ETICHO [Chadicho/Adalrico] m BERSWINDA Eticho/Adalrico & his wife had five children:
1. ADALBERT [I] son of ETICHO [Adalrico] Duke in Alsace & his wife Berswinda --- . A 15th century genealogy included in the cartulary of Honau names "Adelbertum, Battichonem, Hugonem, Hechonem" as the four sons of "Adalrici ducis vel alio nomine Hettichonis"[56]. Duke in Alsace. He is named "ducis Adelberti" in the Annales Murbacenses as father of Eberhard[57].
m INGINA, daughter of ---. Her name is confirmed by the charter dated 5 Feb 737 under which “Liutfrudus…dux” sold property “in Aunulfouuilare quicquid Ingina genitore meo”[58].
Adalbert & his wife had six children:1. LUITFRIED [I] (-after [740/41]).
2. EBERHARD [I] (-747, bur Murbach). m EMELTRUDISa) son (-before 715).
3. MASO . m ---. The name of Maso's wife is not known. Maso & his wife had --- children:
a) sons .
4. ATALA . A 15th century genealogy included in the cartulary of Honau names "sanctam Attalam, Eugeniam et Gerlindam" as the three daughters of "Adelbertus
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Alsace, France
1993 |
January 15, 1993
Age 1292
February 10, 1993
Age 1292
February 11, 1993
Age 1292
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