Anthony Cossart, born 14 November 1673 in Bushwick, Kings County, New York; died 1756 in Sommerville, Somerset County, New York. He was the son of Jacques Cossart and Lydia Willems. He married Elizabeth Tymensen Valentine 2 August 1696 in Schenectady, New York. He married widow Judith Henricks Alward of Woodbridge, NJ, in 1722.
Anthony is listed as Anthony Cozar among the early settlers of Piscataway Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey. Later, his name appears on the Dutch Reformed Church of Raritan (Somerville), Somerset County, New Jersey.
Source: http://www.e-familytree.net/f4864.htm
Marriage records of the Dutch Reformed Church shows "Anthony Cousart Ingeschreven July 17, 1696, j.m. Van N. Yorck, en Lysbeth Valentine, August 2, 1696, j. d. Van Schenecatade, beyde Woonende alhier."
Anthony and Elizabeth sold their house in Cripple Bush, Brooklyn, March 20, 1703. It appears to be a reasonable suppositionthat Anthony, with his family, migrated to the Raritan region of New Jersey prior to 1712 with other settlers who left in large numbers from the neighborhood of Brooklyn between 1680 and 1720.
from Marcia Sabol's Family Tree Maker website (http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/s/a/b/Marcia-Marie-Sabol...):
Descendants are now using surnames of Casad, Cazort, Corzatt, Cosad, Cozad, Cozart, Crozatt.
Clerissa H. Tatterson's The Cozad Family (1985) on p. 82-91 of Hacker's Creek Journal (vol. 4, Issue 2; Jan-Mar 1986) provides a brief history of the early Coassart family and in particular the branch that migrated into Monongalia and Lewis Counties of West Virginia.
It appears to be a reasonable supposition that Anthony with his son Jacob migrated to the Raritan region in New Jersey when large numbers from the region of Brooklyn left for that country which was being settled up between 1680-1720. On the records of the Dutch Reformed church of Somerville, NJ appears the name of Anthony Cossart. A considerable amount of data has been written on Anthony's branch of the family by the late Professor James of the University of Chicago and the late Oliver L. Cozad of Marion, Ohio. This branch is noted for the large number of Ministers of the Gospel and Merchants that can claim descent from the above couple.
Anthony COSSART migrated with his family with other settlers who left Brooklyn in large numbers when the Raritan region was being settled up from 1680-1720. He settled in Piscataway, Middlesex County, N.Jersey, recorded as Anthony COZAR.
1707- The mark of Antoni Cussaw for his cattel horses and hoss is a halfe peny on the under side of the right eare and a nick on the upper side of the same eare opaset against the halfe peny. Entered this 17 day of March 1706/7 at Piscataway, Somerset Co., New Jersey.
1701-On the census of Brooklyn, NY, Anthony COSSAR is listed with wife, 2 children, an apprentice, and ten slaves.
1701-Jacob COUSAAR, son of Anthoni Coussar and Lysbeth PENTS, was bapt. 16. Oct 1701 in Bushwick, New York.
Anthony owned a farm in the vicinity of the present site of the Brooklyn Navy Yards. He was a member of the Dutch Reformed Church and was a farmer by trade. Anthony and Elizabeth lived in Cripple Creek or Cripplebush, Bushwick (now Brooklyn), at the intersection of the Cripplebush Road and the Wallabout and Newtown Road, or about Nostrand and Flushing Avenues of today, but sold their home on March 20,1703 and moved to Bound Brook, Somerset Co., NJ. One source states their farm was in the vicinity of the present site of the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Deeds and other documents for Anthony showed his surname spelled Coussar, Cossaer, Coesaer and Cozar as well as Cosart.
Brooklyn Deeds, Liber 2, p. 190 Genealogy of the Cossairt Family by Joseph Arthur Cossairt Frank Bruno's research Boston Transcripts, May 13, 1935 Info from Barbara Fathing Bonham msb@myfamily.org
Census of Kings County, L.I., abt. 1698, list of Freeholders of Brookland: Anthony Coesaer. 1 male, 1 wife, 1 child, 1 apprentice and no slaves.
