Historical records matching Beatrice Malet
Immediate Family
About Beatrice Malet
- Medlands - http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/enguntlo.htm#BeatrixMaletMGuillaume...
- iii) BEATRIX Malet . “Beatrix soror Roberti Malet” donated property to Eye priory, for the souls of “fratrum meorum Roberti Maleth et Gilberti Malet”, by undated charter[846]. Brown indicates that Beatrix donated Redlingfield to Eye by undated charter which confirms her as husband of "William vicomte of Arques"[847]. “Willielmus de Abrincis miles dominus de Folkestan” confirmed donations to Folkestone priory, including the donations made by "Beatrix post mortem domini sui Willielmi de Archis" of "terram dotis suæ de Newenton" by undated charter[848]. m (before 1086) GUILLAUME Vicomte d’Arques, son of GODEFROI Giffard Vicomte d’Arques & his wife --- de Rouen (-[1090]).
- Medlands - http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/normacre.htm#GuillaumeArquesMBeatri...
- GUILLAUME d'Arques (-[1090]). Guillaume de Jumièges records that "Gunnor" had “excepta Sainfria...duas sorores Wewam et Avelinam”, adding that “tertia...sororum Gunnoris comitissæ” [Aveline, from the context] married “Osberno de Bolebec”, by whom she had “Galterium Giffardum primum et Godefridum patrem Willelmi de Archis”[48]. "Guillelmus et Gislebertus filii Godefredi Archarum vicecomitis" donated land in Montvilla to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen dated 1059[49]. Vicomte d'Arques. Lord of Folkestone[50]. A charter dated 1080 relates that "Gozelinus vicecomes de Archis…cum coniuge sua et filiis" founded Sainte-Trinité de Rouen and donated property, and that "Willelmus de Archis heres defuncti…avi sui Gozelini" confirmed the donation[51]. [Orderic Vitalis records “Edgarus Adelinus et Robertus Belesmensis atque Guillelmus de Archis monachus Molismensis” as the advisers of Robert [III] Duke of Normandy, dated to [1089][52]. It is possible that the third named person was Guillaume Vicomte d’Arques but no other record has been found that he became a monk at Molesme in Burgundy before he died.] m BEATRIX Malet, daughter of GUILLAUME [I] Malet & his wife Esilia [Crespin]. “Beatrix soror Roberti Malet” donated property to Eye priory, for the souls of “fratrum meorum Roberti Maleth et Gilberti Malet”, by undated charter[53]. Brown indicates that Beatrix donated Redlingfield to Eye by undated charter which confirms her as husband of "William vicomte of Arques"[54]. “Willielmus de Abrincis miles dominus de Folkestan” confirmed donations to Folkestone priory, including the donations made by "Beatrix post mortem domini sui Willielmi de Archis" of "terram dotis suæ de Newenton" by undated charter[55]. Guillaume & his wife had two children:
- (a) MATHILDE d'Arques. Guillaume de Jumièges records "Mathildis" as the daughter of “Willelmi de Archis”, adding that she married “Willelmus camerarius de Tancarvilla” by whom she had “filium Rabellum qui ei successit”[56]. m GUILLAUME [I] de Tancarville, son of RAOUL [I] de Tancarville & his wife Avicia --- (-1129).
- (b) EMMA d'Arques (-after 1140). “Willielmus de Abrincis miles dominus de Folkestan” confirmed donations to Folkestone priory, including the donations made by "domini Nigelli de Munevilla quondam domini de Folkestan antecessoris mei…cum uxore sua Emma" for the souls of "antecessorum suorum…Willielmi de Archis et Beatricis uxoris illius" by undated charter, which also records that Nele died without male heirs and that Henry I King of England married "filiam eius…Matildam" to "Rualoni de Abrincis"[57]. “Manasses Gisnensis comes et Emma uxor eius…filia Willielmi de Arras” founded Redlingfield priory by charter dated 1120, witnessed by “Widonis fratris mei, Rosæ filiæ meæ”[58]. The Historia Comitum Ghisnensium names "Emmam filiam Roberti camerarii de Tancarvilla in Normannia, viduam Odonis de Folkestane in Anglia" as wife of "Manasses"[59], which appears to be incorrect. "Manasses Gisnensium comes et Emma comitissa" granted the administration of the church of Saint-Léonard to Saint-Bertin by charter dated 1129[60]. According to Domesday Descendants she became a nun at Saint-Leonard de Guines after the death of her second husband[61]. m firstly NELE de Muneville, son of --- (-1103). Lord of Folkestone. m secondly (before 1106) MANASSES Comte de Guines, son of BAUDOUIN Comte de Guines & his wife Adela [Christina] [of Holland] (-Ardres 1137).... &c.
