Historical records matching Archbishop of Dol Geoffrey de Sablé
Immediate Family
half sister
half brother
half brother
About Archbishop of Dol Geoffrey de Sablé
- This is a Pedigree for the Archbishops of Dol in Brittany France 'The earliest known person the lineage traces back to be a man named Hamo I, Viscount of Alet, France' who was born between 963-1023 AD.
- This show that Caradoc de la Boussac parents are unknown and the family of his son Withenoc wife's family.
- Reference: http://fmg.ac/phocadownload/userupload/foundations3/JN-03-01/061Dol...
"Geoffroy de Sablé , Lord of Sablé .
Sablé Castle was built in the last third of the 10th century by the Count of Maine , Hugues III of Maine , “ comes Cenomanensis quando fecit castellum de Sabolio ” 1 . He then built the church of Saint-Malo : “ Fecit in eo ecclesiam Sancti Machuti ” (Ibidem). He later gave it by subjugation to the brother of his viscount, Geoffroy, and it is the only gift of this nature which has been made surely and entirely in Maine by the count, for Mayenne and even Laval were not delegated without interference fromCount of Anjou . The infeodation should not be traced any higher, since it is expressly said that it was the builder who disposed of it and that, moreover, there is no mention of a castle built earlier in the province.
This Geoffroy was the third son of Raoul III de Beaumont-au-Maine , Viscount of Maine , and one of his wives, Guinor or Godehilde. His older brothers were Yves, cleric and archdeacon; Raoul , who succeeded his father as viscount; the two youngest were named Hubert and Eude. His brother, Viscount Raoul, is cited in 994 with his father in the charter of Évron . Geoffroy's work was the foundation of the priory of Solesmes 2 in favor of the Abbaye de la Couture . He obtained the estate and other lands from his brother: Chantemesle and Rocheteau, from the donation of Count Hugues, from beneficio nostro, said the latter. On his side, Geoffroy added Melleray , Bousse , les Vallières , Bouessay , gifts of a man of good name Primault, who had consecrated himself to God; on his own, he conceded the burial of the bourgeois of Sablé and Bresnières. On the day of the consecration of the church, in front of the count, the founder's wife and children consented. The original donation, which dates from 1010 , was confirmed by a contemporary charter of the count and later by extension of 1065 in Angers , and by William the Conqueror , in Bonneville-sur-Touques , theMarch 30 , 1073."
Archbishop of Dol Geoffrey de Sablé's Timeline
1000 |
Sarthe, Maine, Pays de la Loire, France
1015 |
Sable, Sarthe, Maine/Pays de la Loire, France
1035 |
Sable, Sarthe, Maine/Pays de la Loire, France
1036 |
Age 36