Surname spelled 15 dif. ways, (Hamill). He was b. in Brooklyn, Dec. 19, 1673, m (1) July 17, 1696, Elizabeth Valentine; m. (2) Judith, lived at Brooklyn and Somerville, NJ. His father was Jacques Cossart, a French Huguenot who fled from Rouen, France, to Germany, then to Leyden Holland m. there Lydia Williams; then to New Haven, Conn., 1663, then to Brooklyn. Source Early German Settlers of NJ, 1895; Riker, History of Haarlem, pp. 117-228; Doc. Hist. of N.Y., Vol. III Record, Vol. XVIII, p. 111
New Jersey was settled largely by Puritans, Quakers and Scotch Presbyterians. David and Anthony Cossart, (sons of Jacques, the emigrant) were among the early settlers on the banks of the Raritan. The family later scattered through other portions of the state. Morris county was formed from a portion of Hunterdon in 1738. The town of Mendham was called Roxiticus prior to 1749. Morris township, Washington County, Penna. or that portion lying along the banks of the middle branch of "Ten Mile Creek" in the vicinity of the village of Prosperity, was first settled by the Lindleys, Baldwins, Parkhursts, and other Morris County, New Jersey families about 1785-1790. They were joined in 1796 by other Morris County families, among the number being the COZADS, Casterlines, Rays, Owens, Axtels, Mintons, Days and others. The township was so named on account of the many Morris County, New Jersey, families who first settled it.
Anthony COSSART's name appears on the records of the Dutch Reform Church of Raritan, New Jersey starting in 1712.
1715- Anthony COSAR was in the New Jersey Militia of Piscataway in 1715, in Colonel Thomas Farmer's Regiment, Fourth Company, Capt. Thomas Wetherle.
1717- Anthony Cosart witnessed the will of Edward Doty in 1717 at Piscataway, N. Jersey.
1722-Anthony COSSART (1673-1740) married second at Somerset Co., New Jersey, in 1722 to Judith Hendricks of Woodbridge, daughter of Jabez and Hannah (More) Hendricks and widow of Henry Alward of Woodbridge who died in 1718. Anthony and Judith COSSART had children: Elizabeth, David, William.
1735-Anthone COSSART/COSART had a charge account at the Janeway Store (?), near Bridgewater, Somerset Co., from January 1735 to August 1740. He delivered merchandise to Derrick Conine and Frederick Colebank.
1747-Raphael Goelet, NYC, states in his will, dated 23 December, 1747, "All the rest of my wearing apparel I leave to my uncle Anthony Coessard's family living at Raritan, in New Jersey."
Apparently one of Anthony's descendants purchased land along Dockwatch Hollow Brook and East Branch Creeks. "Peter Sonman's 2,000 acres were divided up among individual purchasers from 1758-1760" Map from "North of the Raritan Lotts", History of Martinsville, NJ Area, 1975--shows #8
Antoney Cusart - 100 acres-1760.
Anthony sold their house (farm) in Cripple Bush, Brooklyn, NY (present Brooklyn Navy Yard) on March 20, 1705 and moved to the Raritan region of New Jersey.
More About Anthony Cossart:
Baptism: 19 Nov 1673, Dutch Reformed Church,Brooklyn, NY.
Church Affiliation: Reformed Dutch Church of New York City. Occupation: Farmer. Residence: Brooklyn, New York. Residence 2: 1703, Raritan, Somerset County, NJ.
More About Anthony Cossart and Elizabeth Tymerson Valentine: Marriage: 17 Jul 1696, Brooklyn, NY.
