Immediate Family
About Ansbold van Gavre
[Two siblings], parents not known:
1. RASO [II van Gavre] (-after 1 Feb 1117). "…Razonis de Gavara, Ansboldi nepotis eius…" signed the charter dated to [1073] under which "Walterus de Afsna" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand[479]. "Lotbertus…abbas Hasnoniensis cœnobii" sold property "in Alost et Rasseghem et Lede" to "Gisilberto Balduini Gandensis filio" by charter dated 1088, witnessed by "…Raso de Gavra…"[480]. "…Razonis de Gauera, Rothardi de Sotengem, Razonis de Melne…" signed the charter dated 1090 under which "Duum cum filiabus Folquif et Oda et Ingelrad" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand[481]. "…Walteri de Sottengem, Rasonis de Gavra…" signed the charter dated 1114 under which "Willelmus de Bethunia dominus de Tenremonde et Mathildis uxor mea" granted rights to the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand[482]. "Galterus custos Teruanensis, Haket castellanus Brugensis, Galterus castellanus Curtracensis, Baldwinus de Alost, Razo de Gavera…" signed the charter dated 1115 under which "Balduinus…Flandrensium comes" confirmed donations to Voormezeele abbey, with the consent of "Adam, Formosellenis castelli tunc domino"[483]. "Wenemarus castellanus Gandensis, Hachet castellanus Brugensis, Galterus castellanus Curtracensis, Baldewinus de Alost et Iwain frater eius, Razo de Gavera…" signed the charter dated 1 Feb 1117 under which "Balduinus…Flandrensium comes" confirmed donations to Voormezeele abbey[484].
2. NN m ---. One child:
a) ANSBOLD . "…Razonis de Gavara, Ansboldi nepotis eius…" signed the charter dated to [1073] under which "Walterus de Afsna" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Gand[485].