Immediate Family
About Arnaud "Manzer", count of Angoulême
ARNAUD "Mancer" d'Angoulême
From FMG Medlands:
ARNAUD "Mancer" d'Angoulême, illegitimate son of GUILLAUME [II] "Taillefer" Comte d'Angoulême & his mistress --- (-[4] Mar [989/91], bur Angoulême Saint-Cybard). The Chronicle of Adémar de Chabannes records that the testament of "Willelmus Sector ferri" was signed by "…Arnaldus filius Willelmi, Adhemarus filius Willelmi", another manuscript stating that he had no children by his wife and that these two sons were born "ex concubinis"[477]. Ademar names Arnaud son of "Willelmi Sectoris-ferri", recording that he defeated and killed his second cousin Ranulf "Bompar" in 975[478], succeeding as Comte d'Angoulême. The Historia Pontificum et Comitum Engolismensis records that, after the death of “fratre eius Guillelmo” (“eius” referring to “Arnaldus cognomento Borrario”), “Rannulfus Bonparus” was killed by “Arnoldo Manzere, id est, adulterino filio Guillelmi Sectoris-ferri” who gained control of “principatum Engolismæ”[479]. The Chronicle of Adémar de Chabannes records that "Arnaldus…comes Engolismensis" abdicated in 988 in favour of his son Guillaume, took the monastic habit at "ecclesia Buxensi sancti Amancii" and entered the monastery of "sancti Eparchii" [Saint-Cybard] where he was buried "IV Non Mar" next to his father[480].
m firstly RAINGARDE, sister of BELLUS HOMO, daughter of ---. "Willelmus Engolismensium comes" founded the priory of Vindelle with the consent of "coniuge mea Girberge atque filiis…meis vivis Helduini seu Gauzfredi" for the souls of "progenitoris mei seu genetrice mea Hernaldi atque Raingardi" by undated charter which also names "[filii sui] defuncti Harnaldi atque Willelmi"[481]. "Willelmus comes" restored the monastery of Saint-Amant-de-Boixe to the cathedral of Angoulême by charter dated 988 after 4 Mar, naming "genitoris mei Arnaldi et Bellus Homo clericus avunculus meus"[482]. m secondly (before 13 May 988) ALDEARDE d'Aulnay, widow of ARBERT [I] Vicomte de Thouars, daughter of CADELON [II] Vicomte d'Aulnay & his first wife Senegundis --- (-[1020]). "Senegundis" donated property "in pago Alnisio" to the Saint-Maixent by charter dated May 964 subscribed by "Cadelonis, Ebulonis, Ode, Aldeardis, Goscelmi"[483], "Aldeardis" presumably referring to her daughter. "Audeardis et filii meum" returned property to Saint-Maixent by charter dated 13 May 988 which refers to the burial of "Arbertum seniorem meum" and was subscribed by "…Aimerici filii sui…"[484]. However, the document which links these two references and confirms that Aldéarde wife of Vicomte Arbert [I] was the daughter of Cadelon [III] has not so far been located. The primary source which confirms her second marriage has not yet been identified. However, it is indicated by the charter dated Jan 988 or 992 under which "Aldegardis comptissa" donated property "in Niortinse juxta ecclesiam Sancti Gaudentii" to Nouaillé, for the souls of "Kadeloni genitrice meo et…Senegundis genetrici mea…et…Arberti vicecomitis et…Arnaldi comitis"[485]. Comte Arnaud & his first wife had one child: 1. GUILLAUME [IV] d'Angoulême
Arnaud "Manzer", count of Angoulême's Timeline
927 |
Angoulême, Charente, Poitou-Charentes, France
950 |
960 |
Angoulême, Charente, Poitou-Charentes, France
992 |
March 4, 992
Age 65
Rue Saint-Cybard, Angoulême, Charente, Poitou-Charentes, France
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Saint-Cybard, Angoulême