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About Avril Ire Malan
Avirl Irè Malan D.SC
- D,SC
- Lid van die Volksraad. Member of parliament
- Matriculat ed at the Hoërskool Wellington.
- Studied at University of South Africa
- Studied further at University of Stellenboch
- Studied further at University of Cambridge, England
- Have written and published more than 60 Scientific "verhandelinge." For this he
- Won the Havenga Award of the S.A Akademie for Science.
- Chairman of the board of directors of Volkskas Bpk
- Served as director on various other companies
- Professor in Biochemie and feeding due to his studies and research at Onderstepoort
- In 1945 he retired from politics and farmed in the Pretoria district, but -
- Was again voted in for the VL of the "Volksraad.
- "Adjunk" Vice Speaker of Parliament of South Africa.
Source. "Wie is Wie in Suid Afrika published in 1964. Read, owned by Judi Marais-Meyer.
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Avril Ire Malan's Timeline
1898 |
May 31, 1898
Adelaide, Cape, South Africa
1930 |
January 30, 1930
Pretoria, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa
1975 |
July 23, 1975
Age 77
Pretoria, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa
Age 76
Pretoria, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa