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Anna van Oorschot (1595 - 1640)

Also Known As: "Anna Gijsberts Wouters Middach (van Oorschot)"
Birthplace: Heikoop, Netherlands
Death: circa 1640 (36-53)
Heikoop, Netherlands
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Wouter van Oorschot
Wife of Anthonis Aertse Middagh
Mother of Aert Theuniszen Middagh; Gysbert Theuniszen Middag; Cornelis Thonis (2) Middach; Jannickje Theunis Middach; N.N. Middach and 1 other

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Anna van Oorschot


VI-f Anthonis Aertse Middach is geboren omstreeks 1592 in Middelkoop [bron: JMM], zoon van Aert Anthonisz Middach (zie V-b) en Janichjen Cornelisse (Jenneke Cornelisdr.) Nobel. Notitie bij de geboorte van Anthonis: Geboren/gedoopt tussen 1590 en 1593 .
Anna is niet vermeld in de verdeling van de boedel van Anthonis wanneer zijn zonen het 11 Dec 1671 verdelen. Anthonis is overleden vóór 1661 in Heicop, ten hoogste 69 jaar oud [bron: EGM]. Notitie bij Anthonis: Schepen en Heemraad van Hei- en Boeicop. (supervisor van de waterwegen) Beroep: Schepenen en heemraad van Hei- en Boeicop Anthonis trouwde, ongeveer 26 jaar oud, omstreeks 1618 in Heicop [bron: Familysearch] met Anna Gijsberts Wouters van Oirschot, ongeveer 23 jaar oud. Anna is geboren omstreeks 1595. Anna is overleden in 1640 in Heicop, ongeveer 45 jaar oud. Kinderen van Anthonis en Anna: 1 Gijsbert Anthonisz. Middagh, geboren omstreeks 1620 in Heicop. Volgt VII-h. 2 Cornelis Anthonisz. Middagh, geboren omstreeks 1627 in Heicop. Volgt VII-i. 3 Aert Anthonisz Middach (gh), geboren omstreeks 1629 in Heicop, the Netherlands. Volgt VII-j. 4 Jannichje Theunis Middach, geboren omstreeks 1631. Volgt VII-k. 5 N.N. Middach, geboren omstreeks 1633. Volgt VII-l. 6 Gloria Theunis Middach, geboren omstreeks 1635 in Heicop. Volgt VII-m.

Google translates:

VI-f Anthonis Aertse Middach was born around 1592 in Middelkoop [ source: JMM ], son of Aert Anthonisz Middach (see Vb ) and Janichjen Cornelisse (Jenneke Cornelisdr.) Nobel. Note at the birth of Anthonis: Born / Baptized between 1590 and 1593 . Anna is not mentioned in the distribution of the estate of Anthonis when his sons divide 11 Dec 1671. Anthonis died before 1661 in Heicop , no more than 69 years old [ source: EGM ]. Note to Anthonis: Ships and Heemraad van Hei- en Boeicop. (waterway supervisor) Occupation: Schepenen and heemraad van Hei- en Boeicop Anthonis married, about 26 years, about 1618 in Heicop [ source: Familysearch ] withAnna Gijsberts Wouters of Oirschot , about 23 years old. Anna was born around 1595. Anna died in 1640 in Heicop , about 45 years old. Children of Anthonis and Anna: 1 Gijsbert Anthonisz. Middagh , born around 1620 in Heicop . Follows VII-h . 2 Cornelis Anthonisz. Middagh , born around 1627 in Heicop . Follows VII-i . 3 Aert Anthonisz Middach (gh) , born about 1629 in Heicop, The Netherlands . Follows VII-j . 4 Jannichje Theunis Middach , born around 1631. Following VII-k . 5 NN Middach , born around 1633. Following VII-l . 6 Gloria Theunis Middach , born about 1635 in Heicop . Follows VII-m .


Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. @R53090871@


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Anna van Oorschot's Timeline

Heikoop, Netherlands
Heikoop, Utrecht, Netherlands
Heicop, Hei- en Boeicop, South Holland, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
Heicop, Hei- en Boeicop, Zederik, South Holland, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
Heicop, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
Age 45
Heikoop, Netherlands