Four sisters and one brother, parents not known, presumably of Viking origin:
1. SAINSFRIDA [Senfrie] . She and her three sisters, as well as their husbands, are named by Robert de Torigny[3]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Seufriam" as sister of "Gunnor uxor…Richardi Normannis ducem"[4]. Guillaume de Jumièges records that "la femme d'un sien forestier…Sainfrie" rejected the advances of Richard I Comte [de Normandie] and sent her sister Gunnor to his bed in her place[5]. m ---. The name of Sainsfrida's husband is not known. Sainsfrida and her husband had one child:
a) JOSCELINE . The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Iosceline" as daughter of "Seufriam"[6]. Josceline, her husband and her mother are named in a letter of Ives Bishop of Chartres to Henry I King of England dated 1114 which explains the consanguinity between the king and Hugues de Châteauneuf, who wanted to marry one of the king's illegitimate daughters[7]. m ROGER [I] Seigneur de Montgommery, son of ---.
2. GUNNORA ([950]-5 Jan 1031). She and her three sisters, as well as their husbands, are named by Robert de Torigny[8]. It appears from Dudo de Saint-Quentin and Robert de Torigny[9] that Gunnora was Richard I's mistress before she married him. According to William of Jumièges, she was "of noble Danish origin"[10]. According to Robert de Torigny, the marriage took place to legitimise Richard and Gunnora's son Robert to permit his appointment as Bishop of Rouen[11]. The necrology of Saint-Père-en-Vallée records the death "Non Jan" of "Gonnoridis…comitissa Normannie"[12]. m ([before 989]) as his second wife, RICHARD I “Sans Peur" Comte [de Normandie], son of GUILLAUME Comte [ de Normandie] & his first wife Sprota --- (Fécamp [932]-20 Nov 996, bur Fécamp).
3. HERFAST . Guillaume de Jumièges names "Herfast, frère de la comtesse Gunnor" when recording the murder of his son Osbern[13]. m ---. The name of Herfast's wife is not known. Herfast & his wife had two children:
a) OSBERN de Crépon (-murdered Vandreuil 1038). "Duke Richard [II]" donated property to the abbey of Mont Saint-Michel by charter dated to [1026], subscribed by "…Osbernus filius Arfast, Ranulfus frater eius"[14]. "…Osbe filius Herfasti…" witnessed the charter dated to [1030] under which Robert II Duke of Normandy confirmed rights of Mont Saint-Michel[15]. Steward (dapifer) of Guillaume II Duke of Normandy. "Osberni dapifer" witnessed the donation of "Erchembaldus vicecomes" dated [1030/35] and the donation of "Gulbertus filius Erchemboldus vicecomitis" dated after 1035[16]. He was strangled by Guillaume de Montgommery[17]. Guillaume de Jumièges records that "Osbern, intendant de la maison du prince [Guillaume II Duke of Normandy] et fils d'Herfast" was murdered at Vandreuil in the early years of the duke's reign by "Guillaume fils de Roger de Montgomeri"[18]. m EMMA d'Ivry, daughter of RAOUL d'Ivry Comte de Bayeux & his wife --- (-after [1067]). She is named as mother of Guillaume and Osbern in the donation to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen, dated to 1038 or after, which they made jointly for the soul of their father "Osbern cognomento Pacifici"[19]. "Emma matre eorum [Willelmi et Osberni]" witnessed a charter dated 1038 or after[20]. "Emma Osberni dapiferi uxore" is named as "dominis mei" with her two sons in the undated charter of Ansfredus[21]. "Emmæ matris eius" signed a charter of "Erchenbaldo filio Erchenbaldi vicecomitis", dated to [1067], immediately after "Willelmi filii Osberni"[22]. Osbern & his wife had three children:
i) GUILLAUME FitzOsbern (-killed in battle Cassel, Flanders 22 Feb 1071, bur Abbaye de Cormeilles). Guillaume de Jumièges names "Guillaume fils d'Osbern, proche parent du duc Guillaume", recording that he built the monasteries at Lire and Corneilles[23]. He is named as brother of Osbern, son of Emma, in his donation to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen dated 1038 or after, made jointly with his mother and brother[24]. "Willelmi filii Osberni" witnessed two charters dated 1035 or after and 1038 or after[25]. "…Guillelmi filii Osberni…" witnessed the charter dated 1054 under which Guillaume II Duke of Normandy confirmed the donation of "terram…Sancta Columba…dedit Niellus clericus" to the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel[26]. "…Willelmi filii Osberti, Rotgerii de Monte Golmerii, Richardis vicecomitis Abrinchensis…" witnessed the charter dated [1055/56] under which Guillaume II Duke of Normandy "in pago…Constantino, villam…Flotomannum" to Saint-Florent de Saumur[27]. "…Guillelmus filius Osberti…Guillelmus filius Guillelmi filiii Osberti…" witnessed the charter dated to [1060] under which Guillaume II Duke of Normandy granted "Brenerias" to the abbey of Bayeux[28]. "Willelmus filius Osberti…" witnessed the charter dated 29 Aug 1060 under which "milite…Richardo…fratribus Willelmo…atque Balduino" donated "Gausberti Villa" to Chartres Saint-Père[29]. The Chronique de Normandie, based on le Roman de Rou, records that William I King of England made "le Conte Rogier de Montgomery et Guillaume le filz Osber" his two "Marechaulx d´Engleterre" after the conquest of England[30]. "Willelmi filii Osberni" signed a charter of "Erchenbaldo filio Erchenbaldi vicecomitis" dated 1067 or after[31]. "Willelmus comes filius Osberni dapiferi" made a donation to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen dated 1068[32]. He was rewarded for his part in the conquest of England with estates in the Isle of Wight and county of Hereford, thereby becoming Earl of Hereford.