Marriage Notes for Anthony Cossart and Elizabeth Tymerson Valentine: According to Cossairt, they married in Brooklyn, NY. According to "Marraige records from Dutch Church New York 1639-1801, Justice Collection-Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, 1300 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa. they married on August 2, 1696 in Schenectady, Schenectady County, NY
ID: I15197
•Name: Anthony Cossart Sr. 1 2 3 4 •Sex: M •Birth: 14 NOV 1673 in Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA 3 1 4 •Baptism: 19 NOV 1673 Dutch Reformed Church •Christening: 19 NOV 1673 Manhattan,NY 4 •Title: I 4 •Death: 1756 in Somerville, Somerset, New Jersey, USA 3 1 •Name: Anthony (Cozart) Cossart 5 6 •Death: Y 1756 in Bound Brook,Somerville,NJ 4 •Note: Anthony Cousaar and his wife Elizabeth sold their house and lot in Cripple Bush, Brooklyn, March 20, 1703. See Brooklyn Deed Book, Liber 2, at page 190.
"This indenture made and concluded the 20th day of March in the second year of the reign of Anne, by the grace of God Queen of England, Scotland, France ......... and in the year of our Lord God 1703 between Anthony Cossaer and Elizabeth Cossaer, his wife, of Cripple Boush within the jurisdiction of Brookland in King's County upon the Island of Nassaw, of the one part, and Thomas Jacobse, of the same place, of the other part witnesseth. That the said Anthony Cossaer and Elizabeth, his wife, have and in consideration of eight pounds good and lawful money of New York to them in hand paid by the said Thomas Jacobse, his heirs ...... granted, bargained and sold, and by these presents do grant, bargain, and sell unto the said Thomas Jacobse, his heirs and assigns forever and all that ...... certain home lot of ground situated and being in the Cripple Bush ...... on the one side the same lot ........etc., etc.
"Anthony Coosaer, 1 male, 1 wife, 1 child, 1 apprentice and no slaves." Freeholders of Brookland, Census of Kings County, L.I., about 1698.
Anthony and his wife Elizabeth sold their house and lot in Cripple Bush, Brooklyn, March 20, 1703. It appears to be a reasonable supposition that Anthony, with his family migrated to the Raritan region of New Jersey prior to 1712 with other settlers who left in such large numbers from the neighborhood of Brooklyn between 1680 and 1720. He is listed as Anthony Cozar among the early settlers of Piscataway Township, Middlesex Co., NJ. This list was published in the Boston Evening Transcript of May 3, 1916, and represents the leading names of the early settlers of this new colony. Later his name appears on the records of the Dutch Reformed Church at Raritan (Somerville), Somerset Co., NJ.
Progenitors of the Crozatt, Corzatt, Cosad, Cozad, Casad, and most of the Cozart families. His son Jacob was the progenitor of the Casad, Cosad, Cozad, and Cozart family found throughout the United States today.
By referring to old documents, church lists, etc., now on file in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, it will be found that about this time the family began changing the spelling of the name from French and German to English, and it may be found spelled in different ways, Viz., Cozad, Cosad, Casad, and Cozart.
New jersey was first settled largely by Puritans, Quakers, and Scotch Presbyterians. David and Anthony Cossart (sons of the immigrant Jacques) were among the early settlers on the banks of the Raritan. The family later scattered through other portions of the state. Morris Co., NJ was formed from a portion of Hunterdon in 1738. The town of Mendham was called Roxiticus prior to 1749.
Morris Township, Washington Co., PA, or that portion lying along the banks of the middle branch of "Ten Mile Creek" in the vicinity of the village of Prosperity, was first settled by the Lindleys, Baldwins, Parkhursts and other Morris Co., NJ families about 1785 - 1790. They were joined in 1796 by other Morris Co. families, among the number being the Cozads, Casterlines, Rays, Owens' Axtels, Mintons, Days and others. The town was so named on account of the many Morris Co., NJ families who first settled it.
"October 1717 - Anthony Cozar was a witness to the Will of Edward Doty of Piscataway Township, Middlesex Co. NJ" (Reference: New Jersey Archives - Abstract of Wills 1670 - 1730, Series 1, page 141).
