, Herleik Åsulfsson og Svale Rømer, Rigsraader erklære, at de efter nøiagtig Granskning have fundet, at Kong Erik, Hertug Wartzlefs Søn af Pommern, er ret Arving til Norges Rige og fastsætte Arvefølgen inden hans Slægt; men Dronning Margrete skal styre Riget uden Regnskabsaflæggelse, indtil han bliver myndig.
1392: DN VI, nr 338, 29 Mars 1392. Dronning Margrete udgiver med samtykke fra Rigsraadet: Vinaldar, Erkebiskop i Nidaros, Jacob biskop i Bergen, Øystein, biskop i Oslo, Sigurd, biskop i Hamar, Halgeir biskop på Færøyene, Gaute Eiriksson, Jon Marteinsson, Otte Rømer, Bendikt Niklasson, Alf Haraldsson, Ogmund Berdorsson, Brynjulf Jonsson, Jon Darre, Håkon Stumpe, Jeppe Fastalsson, Niclas Galle, Finn Gyrdsson og Herleik Åsulfsson, en Retterbod angaaende Manddrab, Fredlöshed, Hor, Kjöb og Salg m. m., der skal staa ved Magt, indtil Kong Eirik bliver myndig.
1405: DN V, nr 441, 4 Mai 1405. Hr. Gyrd Gyrdssön, Herleik Aasulfssön, Diderik Wistenaker og Jon Karlssön kundgjöre, at Ridderne Alf Haraldssön og Ogmund Berdorssön (Bolt) enedes om at holde det ældre Forlig med Jon Thorgilssön om Thufn (i Raade, Borgesyssel), og at Hr. Alf skulde betale dennes Enke Ingerid Andresdatter inden St. Hans Dag de löse Penge, han i Forliget havde lovet. (jfr. fölg. No. 442 og II. No. 561, 584. III. No. 563.)
One of a long line of Bishops from Norway. The Diocese was in Lund Sweden. Many dealings and land holdings in Sweden where they were serving. Herleik Asulfsson was Involved with the leaders of Rugen, Eric of Pomerania and related to Bogislav who awarded the land for Ketelshagen on Rugen. 1382: Mentioned in Skien. 1388: Member of the National Council of Norway and helped to choose Margrete for queen. The following year he is on the royal ceremony of Eirik of Pomerania. 1392: Member of Norges Riksråd (Privy Council) when Queen Margrete gives a court ruling. 1405: Mentioned at a summer in Tønsberg. Herleik Åsulvsson (Galle, the Buskerud family), is known as the son of Åsulv Kjetilsson in Buskerud, mentioned 1331-32.
Herleik was born After 1320, in Tomb, Råde, Østfold, Norge. His occupations were Knight and Privy Council. Mentioned as on the national council which chose Queen Margrethe and was also involved in "Hyllingen" by Eric of Pomerania following year: "Ved sigill until the year 1400" (Source) and Ridder og Riksråd. They had 6 children:
One of a long line of Bishops from Norway. Many dealings and most likely land holdings in Sweden where they were serving. Diocese was in Lund Seden. Herleik was Involved with Prince Jaromar of Rugen, Eric of Pomerania and related to Bogislav who awarded the land for Ketelshagen on Rugen. 1382: Mentioned in Skien. 1388: Member of the National Council of Norway and helped to choose Margrete for queen. The following year he is on the royal ceremony of Eirik of Pomerania. 1392: Member of Norges Riksråd (Privy Council) when Queen Margrete gives a court ruling. 1405: Mentioned at a summer in Tønsberg. Herleik Åsulvsson (Galle, the Buskerud family), is known as the son of Åsulv Kjetilsson in Buskerud, mentioned 1331-32, due to the weapon similarity. First mentioned 1382 (DN VI, no. 307). Army doctor Asulfsson [armed], was a member of the Council of Norway 2.2 1388 when the Riksdag announced the election of Queen Margrete to Norway's wife and husband (NgL 2.r.I no. 1, p. 3; DN III no. 477); and 1389 when the National Council issued tribute letters to King Erik (NgL 2.r.I no. 8, pp. 14-17; DN III no. 484); and 29.3, 1392 (No. 2, No. 16, p. 24; DN VI No. 338). Lived yet 1395 and died about 1405.The Danish Nobel Laureate does not recognize any heir of him, but according to NST.1, p.143 there lived a Ragnhild Herleiksdatter at Brunla, who, according to Geirr Leistad, was the daughter of Herleik. She gives, with the consent of her rightful heir, Nikolas Tormodsson, some farms in Vestfold to the cousin Sigrid Nikolasdotter Galle at Brunla. Sigrid was the wife of Markvard Bukk. This can be coincidental both that she was the daughter of a Herpel and that she was obviously related / mad with Galle at Brunla.He sails from 1388 mentioned as the Triangle Shield in which a Sparre, accompanied by 3 sextant stars (Gala) with the inscription S'HERLACI.ASVLFI. He used a different version of the same seal in 1389, this being mentioned as in a caption of 6 concave Buer a triangular shield in which a sparrow, surrounded by 3 crowned stars with the title S'HERLACI.ASVLPHI. He is mentioned as Herleik in Biskopsrud and in the book Norway's country and people. This is mentioned: In 1322 the name Buskerud was written Biscopsrud and means the bishops. The first owner mentioned was an Aasulf on Bishop's throne. He is mentioned in 1322, 1323, 1331 and 1332. The next owner was Herleik Aasulfsen, 1382-1405.sources:worldly sigils until the year 1400Norway's country and people.Norwegian Family History Journal, Vol. 1, p.143.
