Anneken was a daughter of Albert Sebastiaens van Beyeren and Maritgen Pauwels Stewicx, born about 1610 in the Netherlands.[1]
She was married on 17 March 1630 at The Hague, Netherlands, to Daniel Patrick. Their marriage intention described him as "Daniel Kirpatrick, bachelor, from England, Captain" and it described her as "Anna Vanbeyeren, spinster, living in the Hague."[2]
Anneken and her husband emigrated to New England in 1630, settling initially at Watertown, Massachusetts. By 1632 they had removed to Cambridge, Massachusetts, then by 1636 they had returned to Watertown.[3] In 1640 they went to Greenwich, Connecticut, which was part of New Netherland. Her husband and Robert Feake had purchased the site of Greenwich from Indians.[4]
Daniel Patrick was shot to death at Stamford, Connecticut, late in 1643, and Anneken subsequently (between 1644 and 1648) was married to Tobias Feake.[5]
Anneken van Beyeren died at Flushing, Long Island, New Netherland, in 1656.
Mother of
- Hannah (Patricke) Applegate,
- Patientia (Patrick) Cornelius,
- Daniel (Patrick) Kirkpatrick and
- James Feake
family: Anna Patrick and Bartholomew Applegate
Anna was born circa 1634 at Connecticut. She was the daughter of Captain Daniel Patrick and Anna van Beyeren. Her name in Dutch was "Anneken". In some records she is referred to as Hanna. On 31 Marh 1649, Anna bound over to Cornelius van Tienhoven as a servant by her step father, Tobias Feake. She was to serve him for a period of two years as long as he was to remain in New Netherlands. If he did not remain, she would have her freedom & be allowed to keep the clothing she had been given. Ir appears he must have left as she did not remain with him. Tobias received 25 guilders in seawan at the comensement of her service.2,3 Anna married Bartholomew Applegate in October 1650 at Gravesend, Kings County. They resided in Gravesend in 1650. The couple resided at Gravesend, Long Island. On 6 November 1671, the govenor ordered 10 pounds to be paid by certain individuals toward the release of Hanna Apelgate & her child, 5 pounds in red cloth. It is thought that this was payment to release her from capitivity by the Indians. Some time in the 1670's, the family resided in Manmouth County, New Jersey where they were listed among the first settlers who came from Long Island.4,5
- Anderson, Robert Charles. The Great Migration Begins. Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1995. page 1403, 1405
- “ He was also a well-known philanderer and eventually departed the colony:;“For though he had a wife of his own, a good Dutch woman and comely, yet he despised her and followed after other women and perceiving that he was discovered, and that such evil courses would not be endured here, and being of a vain and unsettled disposition, he went from us… ”
- Torrey, Volume Title: New England Marriages Prior to 1700 AncestryImage
- [S90] Genealogies of Long Island Families From the New York Genealogical & Biographical Record, Volume II: pages 497-499. "The Ancestry of Anna van Beyeren who married first Daniel Patrick & second Tobias Feake" by Josephine Frost. - [concerning the identification of the heirs in the estate of Aelbert Bastiaens van Beyeren and Marigen Pouwel Stewix, father and mother of Anneken van Beyeren, in 1662] “May 19, 1662, appeared before me Mattheus de Vos, notary public in New Amsterdam, Jan Laurens 43 years of age, living in Hemstead, Flushing, L.I. and 18 years in New Amsterdam, Hendrick Willems Backer, 45 years, lived in New Amsterdam 15 years, Jan Hendricks Steelman, 45 years, lived in Flushing 25 years and New Amsterdam 17 years, Claes van Elsland, 30 years, lived in New Amsterdam 20 years, - and declared on the request of the children of Anneken van Beyeren and of Tobias Feaks, the last husband of said Anneken, that they had known her during her lifetime as wife of Capt. Daniel Patrick who was shot at Stanford in New England by on Hans Frederick, and after the death of Patrick she married Tobias Feaks and she died in Flushing, New Netherlands, in April six years ago. (1656) She left behind her four children by Daniel Patrick and one by Tobias Feaks who have all appeared before the notary. Their names and Anna Patrick wife of Bartholomew Applegate, living in Gravesend; Patientia Patrick, wife of Arent Cornelius of Flushing, Zeeland, and living in Flushing, Long Island. Daniel Patrick, living in Middleburg, Long Island, Samuel Patrick, living in Gravesend, all villagesin the jurisdiction of New Netherland, and James Feaks son of her second husband Tobias Feaks.”.
- [S90] Genealogies of Long Island Families From the New York Genealogical & Biographical Record, Volume II: pages 497-499 - "The Ancestry of Anna van Beyeren who married first Daniel Patrick & second Tobias Feake" by Josephine Frost. - 23 May 1630 - Anneken van Beyeren age 20 years.
- [S90] Genealogies of Long Island Families From the New York Genealogical & Biographical Record, Volume II: pages 497-499 - "The Ancestry of Anna van Beyeren who married first Daniel Patrick & second Tobias Feake" by Josephine Frost. - In the town Archives at th Hague there was found the following marriage record: "3 March 1630 Daniel Kir[k]patrick from England, Captain, with Anna van Beyeran, spinster, living in the Hague."
- [S90] Genealogies of Long Island Families From the New York Genealogical & Biographical Record, Volume I: page -.
- [S90] Genealogies of Long Island Families From the New York Genealogical & Biographical Record, Volume I: page 421 -.
- [S971] Patricia L. Haslam, Captain Daniel Patrick of the 1630 Winthrop Fleet & Some of His Descendants, page 474 - 14 August 1649, Tobias & Anna sent Adriaen vander Donck to Holland to check on her affairs.
- [S90] Genealogies of Long Island Families From the New York Genealogical & Biographical Record, Volume II: pages 497-499 - "The Ancestry of Anna van Beyeren who married first Daniel Patrick & second Tobias Feake" by Josephine Frost. ... Anna died April six years past.
- [S971] Patricia L. Haslam, Captain Daniel Patrick of the 1630 Winthrop Fleet & Some of His Descendants, page 475 - Anneken’s four children with her first husband, Daniel Patrick and her son with Tobias Feake were named in a document dated 19 May 1662:;”Anna Patrick, wife of Bartholomew Applegate living in Gravesend; Patientia Patrick, wife of Arent Cornelius of Flushing, Zeeland, and living in Flushing, Long Island; Daniel Patrick living in Middleburg; Samuel Patrick living in Gravesland (all villages in the jurisdiction of New Netherland); and James Feackx. Daniel and Samuel were under age on 24 June 1662 when Martin Kresjier (Creiger) and Pieter Kowenhoven, Orphan Masters at the Court at New Amsterdamn, were appointed their guardians in papers filed in the Orpans Court at The Hague, Holland. The children were to gain possession of the inheritance of their maternal grandparents.“
- Great Migration Begins, Vol 3, P-W. “Daniel Patrick.” Page 1405. AncestryImage. ii. Patience b say 1636 married by 24 June 1662 [NS] Arent Cornelis of Flushing. [NYGBR 113:150-152]