HintsAncestry Hints for Anthony (Cozart) Cossart
10 possible matches found on Ancestry.com Ancestry.com
Father: Jacques "Jacob" Cossart b: MAY 1639 in Leyden,Zuid-Holland,The Netherlands Mother: Lea (Lydia) Villeman b: ABT 1640 in Frankenthal, Germany
Marriage 1 Elizabeth Tymensen Valentine b: 1675 in Schenectady, Schenectady Co., NY•Married: 17 JUL 1696 in Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA 2 5 6 4 •Note: The marriage record of Dutch Reformed Church shows "Anthony Cousart Ingeschreven July 17, 1696, j.m. Van N. Yorck en Lysbeth Valentine, August 2, 1696, j.d. Van Schenecatde, beyde Woonende alhier". Children1.Has No Children Lea Cossart b: 04 JAN 1697 in Brooklyn, NY 2.Has Children Jacob Cossart III b: 28 JAN 1700 in Brooklyn, New York c: 16 OCT 1701 in Dutch Reformed Church, Brooklyn, Kings, Ny 3.Has Children William Cossart b: ABT 1703 4.Has No Children Jannettje Cossart b: ABT 1708 5.Has Children Johannes "John" Cossart b: 11 NOV 1711 6.Has Children Anthony Cossart Jr. b: 06 AUG 1712 in Bound Brook, NJ
Marriage 2 Judith Hendricks Alward b: 1697 in New Jersey or New York, USA•Married: 1722 in Somerset Co.,NJ 4 Children1.Has No Children David Cossart b: 08 JAN 1724/25 in Raritan, Somerset Co., New Jersey, USA 2.Has No Children William Cossart b: 28 APR 1728 in Raritan, Somerset Co., New Jersey, USA
Sources: 1.Author: Brøderbund Software, Inc. Title: World Family Tree Vol. 4, Ed. 1 Publication: Name: Release date: August 23, 1996; Note: Source Medium: Family Archive CD
Customer pedigree.
Page: Tree #0786 Text: Date of Import: Sep 24, 2000 2.Author: Brøderbund Software, Inc. Title: World Family Tree Vol. 4, Ed. 1 Publication: Name: Release date: August 23, 1996; Note: Source Medium: Family Archive CD
Customer pedigree.
Page: Tree #4106 Text: Date of Import: Sep 24, 2000 3.Author: Ancestry.com Title: OneWorldTree Publication: Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Repository: Name: www.ancestry.com Page: Database online. Text: Record for Jacques Cossart 4.Author: Ancestry.com Title: Public Member Trees Publication: Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2006; Repository: Name: www.ancestry.com Page: Database online. Text: Record for Anthony Cossart 5.Author: Brøderbund Software, Inc. Title: World Family Tree Vol. 3, Ed. 1 Publication: Name: Release date: February 9, 1996; Note: Source Medium: Family Archive CD
Customer pedigree.
Page: Tree #1247 Text: Date of Import: Dec 31, 2000 6.Title: cozart.FTW Note: Source Medium: Other
Text: Date of Import: Dec 31, 2000
WikiTree MyHeritage <a href='http://www.wikitree.com' target='wikitree'>www.wikitree.com</a> https://www.myheritage.com/research/record-10109-2506013/anthony-co... 29 JAN 2019 Event: Discovery Role: 10109:2506013: Added via a Record Match
1673 |
November 14, 1673
Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, British Colonial America
November 19, 1673
Kings County, New York, British Colonial America
November 19, 1673
Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York
1696 |
August 2, 1696
Age 22
1697 |
June 4, 1697
Brooklyn, Middlesex County, NY
1700 |
1701 |
October 17, 1701
Brooklyn, Kings County, New York
1703 |
April 28, 1703
Raritan, Middlesex, New Jersey
1708 |
April 16, 1708
Bound Brook, Somerset, New Jersey