ii) OSBERN (-1101). He is named as brother of Guillaume, son of Emma, in his donation to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen dated 1038 or after, made jointly with his mother and brother[33]. "Osberni frater eius [Willelmi]" witnessed a charter dated 1038 or after[34]. Chancellor of England. Bishop of Exeter 1072[35].
iii) EMMA . "Emma conjux eius" donated land belonging to the castle of Vernon to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen jointly with her husband, dated 1066[36]. Guillaume de Vernon, his son Hugues and his wife Emma donated property to Rouen Holy Trinity, confirmed in the charter dated to [1067][37]. Her parentage is confirmed by a charter of Carisbrooke Priory, Isle of Wight which names “Johannem et Ricardum” as the two sons of “Willielmum filium Osberni marescallum…comitem Herefordiæ” who predeceased their father, and records that their inheritance went to “Ricardo de Rivers, nepoti prædicti Willielmi filii Osberni, tunc comiti Exoniæ”[38]. m GUILLAUME de Vernon, son of HUGUES de Vernon & his wife ---.
b) RAINULF . "Duke Richard [II]" donated property to the abbey of Mont Saint-Michel by charter dated to [1026], subscribed by "…Osbernus filius Arfast, Ranulfus frater eius"[39].
4. WEWA . She and her three sisters, as well as their husbands, are named by Robert de Torigny[40]. Guillaume de Jumièges names "Gueuve et Aveline" as two sisters of Gunnor, recording that the former married "Turulfe de Pont-Audemer, son of Torf"[41]. The Genealogia Fundatoris of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire records that the (unnamed) sister of ”Gunnora comitissa Normanniæ” married “Turulpho de Ponte-Adomaro”[42]. m THOROLD de Pont-Audemer, son of [TORF & his wife ---] (-after 1040).
5. [AVELINE] . She and her three sisters, as well as their husbands, are named by Robert de Torigny[43]. Guillaume de Jumièges names "Gueuve et Aveline" as two sisters of Gunnor, the latter married to Osbern de Bolbec[44]. On the other hand, the Genealogia Fundatoris of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire names ”Turketillus…frater…Turulphi, cuius filius Hasculfus d´Harcourt” married “aliam sororem…comitissæ Gunnoræ” by whom he was father of “duos…filios…Walterum de Giffard primogenitum…”[45]. As noted under Giffard, another primary source indicates that the wife of "Osbernus Giffardus" (assumed to refer to Osbern de Bolbec given that his son used the name Giffard) was named Hawise[46]. It is not known whether Osbern was married twice or whether all the sources cited refer to the same person, one or other mistaking the name. m [as his first wife,] OSBERN de Bolbec, son of ---.
6. [--- . It is not known which brother or sister of Gunnor was the parent of Beatrice.]
a) BEATRIX . Guillaume de Jumièges records that one of the nieces of Gunnor, mistress of Richard I Comte [de Normandie], married "le père du premier Guillaume de Warenne"[47]. "Rodulf de Warenne" sold property to the abbey of Holy Trinity, Rouen by charter dated to [1055], signed by "eiusdem Rodulfi de Guarethna, Beatricis uxoris eius…"[48]. m as his first wife, RODULF de Warenne, son of --- .
Father: Osbern DE BOLEBEC b: ABT 0970 in Longueville, Normandy, France
Mother: Wevia DE CREPON b: ABT 0942 in Pontaudemer, Normandy, France
Marriage 1 Tesselin DE ROUEN Vicomte of Rouen
* Married: ABT 0996
2. Richard DE LILLEBONNE Vicomte
3. Gotmund Rufus DE VASCOUEIL
See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p71.htm#i9357 )www.casimir-celtic.com
Béatrice DE BOLBEC
Born: Abt 985, Longueville-sur-Scie, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France
Marriage Information:
Béatrice married Vcte Tesselin DE ROUEN. (Vcte Tesselin DE ROUEN was born about 970 in Rouen, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France.)
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
Béatrice DE BOLBEC
Born: Abt 985, Longueville-sur-Scie, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France
Marriage Information:
Béatrice married Vcte Tesselin DE ROUEN. (Vcte Tesselin DE ROUEN was born about 970 in Rouen, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France.)
Beatrix de Bolbec de Vascoeuïl
Longueville, Departement du Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France
DEATH 1037 (aged 62–63)
Vascoeuil, Departement de l'Eure, Haute-Normandie, France
Burial Details Unknown
MEMORIAL ID 144162103
Vicomtesse de Rouen
Family Members
Osbert de Bolbec
Aveline of Arques de Bolbec
960 – unknown
Tesselin Vicomte de Rouen de Vascoeuïl
Walter de Giffard
Osbern Giffard
Beatrix de Vascoeuïl de Warenne
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
985 |
Pont Audemer, Eure, France
1000 |
1004 |
Vascoeuil, Eure, Normandy, France (E. of Rouen)
1068 |
Age 83
St Germain Montgomery, Normandy, France
???? |
???? |