- GUILLAUME d'Arques (-[1090]). Guillaume de Jumièges records that "Gunnor" had “excepta Sainfria...duas sorores Wewam et Avelinam”, adding that “tertia...sororum Gunnoris comitissæ” [Aveline, from the context] married “Osberno de Bolebec”, by whom she had “Galterium Giffardum primum et Godefridum patrem Willelmi de Archis”[48]. "Guillelmus et Gislebertus filii Godefredi Archarum vicecomitis" donated land in Montvilla to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen dated 1059[49]. Vicomte d'Arques. Lord of Folkestone[50]. A charter dated 1080 relates that "Gozelinus vicecomes de Archis…cum coniuge sua et filiis" founded Sainte-Trinité de Rouen and donated property, and that "Willelmus de Archis heres defuncti…avi sui Gozelini" confirmed the donation[51]. [Orderic Vitalis records “Edgarus Adelinus et Robertus Belesmensis atque Guillelmus de Archis monachus Molismensis” as the advisers of Robert [III] Duke of Normandy, dated to [1089][52]. It is possible that the third named person was Guillaume Vicomte d’Arques but no other record has been found that he became a monk at Molesme in Burgundy before he died.] m BEATRIX Malet, daughter of GUILLAUME [I] Malet & his wife Esilia [Crespin]. “Beatrix soror Roberti Malet” donated property to Eye priory, for the souls of “fratrum meorum Roberti Maleth et Gilberti Malet”, by undated charter[53]. Brown indicates that Beatrix donated Redlingfield to Eye by undated charter which confirms her as husband of "William vicomte of Arques"[54]. “Willielmus de Abrincis miles dominus de Folkestan” confirmed donations to Folkestone priory, including the donations made by "Beatrix post mortem domini sui Willielmi de Archis" of "terram dotis suæ de Newenton" by undated charter[55]. Guillaume & his wife had two children:
Father Willelm Malet, seigneur de Graville
b. circa 1026, d. circa 1071
Mother Elise Crespin b. circa 1031
See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p193.htm#i21612 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm ).
Robert I Malet was the founder of Eye in 1105.
(K-R paper)
Robert Malet's intended foundation of Eye priory received a charter of assent from his sister Beatrice. Later, a precept of Henry I made it clear that she was the wife of William de Arques of Folkstone. Ralph of Bellicia named from the unidentified manor of Belice in Hayne Hundred.37 was doubtless one of the Ralphs who held land in Kent from Hugh de Montfort, probably Ralph de Courbépine (Corbett?). (K-R paper)
3. Beatrice (Beatrix) Malet, married William of Arques (Arches). In a deed witnessed by her brother, Gilbert, she gave the village of Rending Fieldam to the monks of St. Peter of Eye.
4. Beatrice 'Beatrix' MALET (William I Sheriff Of York, Seigneur de Graville 2, De Graville 1) was born circa 1047 in Graville, St Honorine, Normandy, France and died of Thorp Arch, West Riding, Yorkshire, England. Beatrice married Guillaume D' ARQUES Vicomte d'Arques (See Link for Ancestry), son of Godfrey DES ARQUES Viscomte des Arques and Amelie DE ROUEN, circa 1065. Guillaume was born about 1035 in Arques, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France and died about 1086 in Thorp Arch, West Riding, Yorkshire, England about age 51.
See the Guillaume D' ARQUES Vicomte d'Arques Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
Beatrice Malet's Timeline
1044 |
Alkborough, Lincolnshire, England
1075 |
Kent, England (United Kingdom)
1080 |
Arques La Bataille, Seine Inferieure, Normandie, France
1144 |
Age 100
Spalding, Lincolnshire, England
1930 |
March 8, 1930
Age 100
April 17, 1930
Age 100
1994 |
June 15, 1994
Age 100
September 16, 1994
Age 100
October 27, 1994
Age 100