Aude Paynell

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Aude Paynell

Also Known As: "Pagnell", "Paganel", "Paynel", "Painel", "Painell"
Immediate Family:

Daughter of William Paynell and Lady Alice de Briwere
Wife of John de Balon
Sister of Milicent Paganell (Paynell) and William Paganell (Paynell)
Half sister of Reginald de Mohun II, Lord Mohun; John De Mohun; William de Mohun, Founder of Newenham Abbey and Baldwin de Mohun, Rector of Brinkley and Luppit

Managed by: Terry Jackson (Switzer)
Last Updated:

About Aude Paynell


From Medlands:

AUDE ([1209/10]-1261). A writ dated 2 Jan "33 Hen III", after the death of "William Paynel alias Painel" names "Lady Auda wife of John de Balun, age variously stated as 30 and more and 40, is his heir"[216]. The document does not specify the relationship between the deceased and his heir, but it appears that she was too old to have been his daughter so was probably his sister. Aude’s age in this document is inconsistent with the marriage date of her supposed parents as shown above, but may have been exaggerated.

m JOHN de Ballon, son of JOHN de Ballon & his first wife --- (-1275).

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