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About Aznar II Galíndez, conde de Aragón
- b) GALINDO [I] Aznárez, son of AZNAR Galíndez Conde de Aragón & his wife --- (-[after 867]). The Codex de Roda names "Centolle Asnari et Galindo Asnari et domna Matrona" as the children of "Asnari Galindones"[31]. ["Dato Donati comite, Garsia vice comite, Galindo Azenarii" subscribed the charter dated Oct 833 under which "Azenario Sancius comes" instructed two priests to restore "la terre de Cazaux" to the abbey of Pessan[32]. From a chronological point of view, it is not certain that “Galindo Azenarii” could be the same person as the future Galindo Aznárez Conde de Aragón.] He succeeded as Conde de Aragón, Pallars, Ribagorza, with support from García I Iñíguez King of Pamplona, confirmed by the marriage of his son to the King's daughter. "Galindo…comes" donated property to the monastery of San Pedro de Siresa by charter dated to [840/67], which states that he founded the monastery[33]. The dating clause of a charter for San Martín de Cillas dated 858 records "sub reimine Garssia Scemenonis rege in Pampilona et comite Galindo in Aragone"[34]. "Galindo Isinari comes" donated property to the monastery of San Pedro de Siresa by charter dated to [before 867], witnessed by "Scemeno Scemenonis…Alaricus Isinari, Mancio Galindonis, Fortunio Galindonis, Isinari Salomonis, Isinari Dacconis, Galindo Isinari…"[35]. "Galindo Asinarii comes" donated property to the monastery of San Pedro de Siresa by charter dated 867[36]. The dating clause of this charter states "regnante Karlo rege in Franza, Aldefoso filio Ardonis in Gallia Comata, Garsia Enneconis in Pampilona", which is consistent with this date. However, the text includes "ego Galindo Asinari comes deprecor Sancium regem generum meum…", which casts doubt on the authenticity of the document. The likely kings named Sancho to whom this could relate are the kings of Navarre, although none is known to have been the son-in-law of a count named Galindo Aznar. m ---. The name of Galindo Aznar's wife is not known. Galindo Aznar & his wife had one child:
- AZNAR Galíndez (-893). The Codex de Roda names "Asnari Galindones" as the son of "Galindo Asnari" and his unnamed wife[37]. He succeeded his father as Condede Aragón. m ONECA García de Pamplona, daughter of GARCÍA I Iñíguez King of Pamplona & his first wife Urraca ---. The Codex de Roda names "FortunioGarseanis et Sanzio Garseanis et domna Onneca" as the children of "Garsea Enneconis " and his unnamed wife, stating that Oneca married "Asnari Galindones de Aragone"[38]. Aznar Galindez & his wife had three children:
- a) GALINDO [II] Aznar (-923). The Codex de Roda names "Galindo Asnari et Garsea Asnari et domna Sanzia" as the children of "Asnari Galindones" and his wife[39]. He succeeded his father in 893 as Conde de Aragón. “Rex Fortunio Garcianes” reviewed the territories of the monastery of San Julián de Labasal, at the request of “comite Galindo Asnar”, by charter dated 893, whose dating clause records “...Garcia Sanz in Gallias, Raimundus in Paliares, pagani...Mohomet Ebenlupu in Balleterra et Mohomet Atauel in Osca...”[40]. “Comes domnus Galindo” established the area of the monastery of San Martín de Cercito by charter dated 920[41]. m firstly ACIBELLA de Gascogne, daughter of GARCÍA I "el Curvo" Duke of Gascony & his wife [Aimena de Périgord]. The Codex de Roda names "domna Acibella, Garsea Sanzionis comitis Guasconie filia" as the first wife of "Galindo Asnari"[42]. m secondly (after 905) as her second husband, SANCHA García de Pamplona, widow of ÍÑIGO Fortún de Pamplona, daughter of GARCÍA II Jimenez King of Pamplona & his first wife Oneca ---. The Codex de Roda names "domna Sanzia, filia de Garsea Scemenonis" as the wife of "Enneco Furtuniones", specifying that she later married "domno Galindo comes de Aragone"[43]. Galindo Aznar & his first wife had three children: …
- b) GARCÍA Aznar. The Codex de Roda names "Galindo Asnari et Garsea Asnari et domna Sanzia" as the children of "Asnari Galindones" and his wife[63].
- c) SANCHA Aznar. The Codex de Roda names "Galindo Asnari et Garsea Asnari et domna Sanzia" as the children of "Asnari Galindones" and his wife, stating that Sancha married "regis Atoele mauro"[64]. m MUHAMMAD "Atauil/al-Tawil" Wali of Huesca, son of ABD al-MALIK bin Xabrit (-[913/14]).
- AZNAR Galíndez (-893). The Codex de Roda names "Asnari Galindones" as the son of "Galindo Asnari" and his unnamed wife[37]. He succeeded his father as Condede Aragón. m ONECA García de Pamplona, daughter of GARCÍA I Iñíguez King of Pamplona & his first wife Urraca ---. The Codex de Roda names "FortunioGarseanis et Sanzio Garseanis et domna Onneca" as the children of "Garsea Enneconis " and his unnamed wife, stating that Oneca married "Asnari Galindones de Aragone"[38]. Aznar Galindez & his wife had three children:
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Aznar II Galíndez, conde de Aragón's Timeline
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Age 63
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