source Information1382: DN VI, no. 307, August 10 (?) 1382. Thormod Valdjufssön sells with his wife Herborg (Bergulfsdatters) consent to honest man Gaute Eirikssön Gaarden Dillingö in Vansjö in Borgesyssel for 200 Mark Money. Sailors were Håkon Stumpe, Nicolas Galle, Peter Andresson, Tofue Tofsson and Herleik Åsulfsson.1388: DN III, no. 477, February 2, 1388. Vinninder, Archbishop of Nidaros, Øystein, Bishop of Oslo, Olaf, Bishop of Stavanger, Sigurd, Bishop of Hamar, Henrik, Bishop of Greenland. Chancellor Henrik Henriksson, Ulf Holmgeirsson, Ulf Jonsson, Knights, Håkon Jonsson, Gaute Eiriksson, Jon Marteinsson, Alf Haraldsson, Bendikt Niklasson, Ogmund Bolt, Jon Darre, Håkon Stumpe, Peter Niklasson, Nikolas Galle, Finn Gyrdsson, Gudbrand Ellingsson, , Herleik Åsulfsson, Magnus Stoltekarl, Håkon Top, Jappe Fastalsson and Svale Otteson, national councils select Queen Margareta, King Haakon's wife and King Olaf's mother, to the mighty wife of Norway's kingdom and correct householders, whom in everything they would sound and now have sworn fidelity and promised the public a year, etc. while she and she vowed to keep all law and country law.1389: DN III, 484, 1389. Vinninder (Vinoldus), Archbishop of Nidaros, Henrik de Sancto Claro, Count of Orkney, Jacob, Bishop of Bergen, Augustine, Bishop of Oslo, Olav, Bishop of Stavanger. Haquinus Jonsson, Eight Romans, Erland Philippesson, Gaute Eriksson, Benedict Nielsson, Amund Bolt, Johannes Darre, Nicolaus Galle, Petrus Nielsson, Finn Gyrdsson, Thoralde Sivertsson, Gudbrand Ellingsson, Herlaug Åsulfsson and Svale Römer, Rigsraader declare after scrutiny in Law King Erik, Duke of Vratislav's Sun of Pomerania, for Norway's right heir, and lay down closer to the Riksarve follow in his male eating.1389: DN XVIII, no. 34, July 1389. Winners, Archbishop of Nidaros, Henrik Zinkler Earl of Orkney, Jacob Bishop of Bergen, Øystein, Bishop of Oslo, Olaf, Bishop of Stavanger, Mr. Malis Sparre, Knights, Håkon Jonsson, Otte Rumors, Erlend Philipusson, Gaute Eriksson, Beint Niclasson, Amund Bolt, Jon Darre, Niclas Galle, Peter Niclasson, Finn Gyrdsson, Toralde Sigvardsson, Gudbrand Ellingsson, Herleik Åsulfsson and Svale Römer, Rigsraader declare that, after exact examination, they have found that King Erik, the son of Duke Wartzlef of Pomerania, is right heir to the kingdom of Norway and establish the succession before his family; but Queen Margrete must rule the kingdom without accounting until he becomes the author.1392: DN VI, no. 338, 29 March 1392. Queen Margrete publishes with consent from the National Council: Vinaldar, Archbishop of Nidaros, Jacob Bishop of Bergen, Øystein, Bishop of Oslo, Sigurd, Bishop of Hamar, Halgeir Bishop of the Faroe Islands, Gaute Eiriksson , Jon Marteinsson, Eight Romans, Bendikt Niklasson, Alf Haraldsson, Ogmund Berdorsson, Brynjulf Jonsson, Jon Darre, Håkon Stumpe, Jeppe Fastalsson, Niclas Galle, Finn Gyrdsson and Herleik Åsulfsson, a court order regarding manslaughter, restlessness, horror, horror, sale and sale etc. that will stand by power until King Eirik becomes the author.1405: DN V, no. 441, May 4, 1405. Gyrd Gyrdssön, Herleik Aasulfssön, Diderik Wistenaker and Jon Karlssön make it clear that the Knights Alf Haraldssön and Ogmund Berdorssön (Bolt) agreed to keep the elderly settled with Jon Thorgilssön on Thufn (in Raade, Borgesyssel), and that Mr. Alf was to pay his widow Ingerid Andresdatter before St. His day the loose money he had promised in the settlement. (cf. Ref. No. 442 and II. No. 561, 584. III. No. 563.)view allHerleik Åsulfson Galde, in Biskopsrud's Timeline
Family Relationships
1320 |
Buskerud, Norway
1375 |
4 Ketelshagen, Putbus, MV, 18581, Germany
1390 |
1405 |
Age 85
Råde, Østfold, Norway